8th Grade Farewell Virtual Art Exhibit

Slideshow from Duval Charter School At Coastal (posted on May 13, 2020)
"Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves, instead of more like everyone else." -Sydney Gureewitz Clemons

This has always been my favorite quote in regards to the importance of art education. I have had the honor to teach some incredibly talented students this year. We have had an interesting year but through it all they have never failed to create for themselves. They have created through teacher-led projects, as well as student choice. I am so proud of each of these students.

This years 8th grade group was such a joy to work with. Seeing them create everyday was so exciting. They watched them uplift their fellow peers during critiques, as well as give advice on how to elevate their work to better their craft. Though this is only the beginning, I truly hope you all continue to shine bright through your art. With that said---

"Every Child is an Artist, The Problem is How to Remain an Artist Once We Grow Up." - Pablo Picasso

Please enjoy the artwork from this years 8th Grade Advanced Art class of 2020!!
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8th Grade Farewell Virtual Art Exhibit
May 13, 2020 · slideshow (351 art)