Owen18496's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Owen18496's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is very fun and colorful! Looks like brightly colored clouds in the sky! One of my favorites. Nice job O.
- Grandma Sheri on May 3, 2023
This is a great piece Owen, nice job!
- Grandma Sheri on January 25, 2023
This is a very nice still life. I love the colors
- Grandma Sheri on December 21, 2022
What a nice piece of art. Nice job. Keep creating!
- Grandma Sheri on December 21, 2022
The silhouette of the snail against the moon looks fantastic. Love how peaceful it seems
- Alex (Father) on December 6, 2022
I love seeing the combination of things that you’re excited about, Owen. Keep on creating, buddy!
- Dad on December 21, 2022
I love the style of this, and the colors work really well together
- Dad on February 7, 2022
This is really cool! I love the green and blue ocean background
- Dad on February 7, 2022
This cat looks pretty grumpy... Probably because of the bird standing on his head!
- Alex (Father) on February 18, 2020
I love the mosaic edging. I do not want to swim near that shark!
- Grandma Amy on December 18, 2019
Nice Job Owen. The fruit looks delicious. Good enough to eat.
- Grandma Amy on December 18, 2019
That's a pretty scary looking shark!
- Alex (Father) on December 11, 2019
Oh my gosh I love this! Good job Owen!
- Abby on December 11, 2019
Oh my gosh I love this! Good job Owen!
- Abby on December 4, 2019