Tyler43616's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Tyler43616's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Yes it does.....or maybe a little like uncle steeeveeeeee
- Uncle Steve on June 1, 2020
Great self portrait! I feel like you are actually moving in the drawing. Good work. Grandma Karen
- Karen on June 1, 2020
Great self portrait! I feel like you are actually moving in the drawing. Good work. Grandma Karen
- Karen on June 1, 2020
Nice work Tyler on your first portrait. It looks like you did some studying to learn about drawing portraits. Ms. Hailey has beautiful hair! Grandma Karen
- Karen on June 1, 2020
What a cute boy. I was checking out the details. I love the little kneecaps, elbows and freckles. I’m glad you are taking your time to produce nice artwork.
- Sue on June 1, 2020
Hi Tyler...portraits are difficult to draw. I like the way you’re working on facial features. Who is Ms Hailey?
- Sue on June 1, 2020
That is a very cool treehouse! You really thought your design through. I love the deck. This would be papa’s dream treehouse too. Grandma Karen
- Karen on June 1, 2020
I’d love to spend the night in that treehouse. You have a great creative mind. Keep up the nice work.
- Sue on April 19, 2020
Perfect words on a bookmark for you Tyler, as you fly through the books you read! Good job! Grandma Karen
- Karen on April 19, 2020
Such a great bear Tyler - well done!
- Aunt Amy on January 21, 2020
This bear is great! He is very cute and I like his sweater. Nice job Tyler! Mom
- Janelle (Mother) on December 17, 2019
Tyler, I like this bear. He looks friendly and approachable, unlike Billy the spider! Haha. You did a very nice job on this. You are really becoming a very good artist! Grandma Karen
- Karen on December 17, 2019
Ah! It looks so real! Don’t bring this one home to me Tyler. ?? j/k
- Janelle (Mother) on October 22, 2019
I love the house you made for Billy. You did a great job. I want to hear how you created it, but I don’t want to meet Billy hahaha. Grandma Karen
- Karen on October 9, 2019
Tyler, Billy is so realistic. No wonder you love him. I'm assuming the spider is Billy. I don't know if I want a spider on my coffee cup.
- Grandma Sue on October 9, 2019
Great message on your bookmark. A wonderful reminder to all of us not to bully. Grandma Sue
- on September 18, 2019
I would love to hear more about how you created this using a digital program!
- Janelle (Mother) on September 13, 2019
Love it! Mom
- Janelle (Mother) on September 13, 2019
Very creative use of words. Great message Tyler! - Grandma Karen
- on September 13, 2019
I learn a lot from you. I did not know that there was a Dot Day. I'm glad you are using your creativity to do such neat work. Grandma Sue
- on September 13, 2019
I learn a lot from you. I did not know that there was a Dot Day. I'm glad you are using your creativity to do such neat work. Grandma Sue
- on September 13, 2019
What a great message "Beautiful Oops" has for all of us. Your first picture at Deretchin will have to be kept in your memory box. We can see the growth you have made in your creativity from your picture that we have in our condo.
-- Sue
- on August 28, 2019
Very interesting art work. Your details are great! Papa said you have a very good imagination!
-- Karen
- on August 28, 2019
Very unique! I can tell you put some thought and time into this! Nice job! :-)
-- Janelle
- on August 23, 2019