Andrew2554's Comments (88)

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Below are comments about Andrew2554's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I absolutely LOVE this one!
-- Mom
- on April 10, 2011
That is super cool. I love your name in the fish, what a fun idea
-- Christine
- on March 28, 2011
How Fun! It took me a bit to find the "A". Its a keeper. Great job.
-- Mom
- on March 17, 2011
I Love You Too kiddo! These are for me right?
-- Mom
- on March 10, 2011
This looks very sophisticated! I love the blending of the background coloring.
-- Mom
- on March 10, 2011
aaawww. Who are all those beautiful hearts for?! You made enough to share them with everyone! Looks great
-- Christine
- on March 9, 2011
I would buy this lamp! That totally looks like something in a fancy store. Love the purple and the critters in your design. Nice! Christine
-- Christine
- on February 24, 2011
I'm surprised you didn't hide a skateboard in here somewhere. This looks kind of like an aerial view of a skate park. I like the color choices too!
-- Mom
- on January 20, 2011
Ok, you need to show me how to do this. I love it. Maybe we can do a big one on a canvas. Great Job
-- Mom
- on January 20, 2011
That is really fun! I keep looking at it to figure it out.. the illusion is really cool, you did a great job!
-- Christine
- on January 20, 2011
You are becoming quite the artist, my son. Very nice! Keep it up.
-- Mom
- on December 5, 2010
Purple is one of my favorite colors and all the colors look so cool on here. The face is centered just right like it is really looking at me.. maybe like a crystal ball or something cool!
-- Christine
- on December 5, 2010
I missed this one. It is so you and so real looking. I love all the choices you made- it is a really fun piece. I hope to see it in person next time I visit!
-- Christine
- on December 5, 2010
Holy Smokes! This is so cool. At first glance I thought the site was messed up and put some famous artist's painting here. I love how unique it is. Great job!!
-- Mom
- on November 22, 2010
The color choices are very cool! I bet this was fun but time-consuming. Great work!
-- Mom
- on October 21, 2010
This totally looks like an Aboriginal painting. The symbol in the middle is just right and surrounded by all the colors and dots really makes it pop. I like it!
-- Christine
- on October 21, 2010
There it is!! I really like this one. The colors are fantastic. Such a vibrant red, and the leaves look like they are glowing. Excellent job on this. We'll have to make sure we keep you doing artistic projects this summer as well. Love,
-- Mom
- on June 9, 2010
I probably can't even draw branches and leaves that look so good. I love the colors and sizes, everything looks just right for your tropical bird. Nice job!
-- Christine
- on June 9, 2010
Cool artwork! The circles are so cool. Love
-- Mom
- on June 4, 2010
This looks pretty cool. Sometimes I wish there were multiple views of the art. This is one of those times. Guess I'll have to wait till you bring this home to see the sides better. So far -looking good!-love ya
-- Mom
- on May 5, 2010
Now you are taking me back to my college days - drafting class. Nice color choices.
-- mom
- on April 10, 2010
Your mom made me a dreamcatcher a long time ago, that is really cool
-- Christine
- on April 10, 2010
Hey, I know that place.. you did it just right!! The lakes, the state, everything.. Great job
-- Christine
- on February 16, 2010
Hmm, I want to shake it and hear it rain!-love mom
-- mom
- on February 10, 2010
Too bad your teacher didn't wait for the glue to dry before she took the picture of this one. I love flowers, so how could I not like this! When you brought this one home we got to see more detail and the 3-d effect is better in real life as well. Keep up the great artwork buddy. - Love mom
- on February 4, 2010
This is cool! Are the flowers for me? As always, great job Andrew.--Love Mom
- on December 30, 2009
LOVE IT! I love the different colors in the flowers and how they pop out. Looks great! Aunt Christine
- on December 30, 2009
I want to go for a ride in a balloon. Great job on this. So much detail! -Love Mom
- on December 18, 2009
Wow, I love it. Great choice of colors. You could sell this, its so good. -Love Mom
- on December 18, 2009
This one ROCKS! I love it! Why haven't you brought this home yet? I can't wait to see this in person. Your brother is going to be jealous.-Love Mom
- on December 18, 2009
Maybe I should get you some white T-shirts and some dye. Colorful! Great job buddy=Love Mom
- on December 18, 2009
Wow, I don't remember seeing this one before. Very bright and cheery. -Love Mom
- on December 18, 2009
My mouth dropped at how cool this project is. I think your leaves and how the frog just pops out of them are just perfect. Great job! Aunt Christine
- on December 9, 2009
I love the colors on this picture. It makes me think happy thoughts, and reminds me of a warm tropical vacation.-love mom
- on November 23, 2009
4th grade and new projects already!! I love the black with the colorful background.. the picture looks like a pretty vacation getaway. Very cool... Aunt Christine
- on November 22, 2009
Where do you come up with this stuff! Your lines and colors are so cool, I think you have a great imagination. Christine
- on May 29, 2009
Very cool buddy! I like the use of perspective to show how high the balloon is in the sky. Love, Dad
- on April 15, 2009
This makes me ready for spring!! It looks like a fun balloon ride. Hope you like art class, you are doing great!
