Gianna8270's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Gianna8270's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is so beautiful! Great job! Love your style!
- Jessica (Mother) on April 19, 2024
Gianna, Absolutely LOVE this little gnome building, it is the cutest home ever !!! Your class must have had a wonderful time creating these. You have an awesome Art Teacher !!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 6, 2024
Love this HORSE artwork ! Gianna I'm amazed at the wonderful art you do. You are so creative with colors , designs, techniques, textures, artists have a eye for these things. Glad your teacher/ school uses artsonia to post all your works of art.
- Grandma Darlene on March 6, 2024
Gianna, Absolutely LOVE this little gnome building, it is the cutest home ever !!! Your class must have had a wonderful time creating these. You have an awesome Art Teacher !!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 6, 2024
Abstract hands is so awesome. I love your colors choices and color placements. Great job Gianna. Keep up having fun with ART !!!
- Darlene on December 6, 2023
Oh my goodness Gianna, this is absolutely the most beautiful necklace. I love everythingabout this piece, , your choice color, the graduating colors, the rectangle shape, glass looks so very awesome. I can not wait to see it in person. You do wonderful projects in art. Thank you for sharing.
- Grandma Darlene on November 22, 2023
Gianna, Love your glass fusion artwork. It's amazing. Love the colors. You did a wonderful job choosing colors, blending, & arranging them. Glad you are enjoying art class.
- Grandma Darlene on November 22, 2023
Gianna, This OWL is totally awesome. This project certainly looks time consuming, and we see you put alot of thought in the placement of the designs. I love the depth of green you used for your ?? eyes. Love how your art teacher challenges your class to each be your own unique artist.
- Grandma Darlene on October 25, 2023
Gianna, this looks so real . I love the color and the tone of the green. The whole painting looks more natural and real than a are an awesome artist !!!
- Grandma Darlene on June 7, 2023
Gianna, This artwork is absolutely amazing !!!! It has much detail, it's simple to the eye yet pure, and it has your personal artistic touch !!!! I love viewing all your art projects. Your art always is so fantastic, the lines are clear & sharp,detailed, the colors pop & blend. I think with every piece of art you get better & better . Your uniqueness as an artist SHOWS. That is what makes artist stand out. And your art always stands out, it pops , it call the viewer to look closely at details!!! It makes your viewers can not wait to see what you'll do next.
- Darlene on May 10, 2023
Hi Gianna, I love your little blue bird. I imagine it took alot of time to creative...putting texture for his, or her precious feathers. This bird is so unique and delicately designed by you ! I bet your artwork looks more beautiful in person. Pictures are nice but, in person, the person viewing artwork sees all the details the artist tried to make , you are so creative !!! With out a doubt in my mind you will continue to be a great artist with every art project you do this year, and every school year. I always love listening to all the different birds chirping as I walk in nature. I look foward to seeing all your artwork on ARTSONIA!!! Thank you for sharing you art talent so I can see. I love children's ART !!!
- Grandma Darlene on April 26, 2023
I love the texture, the colors, the painting, the landscape. This is an outstanding piece of art. Proud of all your hard work, Gianna. This picture is so unique !!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 15, 2023
Gianna, your weaving is totally awesome!!! I love the order you decided to put the colors. I can not wait to see all your artwork in person. I treasure your art !!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 15, 2023
This is the cutest!! Great job!!
- Jessica (Mother) on March 7, 2023
Wow Gigi! This is beautiful!
- Jill on February 15, 2023
Gianna, I am learning so much about art and artist from your teacher as well. That's what I like about ARTSONIA program. I like reading the brief paragraph that tells about him and his art. I love how you drew and used different colors in the figures and ackgrounds. As an artistno two art pieces are never alike. Like ?? flakes and people. I love watching the video of how all your classmates did their artwork ! It would be cool to met that artistin person. He should see all of your work I bet he'd love each piece of art. You have a wonder teacher.
- Grandma Darlene on January 18, 2023
I love your G! You are so smart and it shows through on your G! Great job! Love you!
- Jessica (Mother) on October 25, 2022
Who would have ever thought a simple design and pattern ever have so many unique possibilities!!! Only an artist like you would have an eye to see so many different ideas of doing a project like this and making it totally yours!!! You are amazing!
- Grandma Darlene on October 26, 2022
Love the black and white print. Love colors but also love black and white has its own richness ! This is very simple and very special ! I definately would hang this in my home ! I need a Gianna gallery wall !!!!
- Grandma Darlene on October 26, 2022
Hi Gianna, I enjoy every piece of art featured by you!!! Your viewers never can be disappointed or bored with your art. You draw many different textures, you have a variety of objects, items, and the colors are always so vibrant. Your " G" art tells me so much more then about your interest in dogs, baseball, horses, painting, mickey mouse, rainbows and ect. I really know how much work you put into this letter "G" art project. This is so " unique " and so cool. I bet it took alot of work to complete. I am so proud of you Gianna ! You truly are a wonderful artist. It's exciting to watch your artistry grow every year since 4K
- Grandma Darlene on October 26, 2022
Gianna, This is so OUTSTANDING & TOTALLLLLY AWESOME !!!! The " BIRCH TREE'S " look so realistic, so unique, from the spacing of the trees, branches, to the shadows, and the background is WOW !!!! LOVE everything about your ARTISTRY!!!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 2, 2022
Oh my goodness " I LOVE THE CARDINAL'S " It's so very perfect with the snow flakes. How awesome, GIANNA !!!
- Grandma Darlene on February 16, 2022
Hi Gianna, I believe you really are an detailed artist who loves colors, knows how to blend colors & shade well, you use details to make letters pop, & you use lines to define your letters, I'm so proud of you and watching your talent bloom !!! LOVE all your HEARTS !!! Thank you for sharing your talent.
