Charlotte8140's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Charlotte8140's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Charlotte!! I like how the tail of your Q underlines the entire graffiti name and how there's a top color and a bottom color. When an email comes saying "Charlotte has new artwork on Artsonia!" I always get excited. Love, Grandma
- Barb aka Grandma on March 27, 2024
I like how this is called "I don't know"...because I don't know if all the cut pieces fit. I have been studying it like a puzzle. The colors contrast very nicely. As always, I'm excited to see new artwork from my sweet granddaughter!!
- Barbara on February 3, 2024
Charlotte, l LOVE your latest artwork ! I know your proud to be a Penguin fan. I wrote a little poem for you… Your artwork will bring the Penguins luck, So they can go on to win the Stanley Cup. Crosby, Guentzel, Letang and Malkin, too Say keep cheering us on and we will see what we can do. Let’s Go PENS !!!! Love, Gammie
- Gammie on November 29, 2023
Charlotte!! I always get excited when I see new artwork emails. I love the black and gold background that you created for your Let's Go Pens sign and the very special players' numbers that are featured.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
Charlotte, if I saw this artwork without your name, I would know right away that you were the artist. It's so personal to YOU!
- Barb on September 20, 2023
I thought I made a comment on this one already, but I guess not. Your Q is a wonderful color...and I love the colors surrounding it!
- Barbara on May 24, 2023
I love your Q, Charlotte!
- Barbara on May 24, 2023
Charlotte, Another beautiful piece of artwork. You have been very creative and busy this school year. I love being able to see your all artwork and being able to share with others. Keep up the good work!
- Gammie on May 17, 2023
Charlotte, I love your new piece of artwork, and I’m sure Marc Andre would love it too ?? You are so creative, I can’t wait to see your next masterpiece.
- Gammie on May 17, 2023
Charlotte!! It had to be fun working with clay and your sculpture is a wonderful tribute to an awesome hockey player!
- Barbara on May 17, 2023
This is very cute, Charlotte! I want to know how you made it, since it's the same print as the last artwork that was posted. I like it with the red!
- Barbara on March 22, 2023
This is so cute, Charlotte! I'll look forward to hearing how it was made.
- Barbara on March 15, 2023
This is unique...I hope to be able to talk with you about it!
- Barb on January 11, 2023
Charlotte, I ABSOLUTELY love your beautiful butterflies. They are so colorful and carefree. You are a very talented artist. Keep sharing your beautiful artwork.
- Gammie on November 23, 2022
Charlotte!! Butterfly Farm has to be one of my favorites of your artwork in Artsonia! It makes me happy just looking at it...and thinking of you!
- Barb on November 23, 2022
This sunflower is beautiful! I hope you get to bring it home!
- Erin (Mother) on October 10, 2022
Love your beautiful sunflower
- Gammie on October 12, 2022
That’s cool !
- Gammie on October 12, 2022
I'm making a second comment now...I love what you titled this artwork and it now has even more meaning for me!
- Barb on October 12, 2022
This is an interesting collage. I want to hear more about it.
- Barb on October 12, 2022
I love this sunflower, Charlotte! It's bold, bright, and beautiful!
- Barb on October 12, 2022
What a beautiful picture. It would look really nice in a frame hanging in your room. You have been very busy in art class this school year. Keep up the beautiful work.
- Gammie on October 5, 2022
I love you, Charlotte! I love seeing your artwork! This heart makes me think of love!
- Barb on September 28, 2022
I like the different colors that you used under the word sketch!
- Barb on September 21, 2022
Love your BEAUTIFUL sunset !!!!
- Gammie on September 19, 2022
It's great to get to comment on 3 pictures today. This one is especially cute!
- Barb on September 19, 2022
I love fall and this picture shows how beautiful the leaves are. Nice work!
- Barb on September 19, 2022
Charlotte!! It is so wonderful to see new artwork that you have created. I'm always excited to see your drawings...this one is very pretty. I hope that there will be more coming soon!
- Barb on September 19, 2022
Charlotte, Love your beautiful new art work ! Keep up the good work ??
- Gammie on October 13, 2021
Charlotte!! I always love seeing your artwork! This Adidas picture that you drew reminds me of how pretty you always look in Adidas clothes. (Of course you look beautiful to me no matter what you wear!) I hope to see more of your artwork soon. Love, Grandma
- Barb on October 13, 2021
Charlotte!! It's so nice seeing new artwork by you! You did a great job making your picture look like India. Even though I will probably never visit there, I can appreciate the unique architecture by looking at your picture. I hope you will post more artwork soon! Love, Grandma
- Barb on February 7, 2020
Charlotte, I love your new drawing of the postcard of India. You did amazing job ! So happy you are able to share your pictures with me. Can’t wait for the next one!
- Gammie on February 7, 2020
Charlotte!! What a cheerful picture! The colors are wonderful and the smiling sun makes me happy, just like you do! Love, Grandma
- Barb on October 16, 2019
Love this beautiful rainbow !
- Gammie on October 16, 2019
Charlotte, I am so excited to be able to see your beautiful artwork and share with my friends. I know how much you love to draw, color and be creative. Thank you for sharing your amazing artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Gammie on October 16, 2019
This is really cool Charlotte! These are all awesome ways that you express yourself
- Matt (Father) on October 9, 2019
Charlotte!! I am so glad to be a part of your Fan Club! I love the collage that you made...the dancer in it reminds me of how joyfully you always dance. I am excited to see all of your future artwork! Love you! Grandma
- Barbara on October 3, 2019