Malaika161's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Malaika161's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work Malaika! I like the texture that you created and the emotion that you are able to portray with your awesome art! ??
- Jeff on June 2, 2021
Apologies I left two question marks by accident on my last comment, it was a typo! ??
- Jeff on June 2, 2021
Awesome work Malaika! It presents industrial and contemporary themes, yet your piece reflects great pencil drawing art like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Well done! ??
- Jeff on May 12, 2021
Who knew a roly poly could be so cute, Malaika? I love the shading. I always have fun shading and it looks like you also have the ‘bug’ get it? Papa
- Michael (Father) on April 27, 2021
Love this Rolypoly....I remember going for walks with you Malaika when you were much smaller - maybe 4-5 years old - and your fascination with rolypolys then. We would stop on our walks and you would study them. Love your current version of this little bug.....looks just like the real ones.
- Oma Joyce on April 28, 2021
Love it Malaika. It reminds me of the happy / sad theater mask. Also, this would make a great shirt with a great message.
- Michael (Father) on April 6, 2021
Nice Malaika. For some reason this reminds me of bowling pin, all mixed up and flowing free in nature. Keep it up papa
- Michael (Father) on March 10, 2021
Great work Maliaka! It looks like to me the happy part of swimming in a pond on a nice Summer day. I like your application of deep greens, purple/violets and yellow/greens to create an inspiring piece for the Planet to be blessed by!
- Jeff on March 10, 2021
Awesome work Malaika! I appreciated your description of your creative process as you described the practical things you did to make the art as well as some of your inner intellectual/emotional experience. A Great Artwork, HALLELUJAH! ??
- Jeff on February 24, 2021
Fantastic work, reminiscent of M.C. Escher. With these patterns, I see you needed to be precise. I also see another animal when I turn the picture 90 degrees. Did you intend that?
- Michael (Father) on February 11, 2021
Love it! It will soon be a magnet on my Fridge :-)
- Oma Joyce on December 23, 2020
Fantastic work! I really enjoy the depth that you created with the shading, the use of stripes for contrast and the variety of colors utilized in order to make the piece exiting and have character at the same time!
- Jeff on December 16, 2020
Toll Malaika. Das sieht total super aus.
- Kiki on December 16, 2020
Hallo Malaika, also diese Bild ist wirklich beeindruckend. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du mir mal erklärst, wie du das gemacht hast.
- Kiki on December 9, 2020
Awesome work Malaika! It is a very uplifting, inspiring work with sophistication and joy in the same place. Well done! ??
- Jeff on December 2, 2020
This cool perspective drawing wants to make me go on a road trip to the desert. I’m a big fan of perspective and really like how your brought that to this drawing. For some reason though the suns rays really stick with me when I see this drawing.
- Michael (Father) on December 1, 2020
Hi Maliaka, it is jeff. Apologies I left two question marks at the end of my last comment of your incredible artwork. That was a typo, kindly disregard it. It is a fantastic piece and I am totally inspired by your art!
- Jeff on December 2, 2020
Looks awesome Maliaka, great work! I like the use of circles, sharp declarative lines and the use of light pressure line work and dominant lines as well. The shadow effect in the background is great as well ??
- Jeff on November 5, 2020
BY THE GRACE OF GOD i get to comment on another fantastic piece of art. To me it implies responsible celebration, which is a thrill. I enjoy the way the letters c and o in the third panel from the top are deep, vibrant reds (red is my favorite color) and then they are complimented and happily link the viewer to the art by the reds and deep orange in the third panel from the bottom. It is great that as well as your use of bright colors, you apply greys and browns which for me bring a calming aspect to the work, like a celebrated Grandmother attending a vibrant Family gathering.
- Jeff on October 21, 2020
BY THE GRACE OF GOD i get to comment on my nieces artwork. Absolutely awesome work, totally incredible and I am inspired! Well done on the proportions, the color choices and the exiting presentation along with text which for me "emphasizes" depth, integrity, joy and balance which I believe are all characteristics we as a human race should strive for. Your work is like watching a great dancer, except that the persons "movements" are repeated for as long as the viewer likes by witnessing your fine art.
- Jeff on October 21, 2020
Love It All, but have to say what struck me was Proportion :-)
- Oma Joyce on October 14, 2020
Great world Malaika. I really like the emphasIs one. This could be a whole series. Keep up the good work.
- Mike on October 14, 2020
Great world Malaika. I really like the emphasIs one. This could be a whole series. Keep up the good work.
- Mike on October 14, 2020
Great stuff.
- Mike on October 14, 2020