Brynnley57's Comments (79)

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Below are comments about Brynnley57's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have really done a great Job on this project. Love the whole thing but especially the dog. Great job! I love being able to see your work!
- Connie on April 24, 2024
Brynnley you ave really showed a lot of talent on this project. I love the person and the dog is just adorable. Great job! Love being able to see your work!
- Grandma Connie on April 24, 2024
I love your imagination in choosing this topic for your project. In my book, you are a superhero. Your dog is a cool sidekick too! - Grandma
- Diane on April 24, 2024
This is so pretty! A real work of art.
- Robert on April 24, 2024
What a spooky little guy!
- Robert on April 24, 2024
Wow! This is fun, so different from your other work (which is also fun, but in a different way).
- Robert on April 24, 2024
You have a lot of desserts on your plate their girl. I love your imgination keep up the good work. Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on February 23, 2024
I enjoy looking at all your artwork. You have a great imagination. You are very talented. I thought it was a cupcake until you told me what it was supposed to be (apple). Good job on creating. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Connie on January 3, 2024
Love your painting of Rudolph such a good job!
- Grandma Connie on January 3, 2024
What a spooky picture!! You've got several Halloween things like skeleton, skulls, potions, and so many others. Such a good job of getting so many things representing Halloween. Great job, B!!!
- Aunt Vicki on November 11, 2023
I' m so glad that I chose this design for one of our Christmas ornaments. What a wonderful curled-up cat!
- Robert on November 11, 2023
Again, this is one of my favorite artworks you've done. I love the lines and colors!
- Robert on November 11, 2023
I've seen this before, but I really like it! It is VERY artistic!
- Robert on November 11, 2023
Brynnley, This is great! Spooky but happy. I especially like the witch's hat. I hope you had a wonderful time trick or treating last night!
- Robert on November 11, 2023
This is a great Halloween picture. Great job! - Grandma
- Diane on November 11, 2023
Brynnley - I love your pumpkin sporting a witch hat. Your skeleton is fantastic too! I love seeing all your artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma Connie on November 11, 2023
I like this collage, though I'm not sure what it is. It made me think of a pig. :) Love, Grandma Seufert
- Diane on June 11, 2023
That is some kind of wacky bird. Love your ideas for the feet and tail. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on April 26, 2023
Wow! This is both a vivid cat and a beautiful design. Very impressive!
- Robert on March 1, 2023
This shows a lot of artistic skill, and it certainly does make me feel like Christmas!
- Robert on March 1, 2023
Wow! This really POPS! It's a cat and a beautiful design all at the same time. Nice work.
- Robert on March 1, 2023
Wow! This really POPS! It's a cat and a beautiful design all at the same time. Nice work.
- Robert on March 1, 2023
This looks to me like a sunrise or a sunset over the ocean. The colors and design are great! This shows a lot of talent.
- Robert on March 1, 2023
Wow! This is really colorful and alive! Very energetic!
- Robert on March 1, 2023
I love the way you combined the colors and heart-shapes in this deign.
- Robert on March 1, 2023
I love your hearts! Nice color selections. Grandma
- Diane on March 1, 2023
Love your hearts - they look like a stained glass window. You are doing such a terrific job on all your artwork. Keep up the good work, I love being able to see all your talent! Love Grandma
- Connie on February 16, 2023
Your reindeer is so adorable! Great job!
- Diane on February 16, 2023
Brynnley, I love your reindeer. You have done such a great job in drawing and painting the reindeer. You should be very proud of yourself, I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on January 25, 2023
I like this charm. I hope you wear it to show off your art work. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma
- Diane on December 15, 2022
Love your owl I’m glad you explained to me what you used to make this! Keep up the great work. Grandma C
- Connie on December 15, 2022
Brynnley I love being able to see your artwork. Love your colors and your imagination in all your work! Love Grandma C
- Connie on December 15, 2022
I like these colors in this piece as well. The use of the beads and pipe cleaner are pretty cool too! You are staying busy in art class. Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on December 15, 2022
Love these muted colors. Very pretty. You are so artistic. Another great piece of art. Love, Aunt Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on December 15, 2022
Working with clay...I bet that is fun!!! Love the use of your colors. I know it looks better in person than in the picture. The deep rich colors are very nice. Good job B. Love, Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on December 15, 2022
Brynnley love your cat picture with all the pretty colors! Keep up the good work, love seeing what you do! Love
- Connie on November 15, 2022
I love your painting of the sunset. The colors are so pretty. You did a great job, keep up the good work! Grandma Connie
- Connie on November 15, 2022
Brynnley you have done such a great job this year on all your paintings. I love all the colors that you use, you are very creative! Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on July 6, 2022
Brynnley, This is such a colorful picture, and I love your use of lines in it. I always enjoy getting to see what you are learning in art class and seeing how much you have improved! Love you, Grandma Diane
- Diane on July 6, 2022
Brynnley, looks like you are ready for spring with all those lovely flowers. Great job in cutting them all out. Love seeing your artwork! Grandma Connie
- Connie on July 6, 2022
Great job! I love this cat and all the colors you used.
