Sashrik2's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Sashrik2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Awesome !
- Abhimanyu (Father) on June 2, 2022
- Oishik on June 2, 2022
Nice !
- Abhimanyu (Father) on April 19, 2022
We love this artwork and we love you for all these qualities you mentioned on the drawing. Way to go!
- Prapti (Mother) on March 31, 2022
This is a beautiful piece of art Sashrik.
- Prapti (Mother) on March 31, 2022
Very artistic, Tadli. Please upload the potrait of Putin that you made
- Oishik on March 30, 2022
This is so cool! Wonderfully done. Great going, Tadli
- Oishik on February 23, 2022
I love this artwork Sashrik!!
- Prapti (Mother) on September 28, 2020
Great play of colors!
- Oishik on September 28, 2020
What a lovely painting, Tadli :)
- Oishik on September 28, 2020
- Prapti (Mother) on September 15, 2020
- Prapti (Mother) on September 15, 2020
- Prapti (Mother) on September 15, 2020