Hannah40123's Comments (63)

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Below are comments about Hannah40123's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it! Reminds me of the first Christmas tree Papa and I had……it was too big for our house. We had to cut it down before we could take in house. Beautiful….just like you
- Mimi on January 8, 2023
This is so beautiful! I can hear Christmas carols just looking at this! You’re very talented! Well done!
- Tia Cristina on January 8, 2023
When I saw the car I could hear it and see it wobble down the street with the tree bouncing around! You have achieved the purpose of art: making the subject matter come to life!! Excellent!! XXOO
- Belita on January 8, 2023
Hannah this is really really impressive. I love seeing you create more and more every year.
- Dad on November 16, 2022
Beautiful colors! It should be in an art show in New York. So proud of you! Mimi
- Mimi on November 16, 2022
Love this! It’s like I’m looking at the ocean at night from our balcony. Great work! Mimi
- Mimi on November 16, 2022
These look like the Iris in my yard ! Beautiful!! Love you, Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on June 23, 2022
Absolutely love this one. Looks like the stained glass in our church. Love, Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on June 23, 2022
As always, love your artwork. The orange can be Tenn. Vols or Texas Longhorns. Love, Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on June 23, 2022
This is really really cool!
- Ivan on June 23, 2022
Hannah, your woven basket is beautiful. Love the bright colors. Hope to see you soon. Love you bunches! Mimi
- Mimi on May 11, 2022
Hannah, your woven basket is beautiful. Love the bright colors. Hope to see you soon. Love you bunches! Mimi
- Mimi on May 11, 2022
Hannah… Outstanding comes to mind every time I see your artwork! I love this! So playful with those bright colors! Love it!!! Keep up the beautiful work!
- Belita on May 11, 2022
Great job Hannah! That is beautiful!! Love, Papa
- Papa on May 11, 2022
I have to admit, this is my favorite!! Love the star and the manger. ?? Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on March 17, 2022
As always Hannah Belle, this is beautiful! So proud of you!! Love you, Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on March 17, 2022
I love this. Simple and stunning at the same time. Simply lovely. XXOO
- Belita on January 5, 2022
Wow Hannah that is a mesmerizing piece of art. I just can't stop looking a the way the dot patterns interact with the pumpkins! So proud of you.
- Ivan on January 5, 2022
Wow Hannah. I love watching you grow with each piece. You have so many talents. I love you! - Dad
- Ivan (Father) on December 15, 2021
I LOVE it Hannah! Very creative of you to leave the star white… Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to see you??
- Belita on December 15, 2021
Hannah, this is beautiful! Let your light shine from your heart just like it shines down on the baby Jesus.
- Maria(fan) on December 15, 2021
Watercolors…….my favorite! Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Beautiful dark hair……like yours! Mimi
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Love it, looks like the stained glass windows at our church!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Reminds me of Mimi’s spaghetti
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Beach inspired maybe?? Beautiful!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
This could go on your menu at your restaurant!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Love this, remember seeing this at your Spring Concert!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Awww…..reminds me of you singing!!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Beautiful, this could be in a Children’s Book
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Love the abstract colors!!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
Hannah Belle, so glad your Dad let us know about being able to see your artwork. You are so talented!!
- Cathy Young(fan) on November 17, 2021
I love this Hannah!!! We need to find something cool to print it on.
- Ivan (Father) on October 27, 2021
Hannah, this is so cool! I love the shapes you created - some have sharp edges, some smooth! GREAT creativity!
- Tia Cristina on October 27, 2021
Love it, Hannah! Did you paint or color that piece or is it made out of cut-out paper glued as you wished? You are a true artist! Can’t wait to see you. XXOO Belita
- Belita on October 27, 2021
Hannah, this piece of art is so creative! I love how it's symmetrical and fun! And great job of using the darker blue colors and he darker red - makes it look mysterious! Well done!
- Cristina on October 27, 2021
Great use of spacing! Beautiful piece.
