Zachary25512's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Zachary25512's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this!! It’s so beautiful!!??
- Sarit (Mother) on February 28, 2023
Zachi, Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! You surprise us everyday and we are so honored to be your parents. We love you and are so very proud of you!
- Sarit (Mother) on March 3, 2020
What an awesome painting!
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020
Great art work!!
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020
Love your artwork Zachary ! (And you)
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020
Zachary, Grandma and Grandpa loves your art work! Great job! Love you! Keep up the good work??
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020
Zachary, Your artwork is awesome! Grandma and Grandpa love your work You are so creative ??Sending love and hugs from Connecticut
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020
Zachary, Your artwork is awesome! Grandma and Grandpa love your work You are so creative ??Sending love and hugs from Connecticut
- Bonnie on March 3, 2020