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Miles6737's Comments
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Below are comments about Miles6737's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oooohh, Very cool Miles! Great art for Halloween. Nice work! Love you - Grandma & Papa
- Susan on November 8, 2023
LOVE this one Miles! The colors you used are so calming and peaceful. You are so talented Miles. We're so proud of you! Grandma and Papa
- Susan on November 8, 2023
You are so talented Miles! Excellent job! Keep up the great work!
- Susan on September 13, 2023
Miles! You are an AMAZING artist!! Your choice of colors and the detail in your drawing is awesome! Keep up the great work!!
- Susan on August 30, 2023
BEAUTIFUL Miles!! Love You! Grandma
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Miles! LOVE your new artwork! You are an amazing photographer! Super job! Love You, Grandma & Papa
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Miles! You are an AWESOME photographer! Nice work Buddy!
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Miles, You are an amazing artist! Your 3D work is incredible! Super Cool!
- Grandma & Papa on November 30, 2022
Great great job Miles….
- Sherry on November 30, 2022
So stink in’ cute! Great job!
- Stephanie (Mother) on January 25, 2022
Love it miles!!! Bet it was fun to make!!
- Sherry on January 26, 2022
AWESOME art work! You have MAD talent Mr. Miles! So proud of you! Love You
- Grandma, Papa & Troy?? on November 3, 2021
Great job Miles!!! Love ??
- Grandma and grandpa on November 3, 2021