Karenna5's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Karenna5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Karenna -- this is AWESOME! I see your name in there, and a whole bunch of other, really cool letters. I REALLY like the colors you chose, not just for the letters, but also for the parts in-between. You are an UNBELIEVABLE artist. I am very proud of you! xoxo Dad
- on January 20, 2010
Hi, Karenna -- what a great self-portrait! You look so happy -- I really like your pigtails, too -- did you do them yourself? That's a cool, blue shirt you picked out, too! Love ya! Daddy xoxoxo
- on April 15, 2009
Great Tooth Fairy, Karenna! Lots of details -- she looks so happy -- she must like finding your teeth! You have some other loose ones, huh? Love, Daddy! xoxo
- on March 10, 2009
Hi Kareanna- we liked your Tooth Fairy picture. And we looked at all of the pictures you made since you have been in first grade. You are really a good artist. Keep up the good work. Lots of love. Grampy Richard and Grammy Mimi
- on March 10, 2009
Morning Karenna-what a nice picture. We can see lots of mountains where we live, but none are as colorful as the ones in your picture. Our mountains still have snow on them. Keep up the good work. Love, Grammy
- on April 28, 2008
Karenna -- this is totally, super-duper, fantabulous, unbelievably, wholeheartedly, wonderful, awesome, and not to mention, really cool! Four hearts, all different colors and feelings. I LOVE it (and you, too)! xoxoxo Daddy! : )
- on April 28, 2008
Nice work Karenna, Beautiful picture with the fall colors. Didn't know how artistic you were. Love xoxox Grampy
- on November 15, 2007
WOW, What a great picture. A collection of pumpkins. Neat O Keep up the great work. xoxox Grampy
- on November 15, 2007
Karenna -- what a great group of pumpkins! I like all the different shapes and sizes. You did a GREAT job on this painting!! It reminds me of picking apples with you and your big bro! xoxoxo Daddy!
- on November 15, 2007