Abigail29961's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Abigail29961's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Abby - I really like the ambiance and mood you've created in this drawing - I'm proud of you for expressing your feelings in your artwork. Keep it up!
- Grandpa Tim on October 11, 2020
Very nice, Abby! You captured that beautiful transition in the sky - between that yellow and rosy sunset quickly changing to violet - that's a special time. And to see you in the woods surrounded by the nature you love - you've shown what means so much to you. I love it.
- Grandma Charmain(fan) on October 11, 2020
I recognized that this was a self-portrait. It not only looks like you but you've included the things you like such as the outdoors and flowers and books and a bird. I like the colors you've chosen too. Very well done.
- Grandma Joyce on October 11, 2020
Wow, nicely done! We agree with your mother's comment, this does really represent who you are. You did a wonderful job. We look forward to seeing more in the future. Love, Gma Helen and Gpa Dallas
- Dallas on October 11, 2020
I love the colors you used for the sky. I think this picture does a great job of representing you: you enjoy nature, colors, solitude, and all kinds of creatures. Very nicely done!
- Jennifer (Mother) on September 23, 2020