- Grandma Darlene on February 16, 2022
Hi Gianna, This is the most beautiful sunflower I ever saw !!! Love the textured inside of the flower, crisp cutting you did on cutting the flower, you are very detailed in designing the leaf. It really stands out on the blue paper. This sunflower is totally unique like you ! Awesome job !
- Grandma Darlene on December 29, 2021
Hi Gianna, Its so awesome to start seeing your artwork again. New beginnings new artwork, its so exciting ! I love your initial, your Love B.B.E. project. The shades of green blue color's are so calming. They remind me of nature , upnorth woods, and the grass. I'm so excited to see all your art project as the new school year !!! You are such a creative artist, you will do an awesome with each art protect you do. Have fun !!!
- Grandma Darlene on September 29, 2021
4 feeling faces artwork ! Your happy girl picture her eyes are so blue, she has a beautiful hair style. The background color yellow even adds to the chirpy happiness ! The sad girls I see her tear, she looks so down I wish I could hugs her sadness away! But you carried out on her facial shading and coloring. Oh on your angry person the eyes look red in angered, the red back ground spells anger. The guilty person make me feel like he is saying not me I didn't do a thing !!! You are an detai led and awesome artist. I love looking at you projects.
- Darlene on May 26, 2021
Hi Gianna, your artwork from the "BIRDS OF THE RAINFOREST " is absolutely beautifully drawn, colorful, I love how you use color combinations. Gianna you also have such a great talent for blending colors. Would you like to visit the Rain Forest ?
- Darlene on May 5, 2021
HI Gianna, I'd loved it if I could buy one of each of your designed shoes. I'do like one left one one right one then another left one since I'd mix match them. I think this is so awesome. I couldn't pick out one favorite one so I have to get one of each!!! This is such an unique art project . The artist is very detailed, loves color, blends color, and this artist well she is unbelievable talented, and loves sharing her talent. We are so lucky as viewers.
- Grandma Darlene on March 24, 2021
Hi Gianna, I totally love all your butterflies. I can not believe how clear and detailed all your butterfly wings turned out. The butterflies body has crisp clear lines, the body is very detailed down to the antena's!!! That is why your prints turned out spectacular!!! You keep having an awesome time in your art class. Butterflies are interesting to learn about did you Google them?
- Grandma Darlene on March 24, 2021
I love your butterflies!!! They are so beautiful!
- Jessica (Mother) on March 20, 2021
Hi Gianna, I just got an email saying you had a new piece of artwork on your Artsonia! I love your woven cup art!!! Weaving is so much fun ! What do you like about weaving ? You can not weave to tight or it looks scrunch or if you weave to loose it can look like it's going to fall apart. YOUR weaving looks so neat so perfect . The blue yarn makes me think of ocean waves such a relaxing color. Thank you Gianna for being such an awesome artist. It's great watching your art ideas, & projects grow . I can not wait to see your art in person !!!
- Grandma Darlene on March 17, 2021
Hi Gianna, WOW This is the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever seen!!! You are an artist that loves colors. You choose bright vibrant colors, you know how to use the colors so they really pop out !!! I love how the vase is two toned, it makes me see the shape of the vase. The yellow and orange background makes the vase stand out so the yellow looks like the surface of the vase is sitting on a table and the orange is like the wall. You even added a frame and made that two toned. What makes the flowers so unique is the way you blended the colors making no 2 flowers alike, you even used different shades of green for the stem & leaf. You are an amazing ARTIST Gianna!!! I'd buy this piece!!! I sure do love this !!! You brightening the world by your art Gianna. Thank you for sharing your art talent's !
- Grandma Darlene on February 24, 2021
ARTIST Gianna, Your artwork continues to amaze me!!! IT'S SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! As an artist you are always so full of detail; You add depth to your design to make it look textured, you add many colors, shapes, lines, you are very good at blending your colors. You seem to know what you like your viewers to see when they view your art ! Seems like you want them to see they will see your crisp lines, color choices & the beauty of blended colors!!! I do know you must have put a lot of time into this art piece. I see all the detailed work you did in just the star alone, your carefully choose the background colors around the star are outstanding choices to help it all pop !!! I am so glad I am able to see this artwork. Gianna your art is absolutely gorgeous !!!
- Grandma Darlene on November 21, 2020
ARTIST Gianna, This is the most beautiful UNICORN !!! I can tell you your lines are so perfectly straight, the ears are drawn so crisp!!! I sense absolutely no sound will pass by those ears, the nose is drawn so realistic, I love your whimsicalness with one eye closed the other peeking !!! I noticed the beautiful details you added to your unicorn the eye lashes are clearly drawn. I love how you swirled the horn, & almost looks like a confetti hair color. I didnt ever thought about how many teeth unicorns had. Love your rainbow of color choices, makes your unicorn pop out !!! WOW Gianna you are such a unique artist !!! So proud of you !!!
- Grandma Darlene on November 21, 2020
Hi Gianna, Love viewing your art. You seem to use a variety of color. It always blends lovely. Your art is getting more detailed and absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing you talent of art. Im so proud of your hardwork. You are a fantastic artist. Keep up to great work. We are looking forward to seeing the next project.
- Grandma Darlene on October 20, 2020
Gianna, This is an awesome drawing. You are turning into a beautiful artist. You are very detailed. The eyes,eye lashes, hair length is even, hair is parted on her head ,styled cute with alittle curled, and her lips are shaped beautifully for her head shape . I can not wait to see your next piece of art. You are one amazing artist !!!
- Grandma Darlene on October 20, 2020