Nishi22's artwork

479 artwork visitors
"Fauvism Painting"
created by Nishi22 in Grade 8 at Scullen Middle School
from school project "8th Grade - Fauvism painting"
art id #55697107
Artist Statement (what Nishi22 said about their artwork)
The most difficult part of this painting was getting the right colors. To overcome this, I just blended together a bunch of colors to get the right one.
Comments about this Artwork
Beautiful work, Nishi! Keep it up. We are so proud of you.
-- Shital
May 29, 2017
Order by May 5 for Mothers Day
20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program at
Scullen Middle School
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 Shital (Mother)
 Ninad (Father)
 Jayshree (Grandmother)
 Mel (Uncle)
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