Youth Art Exchange Exhibit at Red Rocks

Morrison, Colorado
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4 artworks
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The first award will be earned after publishing 1,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
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Welcome to our artwork submission page for the Youth Art Exchange Exhibit at Red Rocks! The object of this exhibition rural schools in Colorado and the art programs from these schools the chance to show our work at the Red Rocks Ampitheatre Visitor's Center in June of 2011. Artsonia, the world's largest online gallery of student work is the tool we will use to look at student artwork and judge which pieces will be used in the show. Art teachers, please send your digital images, title of the work, an artist statement, dimensions and/or questions to Ben Quinn at We will also use this site to send out newsletters to keep teachers and students up-to-date with important dates and announcements. Thank you so much for participating!
Ben Quinn