Trinity8632's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Trinity8632's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear, sweet positive thinking Trinity! If Faith does not know how much you love snd respect her, she certainly should now! What a marvelous tribute this is to her. You did a wonderful job of incorporating how you feel with your tribute on your folder. I know a big sister who has big, swollen heart of pride right now! Nice job, Trinity. I’m proud of you, as always.
- Kerry on September 11, 2021
Dear, sweet positive thinking Trinity! If Faith does not know how much you love snd respect her, she certainly should now! What a marvelous tribute this is to her. You did a wonderful job of incorporating how you feel with your tribute on your folder. I know a big sister who has big, swollen heart of pride right now! Nice job, Trinity. I’m proud of you, as always.
- Kerry on September 11, 2021
Dear Trinity, I love the overall look of this piece. The way you tied in the sun, rain, Tree, flag and cross all put together and surround the beautiful heart. This work of art really speaks to MY heart and reminds me of Psalm 8. All of the beauty that surrounds us comes from God. You surely are a talented artist! With Love and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Mimi
- Bj ( Mimi) on September 11, 2021
Your art work is unique; it shows a strong use of past lessons as well. This paper weaving also shows your lessons in color variety and different types of texture. As every good student, you are using your whole mind as you create new pieces! Wonderful!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
How perfect to add feathers to give this bird “texture”! I love the effect and the colors! This little bird may just take off and fly away at any moment!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
Wow! “Non-objective art”, could also be called “abstract” or “modern” or “geometric” or lots of names. It must feel good to create an art piece by so many names! It certainly is colorful, rather evenly spaced and looks like it was fun to do! That is one great thing about art, everyone can enjoy looking at it while feeling their own personal attachments to it! I really enjoy seeing your progress in creating art and developing your personality!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
Wow! “Non-objective art”, could also be called “abstract” or “modern” or “geometric” or lots of names. It must feel good to create an art piece by so many names! It certainly is colorful, rather evenly spaced and looks like it was fun to do! That is one great thing about art, everyone can enjoy looking at it while feeling their own personal attachments to it! I really enjoy seeing your progress in creating art and developing your personality!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
This is one large, colorful, carefully balanced cake! I think it’s amazing how you drew each layer directly on top of each other so no matter how much frosting you put on it, the layers will stay right where you want them. This cake will always be straight and tall, with nothing leaning to either side. The color and type of frosting are different for each layer which makes it unique. I would really like to taste a piece of this cake! Yum!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
I would like this happy looking monster to be my friend! I bet he would be a lot of fun to play with! Why? Because he is a happy color with a big smile snd those mischievous eyes like your poinsettia had! I really appreciate how your background showed he was at the beach. Who could be at the beach and not have a good time? I like how you cleverly added arms and legs. It all adds up show that this monster has learned life is much better when you are positive and happy rather than mean and negative. This is an excellent art work! Thank you!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
Trinity, I am looking at this lovely art work and realizing that did not notice that you had added those delicate veins in each petal! What were my eyes doing? Every time I look at this, I like it more snd more! Great work!
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
This is an exquisite flower in colorful bloom! I’m guessing it is a poinsettia since it is the month of December. I really like the detail you added to the lower petals. The veins in these petals are delicate lines that make it look very realistic. Other favorite parts are the sparkling eyes and sweet smile! (Just like you have.) ??
- Kerry on August 18, 2021
Hi Trinity I love your new artwork. The flower looks so happy in the cute flower pot. I like your use of color and the detail in the flower petals. Keep up the good work!
- Auntie Pat on August 18, 2021
This is a happy house! I know this because of the colors. Who wouldn’t want to live in a house like this? If the house is happy, the people living in it must be too! This is creative, Just like you!
- Kerry on November 4, 2020
This is so colorful and creative that it should be made into a fabric so people could make clothing and wear it! The colors are bright and happy. Like the hearts, it exudes love! Excellent!
- Kerry on November 4, 2020
Now this had to be a fun assignment! To actually be instructed to “play with your food” is astoundingly imaginative! How could it not be fun and spark that creative and mischievous artsy part of your Brain?! I think Spike is the perfect name for this creation. I can’t tell what his mouth is made of, BUT I love that it’s a little crooked! Makes him seem a little mischievous too!
- Kerry on November 4, 2020
This image reminded me of watching clothes going around in a dryer! I see movement by the way you have items upside down, right side up, and sideways! Where did You get this idea? Creative and novel!!
- Kerry on November 4, 2020
Wow! Who would have thought to use laundry as art?! This is quite cleverly done! I love the bright colors! There was no problem knowing what the art item is - a beautiful rainbow! How did you decide what to make? We have to talk when we can be together again! What fun! Good job, My Tough Nut!
- Kerry on November 4, 2020
Trinity, Hearts and flowers. Beautiful colors and variety.
- Auntie Pat on May 13, 2020
Trinity, I don’t normally like snakes very much, but I must say this one is quite pretty. I like the way you showed the backbone segments and the detail in the skin. Great job!
- Auntie Pat on May 13, 2020
Trinity, This is very colorful and realistic. I love it!
- Auntie Pat on May 13, 2020
This flower does show the texture you created on each petal! I like the colors you used, too. The flower makes me think that if even just some real flowers in nature could have different colored petals with varying textures that it would create an awesome image! Wow! Good work Trin-Trin!
- Kerry on May 13, 2020
Trinity, this is one of my favorites of your artwork. You used great colors and I love the way you showed the texture on the flower petals. Great job!
- Auntie Pat on May 13, 2020
Wow! This really does look like a city! All of the tall skyscrapers, towering over all the other big buildings that make the smaller buildings look like baby buildings! I’m sure you had fun working on this art project. It’s fun when you put your imagination to work and create a new “artscape”!
- Kerry on November 13, 2019
Trinity, you are becoming quite the artist. I love the colors in your self portrait. The accents showing your sparkling blue eyes are right on and the big smile is perfect! Nice job!
- Auntie Pat on October 16, 2019
This is a happy place. Lots to do and see here in this 3D land. Well done!
- on October 16, 2019
Very creative.
- on October 16, 2019
I love the detail in the snake’s skin and the color variety.
- on October 16, 2019
Great colors. I like the way the lines extending from the heart are indicating motion. Like love going out from the beating heart. Good job.
- on October 16, 2019
I know you were studying about lines and movements, but the colors you added have really extended the reach of your well placed lines! The lines and colors all reach into that beautiful heart you have in the middle and send even more love back out to travel along the colored lines. Very creative, very pretty. Well done!
- on September 25, 2019
I would have known this was you without being told because of the big , beautiful smile! Another clue was the sparkling blue eyes, just like yours. In this picture I see the happy and fun-loving little girl that you are. It makes me want to sit down and play some of the games that we play. Being with you, no matter what we do makes me happy, just like you in your portrait! Great job!
- on September 25, 2019
Trinity your self portrait is amazing ! Your smile is huge just like the one you drew and your eyes are starburst stone blue, just as you drew. You are the sunshine and your portrait is round like the sun . We are proud of you and your artistic talents??
- Heather (Mother) on September 20, 2019