- on April 15, 2009
This is very cool kiddo! I can't wait for you to bring this home. Love Mom
- on March 19, 2009
This looks fun to have made. I love the background colors and the look of all 4 hands together. Neat! Christine
- on February 17, 2009
Did you get to give your mom these flowers for Valentine's Day? They are pretty!! I like all the tissue paper colors- you know your mom loves flowers too! Nice work! Christine
- on February 17, 2009
Great Job Andrew!!! A skateboard, gee go figure. Love, mom
- on January 30, 2009
Now that is cool!!! Great job.
- on January 13, 2009
The bright colors made my day. This is so nice to see such brightness and a pretty flower, especially in the winter. Great job! Christine
- on January 13, 2009
The symmetry is perfect. This is a great drawing! I am glad to see all your work, keep it up!
- on December 11, 2008
Andrew, I love this one. I could see it in my house like something bought somewhere like Arizona or Mexico. Great job drawing the Indian artifacts!
- on December 11, 2008
Yet another masterpiece! Great job bud. Love Mom
- on October 23, 2008
Just what I need to get in the mood for the new season. Thanks Andrew!
- on October 8, 2008
Your name is so cool in the alien. What a neat idea! You can make that with so many names and have an alien family!
- on June 4, 2008
That is really a great use of perspective! Great job!

- on May 21, 2008
Pretty cool Andrew! The circles and the lines just keep going and going. I love all the colors! Christine
- on May 6, 2008
Wow! That's pretty darn cool! I wonder how long it took to do that?
- on May 6, 2008
Hey buddy, that's awesome! Great job! Love, Dad
- on April 8, 2008
That's a lot better than any stick people I can draw! Pretty handsome guy... Christine
- on April 8, 2008
This is a second grade project?? Wow, what will you be doing next year! Great job on your model bird. Aunt Christine
- on April 5, 2008
That is an awesome castle buddy! Great job!
- on March 10, 2008
Sweet Castle! Great job with all the bricks and windows. Looks like a perfect castle for a princess to live in, with the moat and everything! Love, Aunt Christine
- on March 10, 2008
The bold colors totally drew my attention to this one. The volcano is really neat too. Good job!
- on January 23, 2008
I think this is cool that it looks like a mirror or flipped image. The background looks kind of foggy, that is a really cool effect. Good job!
- on January 23, 2008
VERY COOL buddy! I can't wait for you to bring this one home. -love mom
- on January 15, 2008
Hey buddy, that's really neat! Great job!
- on January 11, 2008
This reminds me of old saturday morning cartoons.
- on December 13, 2007
I would call this Mr. Martini, looks like he's struttin' his stuff, very neat.
- on December 13, 2007
This is just awesome...
- on December 13, 2007
Did you have real leaves you painted or do this yourself? I love leaves and the fall season so this was a great reminder of fall. The leaves are sized and painted just right. Great job!
- on December 7, 2007
Andrew, this looks like a stained glass window at a beautiful church. I think you did a great job with the different size lines and colors. I love checking out your work!
- on December 7, 2007
Cool collage. It looks like leaves floating on the water. I like the way the bright colors look against the blue background. -Rich
- on October 25, 2007
Very cool colors.
- on October 7, 2007
Awesome job buddy!!!!! Mommy loves it.
- on October 5, 2007
I really really love this little turtle ! Great job!
- on September 29, 2007
Alright, it is hard to pick a favorite. This is a really cool Solar System. You are using colors great, I am proud of you!
- on September 28, 2007
I think the turtle is my favorite. All the colors in the water look so real and the turtle is just right. I am super impressed!!
- on September 28, 2007
This is just loverly. It reminds me of the simplicity of early Nintendo video games.
- on September 28, 2007
Ah...the bouquet is beautiful! Great work, Andrew! Keep it up.
- on September 28, 2007
The flower looks like a flower AND the sun. I wonder how you did that so well? It looks really neat. I can't paint as good as that. I hope you liked painting it as much as I liked looking at it. --Rich Gott
- on September 28, 2007
Fantastic penguin!!
- on September 28, 2007
Awesome turtle!!
- on September 28, 2007
Wow, great planets! I wish I could visit them :)
- on September 28, 2007
Beautiful flowers!
- on September 28, 2007
I love the sunflower! So much blue!
- on September 28, 2007
Outstanding job, Andrew. You are incredibly talented. Keep it up!!!!
- on September 27, 2007
I think this is my favorite! It's too hot where I am now and this reminds me of the cold snows of winter (and Christmas!) Great job, Andrew!
- on September 27, 2007
Hi Andrew, Wow, this is great work! I love the colors you've used here. Really fantastic stuff! Keep it up. I can't wait to see some of your other work. Best, Jon Merz
- on September 27, 2007
Wow! This is really beautiful artwork! I love the way you blended the colors. Keep up the good work. You're using your talent very well.
- on September 27, 2007
This is very good! Are you sure you are only 8?
- on September 27, 2007
Andrew, I loved your sunflower! That would make a beautiful print to hang on the wall. Good luck to you in all your artistic endeavors! Susan Taylor
- on September 27, 2007
Great job buddy! Love mom
- on October 26, 2006
Very cool, great job! Love, Dad
- on October 25, 2006