Samantha8425's Portfolio

145 visitors
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 Craig (Father)
 Bill (Grandparents)
 Leon (Grandparents)
 Jean (Grandmother)
 Jerry (Friend)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Samantha, I am looking at oiur picture of the trees and rolling hills. They say art is an expression of your "feelings". I am curious why and how you created this picture. It's my kind of place --- nature --- with the freedom of rolling hills, pine trees and WOW --- that sky. Why is the sky "red"? Is it meant to be a sunrise or sunset???? It sure is colorful. Good job, cutie --- keep it up. I would LOVE to see another artist in the family. Love you SO MUCH! GRANDMA JEAN -- JEAN
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is donated to the school arts program
George Washington Carver Elementary
20 artworks
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