Alexander29965's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Alexander29965's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a great picture, Alex Good job
- Grandma on April 7, 2021
Great selfie! Lot of improvement from your last portrait! Lol
- Papa & Gma on June 17, 2020
I really like this one! Another magnet order coming up!!
- Papa & Gma on May 13, 2020
I"ll take one of each! (lol) Nice work, Alex
- Papa & Gma on May 13, 2020
Wow! Of course I love this picture!! You know how I love any animal??
- Papa & Gma on April 22, 2020
Nice picture Alex! I’d like to go where that road is leading to. Well done
- Papa & Gma on April 22, 2020
Alex you are doing a great job with your drawings! I always look forward to your next one! Keep up the good work!! I'm running out of space on my fridge for magnets(LOL)
- Papa & Gma on March 11, 2020
Alex you are doing a great job with your drawings! I always look forward to your next one! Keep up the good work!! I'm running out of space on my fridge for magnets(LOL)
- Papa & Gma on March 11, 2020
I really like this one! a mini art museum, great job Al
- grandma on February 19, 2020
Alex, this is really cool looking! Awesome??
- Papa & Gma on February 19, 2020
Big Al So excited to see all that you do with your talent! Great job!
- Papa & Gma on February 5, 2020
Oh, I guess you have done a couple more! I’m really behind on this?? sorry but they are looking good!
- Papa & Gma on February 5, 2020
Alex, glad to see you are doing artwork again! Can’t wait to see your work each time you do one! Good job on number one
- Papa & Gma on February 5, 2020
Wow! I think I would have enjoyed doing this art project. Nice job, Alex
-- Papa & Gma
- on April 10, 2019
Of course I love this one!! Very good job Alex
-- Papa & Gma
- on March 13, 2019
Hi Alex, WOW, I really like this one!! Your school year is almost over and Papa and I have enjoyed seeing all of your art work! Very good job and hope you had fun doing each one.
-- Papa & Gma
- on May 27, 2015
Alex, Papa and grandma think that you are doing a great job on your art pictures. The fish in this picture looks so cool! GOOD JOB
-- Papa and Grandma
- on April 1, 2015
Alex, I hope you enjoyed doing this artwork. I think it is really awesome!! Good work and I think I might get an ornament with your picture of this tree on it
-- Arnell
- on December 16, 2014
Alex, We're just looking at all of your artwork! This owl is so cool :)
-- Mimi
- on December 8, 2014
Good moves, Alex!!!!
-- Arnell
- on October 15, 2014
Alex, this artwork is really good. Papa likes cool and grandma likes warm! Keep up the great work.
-- Arnell
- on October 15, 2014
Alex, This is a great way to end your school year! Perfect drawing!! Papa and grandma think you have really improved with each drawing you have done. Really COOL sunglasses!!!!! GOOD JOB
-- Arnell
- on June 4, 2014
GREAT combination of colors!! You are drawing super pictures and papa and I really enjoy talking about them. As always, keep up the good work!
-- Arnell
- on April 30, 2014
Alex, This one is so cool!!! The one star looks like a falling star - Right? Keep up the good work. Papa and I always enjoy seeing your artwork!
-- Arnell
- on January 21, 2014
Alex, Finally grandma and Papa can enjoy your art work too!! This is a good picture on the beach of you. We sure have shared some good beach vacations. GOOD JOB! Papa and Grandma
-- Arnell
- on September 19, 2013