Keaton2615's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Keaton2615's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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KEATS ma GEEEEEETS! That is some AWESOME popWORK! (see what I did there? I combined Pop Art with Work! And that's what YOU DID. You combined all kinds of crazy kewl neato things into such a smart and fun WEB of POPS. I like the direction you are going with this. NO!
- UNCLE on March 21, 2024
this is GOOD STUFF Keats MaGeats! Dragon?!?!? Keaton will show you DRAGON! I like how this guy is gotching around the screen like he has something to prove. he's a DRAGON!
- uncles on January 18, 2024
WOW! What is happening here? Is this a stadium? Is this a Tower? Are you fishing? The blues and greens and purples are so pretty. I love the patterns and can tell you worked very hard on it!
- Ani on September 9, 2023
WOW! This looks like an incredibly complex CASTLE situation! It feels to me like there are many many peoples jookin around and trying to MAKE THEIR WAY inside. Now, there also seems like there are OTHERS trying to KEEP THEM OUT. What a battle we have, ammiright? this is half parts intriguing and most parts SIMPLY AWESOME. Love it gugle grackle! keep up the creativity ma guy
- Uncles on September 9, 2023
WHOA! I think I need to see this live (we're doin it live). Is this 3D? Is this an inner tube? What's it made of? Tell me more about this!
- Ani on April 19, 2023
wholly schmolly. this looks SO FUN. it makes me wanna jump in my own inner tube and go gliding down the river. IT also makes me want a donut. yum.
- Uncles on March 29, 2023
Oh Hello Bear! What's your name? I like your cute little pink ears, handsome tie and warm eyes. I just want to squeeze you. You kind of resemble my nephew Keaton. He's really cute too!
- Megan on December 14, 2022
Keats to the Mageeeets. You have really struck a chord with this one. This guy looks so CURIOUS. I THINK he's a happy sheep but he also seems to be very PENSIVE (ask mommy or daddy what that means). this seems very thoughtful and I love how DONE UP he is. Is that a tie he is wearing? And then what is going on with the extra paw in pencil on the side. Do tell!
- Uncle Gotcher on December 14, 2022
whoa! who's this cutie guy?! i love it! he's got the draw-so-cute like eyes! nice job! and is he a little businessman? look at his red tie and blue shirt!
- Tami(fan) on December 7, 2022
WHOA!!! This is an exploding picture of happiness. Cool rainbow and I love the mix of orange and green on top. Great bold colors. I LOVE colors. Keep up the great work.
- Megan(fan) on November 23, 2022
Keaton! This is how I’m feeling on the inside!! Makes me feel like happiness is bursting out! Love and happiness!! All of the hearts everywhere are amazing.
- Tami(fan) on September 24, 2022
Dude, bruh!!! Is this your dream vacation home? Is it in lake George?! I want to visit there! Seriously, Keaton, this is a work of art. Truly. I love seeing your creativity at work. You make mommy proud!!
- Tami(fan) on September 24, 2022
Wow - talk about art that POPS! This isn't just hot it's blazin (hip hop and r&b). I love how you're maneuvering the orange to really compliment the greens. great job Kguychock!
- Dan(fan) on September 21, 2022
WOW. Keats MaGEEEEETS. Really starting off the year STRONG with this one my PAL. I love what's going on here. First off, the colors are sweet bra. lots of BLUE! and then some red and orange and even pink to round out the sky. I think my fav is that SPIKE at the back. It reminds me of ZOLTAR (you can ask your dad about that and maybe even make a wish to be BIG!). Keep up the great work guygle grackle! Uncle
- Uncle on September 11, 2022
I am very very very very very very very very amazed by your picture, Keaton. I can't stop looking at it because i find so many things to get lost in and it makes my eyes and my brain so happy! I'm so glad you made this. You really notice a lot of things like how the sky has beautiful bands of different kinds of reds and pinks and oranges, just like a real sunset. And so many awesome waves in the ocean that really feel just like being in a big wild ocean! i feel like i'm rocking in a boat. and there is even a white cap out there! it's really rough waters today. But out in the distance there is a piece of land like a hill with a house on top where someone is very safe inside maybe. I wish i was up in that house! i bet the view from up there is awesome! Great job, Keaton!
- Aunt Cousin Alyssa on September 7, 2022
This picture is so awesome! Did you copy this straight out of. Dr. Seuss book? I love it. What is that curious cat's name? And heart people and lightning. Lots of super cool stuff happening here. I want to visit.
- Megan(fan) on September 7, 2022
Wow Keets McGeets!!! This is awesome. That looks like an amazing sunset. You know, I LOVE sunsets! Is that a church on top of the mountain? Or snow on top of the mountain? Is it rising out of the ocean. This is sooooo cool.
- Megan(fan) on September 4, 2022
Keaton, this is an AWESOME piece of art! It looks like a sunset over the ocean! Is that a whale? Is that a mountain? I love how complex and creative this is. AMAZING WORK BUDDY!!!!
- Daddy on September 2, 2022
What is this dude’s name? I want to take him to lunch to see how he eats his food!!! And to see what his body looks like.
- Tami(fan) on June 2, 2022
This city looks super awesome!! Did that birdie just fly away from that crazy cool tire swing?!!! The stars are shining so bright!!
- Tami(fan) on June 2, 2022
I wish hearts would appear every time it stormed and clouds were our. That would make me happy!!! What is Pikachu thinking about? And where does that ladder lead to? And why does one heart look worried? Its momma and daddy love him soooo much!!!
- Tami(fan) on June 2, 2022
My favorite boy!!!! You are such a charming gardener!!! Why don’t I have you work in our garden?!! Can you make our backyard look like this!??? The flower just jump right out at me!!! In fact, one just landed on my face!!! Arghhhhh!!!!
- Tami(fan) on June 2, 2022
this looks like a really cool place to live. is that your house and remy's house? and a TIRE swing? SO COOL. plus, what kind of BIRD IS JOOKIN AROUND UP THERE? he's having fun in the sky. I like birds.
- Dan(fan) on June 1, 2022
Keats! this guy is so cool. what's his name?
- Dan(fan) on June 1, 2022
This feels like an ARRAY of many different thinks. I don't even know where to begin since there are so many things happening! I really do love the hearts with arms and are they carrying balloons? SO COOL. I also love how picachu makes his grand entrance! so neato rado!
- Dan(fan) on June 1, 2022
Wow KEATS! This is great stuff my guyGLE! Those flowers to me look almost 3D which is super cool and fun. I REALLY like the one in the bottom right because to me it looks like a swirley wirley into infinity! Keep up the great work! - uncle
- Dan(fan) on June 1, 2022
What awesomeness is this!?!?! I never saw this artwork before and there is SO much going on here! Wow, all the different colors, shapes, characters, designs, the hearts the lightning, the black room in the bottom!?!? SO MUCH COOL STUFF! ANd it almost looks like it's all taking place inside of a person's body!?! This is definitely my favorite artwork you've done yet!!! Great job buddy!!
- Daddy on May 17, 2022
Wow, buddy, what a perfect piece of art for springtime! I love how the grass and stalks are in the background but the flowers JUMP OFF THE PAGE at me! And I also thing it's so cool that each of the flowers has its own neat and original design! What a great job you did her - way to go!!
- Daddy on May 17, 2022
What an awesome town, Keaton! I love that you have such cook neighbors - Remy and Tate! And a tire swing, that sounds like so much fun. Keep up the great work!!
- Daddy on October 21, 2021
What an AWESOME monster Keaton! I love it!! He looks like a friendly monster and one I would like to hang out with! I really like all the details you added, especially the teeth!!
- Daddy! on September 1, 2021
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