Amelia4859's Portfolio

99 visitors
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Concept development quite a bit more complex in this piece. I appreciate the value you put into your artist statement. You used several thoughts that could touch a wide range of viewers. The rendering of your hands and shadows is done well. I'm not sure the stark black, at the corner of the eye, adds to the piece. It seems to detract from the area that you put meaning into. If you were to put black on the piece, and it wasn't included into your subject, I might advise you also use it in your lashes. Study the form of the human eyebrow, and how it relates to the position of the eye. -- Dollie
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Boyer Valley Middle/High School
18 artworks
grade 110
grade 110
grade 110
grade 80
grade 80
grade 80
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grade 70