JohnPaul34's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about JohnPaul34's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a wonderful way to start my week! You are getting better with each project. I like to learn what you are studying - I don't know about the various artwork history, so I am learning from you. Keep the good work coming! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.
- on December 6, 2007
This one is terrific! You get your lines so nice and neat, shows that you are really concentrating on doing a good job. Keep up the nice work - I can't wait to see some new pictures. Love you and miss you. Aunt Paula
- on November 2, 2007
You are the next Picasso! I'll be lining up at the Art Museum pretty soon. Keep up the good work. Art is not easy - it's a natural talent and you need to keep working to share it with all of us. I love you Aunt Paula
- on November 2, 2007
John Paul, I'm very impressed with your artwork! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into it, and it turned out great! We are very proud of you and we are hoping to see more of your artwork soon! Love, Lisa, Eric, and Katelyn
- on October 30, 2007
John Paul: This is beautiful! I love the colors and arrangement you used - you must get your artistic talent from me! I love you honey and am so proud! Keep up the good work. Aunt Paula
- on October 29, 2007
Very good artwork, someday you may be a professional artist. We like all the different colors of beads that you used. You will have to show us how you created this. We love you, David and Derek
- on October 24, 2007