Lauren26304's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Lauren26304's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lauren, your Georgia O'Keeffe Skull and Landscape is really interesting. It makes me curious about all the things in nature that I don't see normally. Your uncle Steve Zimmerman hunts big game and brings home skulls to mount.
- Sheila on April 10, 2024 NEW
Lauren, I really liked your your Radial Relief Origami Sculpture. Your color choices are particularly pleasing and your symmetry is perfect. You are very artistic!
- Sheila(fan) on November 22, 2023
Lauren, Your falling leaves are beautiful, and they seem to project their movement to the viewer by your background coloring.
- Sheila on October 18, 2023
Lauren, I really like your Kandinsky Circles and Kandinsky tree. I'm learning more about art from you because I didn't learn this in school. I like your color choice for the circles and your mighty tree.
- Sheila on October 18, 2023
Your Color Wheel Bottles artwork is intriguing. You used contour lines effectively and mixed intermediate colors. I was impressed with your background detail also.
- Sheila on October 18, 2023
I really like your artwork “if the Dinosaurs Came Back”. You have good detail in your buildings, and the colorIng of your dinosaur Is great. I hope the dinosaurs don’t come back.
- Sheila on April 28, 2021
I really like your new artwork “if the Dinosaurs Came Back”! You have great detail in your buildings and good color in your dinosaur. I surely hope the dinosaurs don’t come back!
- Sheila on April 28, 2021
I like the drawing you did for Name Creatures. It is interesting and creative. I like your choice of color and design also. You are a fine artist, Lauren!
- Sheila on September 2, 2020
The colors you’ve chosen for your artwork are lovely, Lauren. The scene is a peaceful one. I can imagine the plants moving in a soft breeze. I would like to visit there.
- Sheila on April 29, 2020
Your K - Shape Castle is very interesting. It shows you spent a lot of time thinking about it and then completing it just the right way.
- Sheila on April 29, 2020
Valentine people are original. I never thought of them before!
- Sheila on March 27, 2020
You are so creative with your colors and shapes, Lauren. You include a lot of detail in your drawing which makes it interesting. I’m happy I am able to see your artwork online.
- Sheila on March 27, 2020
Lauren, I really like your Light and Dark Shapes. Your choice of colors was good. The circles make me think of a pebble dropped in water and causing larger circles. The straight lines look like roads leading to a central circular area.
- Sheila on March 27, 2020
Lauren, your Free Form Shape Germs are very interesting. The frowning face makes me think that the germ doesn’t like its job of making someone sick. All the little dots suggest the harmful effects the germ can have on the person who receives it.
- Sheila on November 27, 2019
Lauren, I really like your Line Monsters. Your colors are vibrant. I see two pairs of eyes, a mouth, and one tooth.
- Sheila on November 27, 2019
Lauren, your rainbow shapes are intriguing! You are a creative artist!
- Sheila on November 27, 2019
Your shapes artwork makes me focus on your choice of colors. I can see most of the yellow shape, so I think maybe you like that one best. Am I right?
- Sheila on October 30, 2019
Lauren, your pumpkins are all different and so interesting. I have a hard time choosing my favorite!
- Sheila on October 30, 2019
Lauren, you are really good at drawing people! Your person looks happy too!
- Sheila on October 30, 2019
Lauren, I really like your picture of the five pumpkins! Each one is different and unique. I think you are a creative thinker and artist.
- Sheila on October 30, 2019