Coralei4's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Coralei4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Coralei, You are so creative! Keep up the great work!
- Brenda-Mema on January 13, 2021
Great job, Coralei! Keep up the great work!
- MeMa & Papa on January 15, 2020
Wonderful job Coralei. I am so very proud of you.
- Grandma Sandy on January 15, 2020
Coralei, You have once again done a great job! Papa & I love your picture! Keep up the good work! Love, MeMa & Papa
- on October 2, 2019
Good job Coralei!
- on October 2, 2019
This picture is great! I think you are very artistic!
-- Brenda-Mema
- on March 19, 2019
I love seeing the art that you do! Everything is so colorful & we are so proud of the beautiful job you do! I definitely will have to get you to create something for me to bring home when I come to visit!
-- Brenda-Mema
- on March 19, 2019
I think that you definitely like art! You draw so nicely!
-- Brenda-Mema
- on March 19, 2019
This picture is great as well! This girl you drew has a smile like the Mona Lisa!
-- Brenda-Mema
- on March 19, 2019
You are so artistic, Coralei! This picture is great!
-- Brenda-Mema
- on March 19, 2019
I think this one is my favorite. It makes me feel like spring. You are so talented Coralei :)
-- Mary Anne
- on March 19, 2019
Really pretty Coralei! This makes me think of a painting called Starry Night by the artist Monet. You did such a good job on this!
-- Mary Anne
- on March 19, 2019
I love this Coralei!
-- Mary Anne
- on March 19, 2019
Beautiful Coralei! You are a great artist! I am proud of you.
-- Mary Anne
- on March 19, 2019
Love this picture. You are a very talented 6 year old.
-- Sandy
- on March 18, 2019
You are very artistic. Keep up the good work.
-- Sandy
- on March 18, 2019
Great job!
-- Sandy
- on March 18, 2019
Wonderful job! I am so very proud of you.
-- Sandy
- on March 18, 2019