Keira20681's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about Keira20681's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I think I already saw this and loved that you drew yourself! Hair up and happy smile! Love to see your smile! You draw happy pictures! Love this!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
I think I already saw this and loved that you drew yourself! Hair up and happy smile! Love to see your smile! You draw happy pictures! Love this!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
Very nice tiger and love her thoughts!!! Always thinking about games Keira - Tigers like to play games too! Good detail and color outlines. Proud of your art!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
I am so happy to see you are thankful for your friends - life is not complete without friends to enjoy it with you! Love you!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
Kiera - seeing your art makes me realize how thankful I am for having you! Love you!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
I am guessing this is a self picture of you during the pandemic with a mask on; your hair is up and eyes are green. A great drawing to remember these years surviving the pandemic! Love my Keira and her great mind!
- Grandma on April 28, 2022
I see a story in your picture! Clark is smiling so he must be happy he is not getting caught by that hook hanging above him! Pretty pink fish close by is not afraid either. Clark is being nice! Love your drawing Keira!
- Grandma on October 9, 2021
I see a story in your picture! Clark is smiling so he must be happy he is not getting caught by that hook hanging above him! Pretty pink fish close by is not afraid either. Clark is being nice!
- Grandma on October 9, 2021
Love the details you included!
- Lauren (Mother) on September 30, 2021
A birds nest! With eggs! Nice job - you are good at this type of art with materials! Love to see your talent!
- Grandma on September 15, 2021
Yellow - I would love to see what color you are feeling when you are playing Roblox!! Guessing you like to use colors more than just pencil? Me too!
- Grandma on September 29, 2021
Cute little doggy! I know what you love Keira!!
- Grandma on September 15, 2021
Shapes are cool dude.
- Papa on July 4, 2021
Hi Keira! Nice job on this one. We should check the birds nest in our front oak tree to see if there are any baby birds.
- Papa on July 4, 2021
Happy face means happy Keira! Live to see how you express what you learn about through drawing!
- Grandma on July 4, 2021
I can guess pottery was fun for you!!! Love how you decorated it! We will do this soon together; I love pottery! Yes
- Grandma on July 4, 2021
Very nice work Keira! Happy Valentines Day to you babes.
- Jeremy (Father) on April 1, 2021
Keira you really shine in art; sounds like this was fun cutting up and making shapes....very neat and colorful! Love it!
- Grandma on March 3, 2021
Beautiful hearts Keira! You are my sweet heart!
- Grandma on March 3, 2021
Beautiful three level birthday cake Keira! Two of almost everything except the tiers and candles! Looks like a very happy "twin" birthday cake! We love to see you express yourself through pictures! I see you smiling - Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma on February 24, 2021
Beautiful three level birthday cake Keira! Two of almost everything except the tiers and candles! Looks like a very happy "twin" birthday cake! We love to see you express yourself through pictures! I see you smiling - Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma on February 24, 2021
Beautiful!! Can see your progress
- Don on December 30, 2020
Someone loves donuts - they look happy so they must be happy together in space! Love this Keira!
- Grandma on December 30, 2020
Oh Keira - look at the long beard and mustache; your nutcracker's eyes and teeth look like he is about to say something funny! I love your contrasting colors - different legs, boots, arm sleeves and even bottoms of the boots/shoes. Very creative! Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma on December 30, 2020
Well Keira - this monster has a different emotion - he is confused...maybe he doesn't want to be a monster? Your picture is very good - love your rainbow touch for his body - his eyebrows are trying to be nice - I think he is confused because he wants to be happy and not a monster? You are telling a store with your drawings...Love to see your thoughts come through! Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma on December 30, 2020
Keira - your pictures are telling stories! Two friends or maybe sisters, holding hands - I believe those are donuts yes? The sun is shining so that is your happy thought - looks like planets in space - nice job Keira! You are happy no matter where you are! My happy, smiley Keira! Love you - Grandma and Dave
- Grandma on December 30, 2020
Are these the happiest donuts in the Universe or what?!
- Lauren (Mother) on November 20, 2020
Keira, you really created a wonderful piece of art with cake paint and dots! We love your work! Looks like fun too! Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
Art was really fun during COVID; you always had such creative ideas - love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
We had so much fun putting this picture together! Remember you are the cheese! Keep having fun with art. Love Grandma and Dave
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
Of course you love to draw hearts; you will always be my sporty sweetheart Keira! Love Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
Earth! We had so much fun looking for pieces of nature to use for this picture! You are so creative! Love Grandma and Dave!
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
A rainbow is still your favorite thing to draw! Happy words from a happy girl! Good expressions Keira! We love you! Grandma and Dave!
- Grandma(fan) on October 6, 2020
We love how you put your feelings into your artwork! This looks so happy and cheery - just like you! Beautiful piece of art Keira! Love you more than all the world!
- Grandma and Dave on March 18, 2020
This work of art is just amazing Keira! You used so many different materials and shapes - love your name at the very top!
- Grandma on February 5, 2020
I forgot to leave my name on my original comment about the beautiful rainbow...and your happy face! Love you more than all the world!
- Grandma on February 5, 2020
I love how you drew the mermaid in the water with her fins showing! And you put trees around the water - just like Blue Springs where we went swimming! Very nice picture Keira!
- Grandma on February 5, 2020
You are so inspiring Keira! I love to see your creativity. You are so clever too! Nice work - Grandma is so proud of you!
- Grandma on February 5, 2020
Hi Kiera. Pampa & I love seeing all your art work. Your doing an awesome job. Love Pampa & Grandma :)
- Pampa & Grandma on October 9, 2019
Hi Keira, I love the rainbow colors on the top and the circular designs on the sides of the star. Just like your artwork, you are the star in the middle! :)
- Papa on October 2, 2019
Keira, I love your 3D sculpture. I love the colors and shapes you made...You are very creative :)
- Papa on October 2, 2019
You are very creative Keira! I like the way you rolled the pieces and made a bridge! Love you!
- Grandma on October 2, 2019
Keira - you are my shining star! Love how you tie a rainbow into everything you do! Love Grandma!
- on October 2, 2019
I am so happy to see how important LOVE is to Keira! She is a very happy girl and I love her more than all the world!
- on September 18, 2019
I love your portrait Keira! I love your hair and green eyes :)
- on September 18, 2019
Love the rainbow over your head; can tell how much you love colors! Nice job Keira! Love you!!!
- on September 18, 2019
This is one of Keira’s special talents; a rainbow of colors! Beautiful!
- on September 18, 2019
The patterns on the petals are beautiful! I love the colors Keira!
- on September 18, 2019
2 additional comments not shown - marked as private or waiting on parent permission