- Ivan on October 27, 2021
Hannah, I love this piece! I like the bold colors that actually are very peaceful. They create a nice sense of soft movement! You rock!! Keep up the great work!! XXOO Belita
- Belita on October 27, 2021
Hannah - this is BEAUTIFUL! Love the rainbow at the top, all your uses of symbols, and all the different colors. It looks like it all flows together perfectly - well done! This piece shows your amazing art talent!
- Cristina on June 30, 2021
I love this piece of art, Hannah! Beautiful!
- Mom on June 30, 2021
Hannah, this is beautiful! So proud of your art!
- Mom on June 30, 2021
What a beautiful burst of color!!! Love it!!
- Belita on June 30, 2021
Hi Hannah! I’m so proud of you! Your work shows how talented you are. I think the placement of the elements in this particular piece shows you have a keen sense of flow. A very simple piece that shows the importance of The Resurrection. Belita
- Belita on May 5, 2021
Hannah, this is SO COOL! I can feel the light & love in this image you have created. It warms my heart to see your talent come through so beautifully!
- Cristina on May 5, 2021
Hannah!! This is BEAUTIFUL! There is so much expression in the face...and that eye is wonderful! You are incredibly talented - very proud of you!
- Cristina on May 5, 2021
Hannah, it looks like you were feeling very energetic when you painted this girl!?? You can see the energy come through! Very creative! I like it!
- Belita on May 5, 2021
Hannah, I had not seen this painting! I love it! I hope I can have cards made for next Christmas! I would be very proud to send them to friends and family to show off your beautiful artwork!
- Belita on May 5, 2021
Hannah, I LOVE this zebra. You handled him with a twist, painting it almost in a mono-chromatic way: red and quasi-red hues. Very original!
- Belita on May 5, 2021
Hannah I am totally speechless at how your creativity and skill increases, it seems with every drawing. It is really breathtaking to watch it grow. Love - Dad
- Ivan (Father) on April 14, 2021
Hannah, this is such good work you make me one proud mama!
- Maria on May 5, 2021
Hannah this is amazing, your talent is growing so fast!! And I love how you chose something you enjoy to use as a theme!
- Ivan (Father) on April 6, 2021
This is the coolest cereal box ever! I LOVE how you have the girl's body a plant - so smart! And LOVE your comments on the box too :) Well Done!
- Cristina on April 6, 2021
Hannah I love your Virgin Mary and Jesus artwork! So proud of you Hannah
- Ivan (Father) on December 22, 2020
Hannah, This painting is beautiful! I love the design and colors on Mary’s veil. It is a very original way to show Baby Jesus with his mother. I can’t wait for your next masterpiece!Belita
- Belita on December 23, 2020
Hannah, I love your nest! I bet it took a lot of concentration to make it. I am SO proud of you! XXOO
- Belita on December 9, 2020
I LOVE this piece Hannah! You have balanced the colors and shapes very well! Keep up the good work!
- Belita on December 9, 2020
This is beautifully done! You are super creative :) Proud of you girl!
- Tia Cristina on November 25, 2020
Love this! HUGE fan of your colors!
- Cristina Madrigal(fan) on November 13, 2020
This is beautiful! So proud of you and your artistic talents! High five!
- Cristina Madrigal(fan) on November 13, 2020
Wow Hannah this is so amazing? You are growing in your artistic ability every day. I am so proud to be your dad.
- Ivan (Father) on October 27, 2020
Hannah! That piece is AWSOME!! I’m so proud of you! You have a true gift to see and use forms and colors to make beauty.
- Belita on October 27, 2020
Hannah I am so proud of your hard work in your areas of giftedness. Well done my daughter. Beautiful peace. Can I frame it?
- Ivan on September 23, 2020
Hannah, I LOVE your painting! You captured the Japanese influence in your work. I’m very impressed and do proud of you! I’m so glad I’m going to see more of your artwork; you have talent!
- Belita on September 23, 2020