Anais492's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Anais492's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love it
- Steven on February 25, 2023
Snowflakes softly falling around the snowman. His carrot nose is so big that you can’t hear his very joyous, “Merry Christmas” to all. Beautiful Anaïs! Momma.
- Elizabeth (Mother) on December 2, 2020
Hello, Mr. Fox. How beautiful is your orange and white fur. Your tail is long and bushy. Your eyes are dark and stretched out. What are your plans for today?
- Elizabeth (Mother) on November 5, 2020
Anaïs introduced me to her “Beautiful, vibrant colors splash across the canvas like soft currents deep in the ocean. There is no detectable presence of a being except as you wade towards the top, you will meet two large eyes peering back at you. Just as you said, she is a friendly and shy monster. I love it, Anaïs! Thank you for explaining your “Neon Monster” to me. Love, Momma.
- Elizabeth (Mother) on November 2, 2020
Anaïs, what is this I see? Ah, ha! It’s Mr. Scarecrow! I see him wearing his orange hat with yellow straw sticking out beneath it. He is standing tall, eyes wide open, arms out and ready to protect his garden. Oooh, he is scary! Good job, Anaïs! Momma.
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 20, 2020
Wonder why this orange pumpkin is so happy? This pumpkin has large eyes, sizable nose and a great, big, upturned mouth. The squiggly green lines around him look like party streamers. Why, this pumpkin is ready for H A L L O W E E N! Boo! Anaïs, I like your Halloween pumpkin! Momma
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 14, 2020
This picture shows a beautiful green owl with large eyes. A nose that resembles a triangle is set below them. Wings of long, black feathers lay still by his sides and little feet protrude beneath his legs. I think this is an owlet and is the world is new to him. He looks like he needs his mother. Anaïs, your picture of this owlet is very carefully drawn. The coloring is within its borders and the detail is clear and sharp. Awesome. I Love it! Momma
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 8, 2020
This picture shows a beautiful green owl with large eyes.
A nose that resembles a triangle is set below them. Wings
of long, black feathers lay still by his sides and little feet protrude beneath his legs.

I think this is an owlet and is the world is new to him. He looks like he needs his mother. Anaïs, your picture of this owlet is very carefully drawn. The coloring is within its borders and the detail is clear and sharp. Awesome. I Love it! Momma
- Ellie on October 8, 2020