- Diane on March 14, 2022
Brynnley I love your colorful cat. I love the big eyes. You are getting very good at your art work. I love being able to see what you are doing in school. Keep up the good work. Grandma Connie
- Connie on March 14, 2022
Brynnley - I love all your pretty colorful hearts. This reminds me how much I love you and getting to see all your pretty pictures you are making in school. Keep up the good work! Grandma Connie
- Connie on February 24, 2022
Wow - this is so pretty!! I love all your hearts and bright colors! Keep up the good work!! Love you - Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on February 24, 2022
You are doing such a good job in your art class. I love your imagination!!! Love you - Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on February 24, 2022
Wow - this is so pretty!! I love all your hearts and bright colors! Keep up the good work!!
- Vicki(fan) on February 24, 2022
Love all your colorful Hearts! Keep up your good work! Grandma Connie
- Connie on January 6, 2022
This looks to me like a llama wearing a pearl necklace and surrounded by springtime flowers. It seems to me like a very happy drawing. Good job!
- Robert on January 6, 2022
I don't exactly know what this creature is, but I loved the colors! Looks like a party waiting to happen.
- Robert on January 6, 2022
I don't exactly know what this creature is, but I loved the colors! Looks like a party waiting to happen.
- Robert on January 6, 2022
Very cosmic! I love the stars, the moon, and the earth, but most of all the red rocket with its trail of vapor as it blasts off into space!
- Robert on January 6, 2022
I love the way that your cat is curled into a colorful ball. And I love her strange staring eyes. Very catlike!
- Robert on January 6, 2022
Brynnley you did such a good job on your cat. I love all the bright 7 bold colors you used. Love its eyes. Keep up the good work. Grandma Connie
- Connie on January 6, 2022
I love your rocket. The zigzag lines in the exhaust are great to show the power of the rocket launch. The overall drawing of rocket, stars, moon, and earth show outerspace as we have been able to view it from our astronauts' photos of space. Great job!
- Grandma Diane on November 10, 2021
You have done such a great job on this rocket ship. I love all your colors and you made the stars and earth so well. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on November 10, 2021
Love getting to see all artwork on line. You used so many bright colors. Love your chameleon. Grandma Connie
- Connie on November 10, 2021
This animal has A LOT of personality! And the coloring is great.
- Robert on November 10, 2021
I LOVE the colors in this beautiful work. It really POPS!
- Robert on November 10, 2021
That is the cutest Llama I have ever seen. Brynnley, you done a fantastic job! Keep up the good work! Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on November 10, 2021
Brynnley I love your little pigeon. It is so cute. You did an amazing job! Keep up the good work - I love to see how you are learning so much thru your artwork! Grandma Connie
- Connie on May 3, 2021
Brynnley, you did a great job drawing your pigeon and coloring it. You have learned a lot this year! - Grandma S.
- Diane on May 3, 2021
Nice work Brynnley! You keep improving with your drawing and coloring. - Grandma S.
- Diane on May 3, 2021
Love your Bear and heart you are really doing a lice job of staying in the lines! I’m so proud of all you are accomplishing in kindergarten! Love Grandma Connie
- Connie on May 3, 2021
WOW, Brynnley you have been busy with your artwork. Your coloring has improved so much - you are learning a lot in kindergarten. I love the "line" picture. You follow directions really good and each one of your lines are what the instructions called for. Perfect! Really enjoy looking at all your work. Keep up with all the good work. Love you, Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on March 19, 2021
Glad to see that you follow directions real well - listen to your teacher and do exactly what she says! You are learning so much! Love Grandma
- Connie on March 19, 2021
You are doing such a good job learning all about the letters & following instructions! Keep up the good work! Grandma
- Connie on March 19, 2021
Love getting your artwork! I love the way you are learning everyday. You followed instructions so well. Love your heart! Keep up your good work. Grandma
- Connie on March 19, 2021
Your quilt patterns are very good! And you stayed in the lines so well. Such an improvement since the first of the school year. You have learned so much. Keep up the good work!! Love you - Aunt Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on March 19, 2021
You are a really good drawer love your dog and balloons. Keep up the great work! Grandma
- Connie on March 19, 2021
I'm so glad I get to see your artwork on the computer. You are learning so much in school. You have alot of different colors in your egg and decorated it real well. Keep up the good work. Love you! Grandma
- Connie on March 19, 2021
I love being able to see all your artwork on the computer. You can really tell that you are learning alot in school. Keep up the good work!
- Connie on February 24, 2021
Very good job! Love the colors - looks like purple and pink on my screen. And how you went darker around its eyes - made them stand out. You continue to improve each time! Love, Aunt Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on February 24, 2021
I love this picture. You have improved so much.
- Diane(fan) on February 19, 2021
You have improved so much. I love your purple owl!
- Diane(fan) on February 19, 2021
I can see that you are learning a lot in kindergarten this year. Keep up the good work. - Grandma
- Diane(fan) on February 19, 2021
I’m so excited that I get to see our artwork. From looking at all these pictures you have really been getting better and better all the time. Love the heart with Valentines Day coming up! Love you and love to see you learning all the time! Grandma Connie
- Connie(fan) on February 8, 2021
I like your coloring on your numbers. Very good! Love the bright colors you used and you stayed in the lines really well. Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to see you again - miss and love you! Aunt Vicki
- Vicki(fan) on February 8, 2021
WOW - Brynnley you made a fantastic heart on your cupcake! You did a wonderful job! Love being able to see all your work. You have been very busy in kindergarten!
- Vicki(fan) on February 8, 2021
I love your cupcake, especially with a heart on top!
- Stephanie (Mother) on February 5, 2021