Elliot3025's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Elliot3025's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice Owl. He's kinda spooky.
- Nicole(fan) on October 13, 2020
Cool owl Elliot. I see that you made this for Momma. I bet she will be so excited to get this and hang it on the refrigerator. You are doing a really good job buddy. Keep up the great work. Love you and miss you!
- Grammy on October 12, 2020
Awesome owl buddy.
- John on October 12, 2020
Wow. Awesome picture and great job Elliot. I really think you have inherited your Mom's artistic talent.
- Barbara/Nana on October 6, 2020
Nice job showing texture with the fur.
- Nicole(fan) on October 6, 2020
I love your lion! You gave his mane excellent texture lines. Great work, Elliot.
- Erica(fan) on October 6, 2020
Hey big guy, I love your lion. You are doing a great job in art class and I hope you are loving it. Keep up the great work. Love you and miss you.
- Grammy on October 6, 2020
That is a good looking Lion buddy.
- John on October 6, 2020
Keep up the good work.
- Nicole(fan) on September 9, 2020
This looks just like the seagulls flying at the beach!
- Erica(fan) on September 9, 2020
It looks like you put a lot of thought and detail into your work. The gold blaze sky is awesome! I love all the different types of lines you added.
- Erica(fan) on September 9, 2020
I’m so happy you had fun cutting and glueing. I love your picture and I think the heart for mama is really special. Can’t wait to see more of your art!
- Erica(fan) on September 9, 2020
Great job using your shapes. Very neat cutting them out.
- Barbara on September 9, 2020
Great job using your shapes. Very neat cutting them out.
- Nana on September 9, 2020
very pretty picture. I like all the colors you used. Again good imagination. I think you might have your mommy's artistic talent.
- Nana on September 9, 2020
Great job Elliot. I really like the items you chose to spell your name. Very good imagination.
- Nana on September 9, 2020
Elliot, I love this bird. It looks just like a little bird. You did an awesome job.
- Nana on September 9, 2020
Good job Elliot. Looks like you are doing really well with your scissors and cutting out these shapes. Keep up the great work.
- Kim on September 9, 2020
I love the swirl. It could be a cave or it could be a snail.
- Nicole(fan) on August 20, 2020
I love how colorful your curly lines are Elliot. You did a great job picking the colors you used. Keep up the great work.
- Kim(fan) on August 18, 2020
AMAZING job Elliot! Love all the colors you chose and your lines look great!
- Rachel (Mother) on August 18, 2020
Het big guy, Is this an origami bird? How did you learn to do this? Your cousin Heather is 1/2 Japanese and she makes some really pretty origami pictures. Remind me on your next visit and I will show you one of her pictures at GG's house.
- Grammy on August 18, 2020
Great job on the Christmas ornament Elliot. Maybe you can make a bunch of different ones to decorate your tree this year. Miss you!
- Grammy on August 18, 2020
Hey Big Guy. I love your name picture. So very creative. Keep up the great work. Love, Grammy
- Grammy on August 18, 2020
Beautiful ornament!
- Erica(fan) on August 17, 2020
I love how creative this is! Great job, Elliot.
- Erica(fan) on August 17, 2020
AWESOME work buddy!
- Rachel (Mother) on August 18, 2020
Merry Christmas
- Nicole(fan) on August 17, 2020
Is this Oragami?
- Nicole(fan) on August 17, 2020
Awesome work.
- Nicole(fan) on August 17, 2020