ELIZABETH29560's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about ELIZABETH29560's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How adorable! That is the cutest cat ever! You did a great job on your art project. I love it. Love, Grandma
- Susan on June 6, 2024
This looks like it could curl up on my lap. Just like Dugg. Great work.
- Janet on May 29, 2024
That is the coolest Pringle house ever! I love it! Keep up the good work. Love gram
- Susan on February 21, 2024
Your art projects are so awesome!!
- Janet on February 21, 2024
Such a beautiful picture of a zebra. I love it!
- Susan on December 20, 2023
I love this! Awesome work.
- Janet on December 20, 2023
This is awesome!
- Janet on May 24, 2023
Great job!! I love that gum ball machine! Love, grandma
- Susan on May 24, 2023
This is such a cool picture. Keep up the good work.
- Janet on May 10, 2023
I love your art project! I am so proud of you! That basket of fruit looks so real! Keep up the great work Ella! Love gram
- Susan on May 10, 2023
Ella, this painting is beautiful! Great art work. Love it!!
- Susan on May 10, 2023
This is awesome.
- Janet on April 12, 2023
Ella, I love all of your artwork! I really enjoy the owls that you have done.
- Janet on April 12, 2023
Elizabeth. You just keep making your art work so interesting. I can’t wait to see each new project. You do awesome work! I can’t wait to see the next one. Love, Grandma Susan
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Elizabeth. I absolutely love this art piece. It is so colorful. Great job! Keep up your amazing projects in art. Love, grandma
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Elizabeth. I absolutely love your owl! That is so amazing! You are soo good at Art. I hope you continue with your beautiful art projects, because it is so fun to see the progress on each one. Love you, Grandma
- Susan on June 2, 2022
Hello Elizabeth. I love your artwork. This picture says Spring is coming!!! I love all the Spring colors. Every picture you draw just amazes me!! You keep up that great work. I am so proud of you! Love, Grandma
- Susan on March 2, 2022
Elizabeth, Your art project is just beautiful! I love it so much. Keep doing this amazing work in art. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Susan on February 9, 2022
Elizabeth, I am so excited to see another beautiful art project! It’s just in time for the holidays. You keep up the fantastic work! I love seeing what you can do and each one is as interesting as the next. Love Grandma
- Susan on November 24, 2021
Elizabeth. I love your owl! You are doing amazing. Keep up the great work honey. Love grandma
- Susan on November 3, 2021
Elizabeth, your art work is beautiful! Keep up the great work. I look so forward to seeing each piece of art:) Love Grandma
- Susan on October 6, 2021
Hi Elizabeth:) I am so excited to see another art project! That is so cute. That duck looks just like it came out of the water like here is Spring! You are so amazing with each project you do. Keep up the good work! I love it!! Have a great day, Love grandma
- Susan on June 9, 2021
Hi Elizabeth. I love your fish. You are doing so amazing with your art projects. You keep up the great work. I am so proud of you! I can’t wait to see the next one. I’m sure it will be just as amazing as all of the rest of your projects! Love, Grandma
- Susan on April 28, 2021
Hi Elizabeth. I absolutely love your art project! It is so beautiful! I can see how hard you work. I love the colors you chose also. They are my favorite. I am so proud of you! All your artwork is just amazing! Keep up the good great work. Love, Grandma
- Susan on March 17, 2021
Hi Elizabeth! I absolutely love your artwork. I love how each piece is done so well. You have such a great imagination and the colors you choose is awesome! Keep up the great work! I love seeing what you can do?? Have a great day! Love gram
- Susan on January 27, 2021
Hello Elizabeth. Everyone of your artworks are amazing, but I absolutely love this colorful picture. Your art is just so fun to look at. You are so talented!! Keep up the great work! Love, grandma
- Susan on January 13, 2021
Elizabeth. I love your art work so much!! You are doing amazing work! I am soo proud of you! Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of this fun art work! Love, grandma
- Susan on November 18, 2020
Elizabeth, I love the artwork you made! The colors are beautiful! Keep up the good work and I hope to see more soon. Love, Grandma
- Susan(fan) on October 7, 2020