Cassandra290's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Cassandra290's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Cassie!! this is so relaxing... maybe you could do the same drawing in the garage, what yoou think? Love it! Mom
-- Mom
- on April 15, 2011
Hi Cassie! I'm looking at your paint today, and it made me feel much better!! spring is here and the "bloomings" are just getting ready... Thank you! Love, mom
-- Mom
- on April 7, 2011
I really love this drawing!! i thought it was made out of looks very cool!!
-- mom
- on March 15, 2011
Awesome name Cassie!!!
-- Mom
- on March 15, 2011
Hola Hija: Sinceramente te felicito por tu obra de arte en madera, ojala y puedas hacer otras,para presumirlas con mis conocidos.Muchas felicidades hija. Sinceramente The Grand Father One.
-- Guillermo
- on December 15, 2010
Good morning Cassie; I wish we can all be sitting at the beach listening to this crazy cat! The hammocks look soo confortable! Maybe next year we can go back to Cocoa Beach and do it. Love you . Mom
- on October 26, 2009
Hola Hija: Cada día tus dibujos son más completos, interesantes y llenos de colorido. Por lo cual me s grato enviarte mis más sinceras felicitaciones por ello. Espero y deseo que pronto expongan en alguna galería de arte tus dibujos. Felicidades Hija. Con mucho amor de mi parte. Sinceramente Guillermo Alcántara.- The grand father.
- on June 2, 2009
WOW!! It looks almost like somebody from Asia made it with you! So many details! I love the colors that you pick for the kimono. Way to go honey!!! Love, Mom.
- on April 29, 2009
Good morning sunshine!!! Hey Cassie, this is an awesome drawing!!! I like all the details that you use, specailly the mountains, and the two people that are riding the balloon. Who are they? Could it be YOU and somebody else? Let me know. Love, Mom.
- on April 16, 2009
Hey baby girl: This is really awesome!!! It reminds me of the exibition we went to see at the school, remember? it looks like the portrait of Marilyn Monroe but this is more valuable becuase... you did it!!! Love, mom
- on February 20, 2009
Very nice artwork. yoni
- on February 4, 2009
Hey baby girl:: I'm so proud of you. You are becoing a wonderful artist and your grandparents are so happy that you are sharing with them your master pieces. Way to go kiddo!!! Love, MOM
- on October 24, 2008
Hola Hija: Felicidades por los nuevos dibujos, pero no sé que es el de abajo, parece una tortuga o algo así, aún cuando tambien puede ser una cabeza de buzo. Felicidades de todas maneras. Att. The Grand Father
- on October 24, 2008
Hola hija: Muchas felicidades por tu nuevo trabajo, me parece que es en plastilina, lo que quiere decir que tienes espiritu de artista. Sigue así por favor. Con mucho amor de mi parte.
- on October 10, 2008
Hola Hija: Cada día me sorprendes más con tus dibujos, éste me parece muy interesante y dificil de saber como lo realizaste, espero y deseo que tengas muchas visitas en tu pagina y que logres varios premios. Con mucho amor de nuestra parte.
- on October 8, 2008
Hola Hija: Te felicito por tus dibujos, espero que pronto reciba muchos más, Te mando muchos besos, abrazos y apapachos. Con mucho amor de m i parte Att. The Grand Father
- on May 13, 2008
Oh my goodness Cassie! I 'm amesaze at all the details that you use in you drawing. It make me feel like I was at the soccer feel sitting down in the grass, looking at you getting ready to play! I love you so much and I'm very proud of your drawings!
- on May 9, 2008
Hola hija, hoy tuve la oportunidad de ver tu pagina, y me sorprendieron tus hermosos dibujos, tienes mucha creatividad. sigue asi, y haznoslos llegar, nos encantaron. . Alcantara Muñoz
- on April 22, 2008
Dear Cassie, Ijust saw the great portrait that you did and i really love it! I can truly see the resamble with the smallpicture of you in the corner, even if the picture wasn't there, i knew it was you. Way to go honney!! Keep on drawing, Love, Mom.
- on April 18, 2008
I'm sooo proud of you!!! I can't wait until I get all your drawings so I can put the up in the living room. There awesome!! I love you. Mom
- on March 13, 2008
Hola hija: Muchas felicidades por tus dibujos, espero que sigas por el camino del arte. Te mando muchos besos
- on September 27, 2007
Hola hija: espero que puedas leer el mensaje Si los dibujos son tuyos, FELICIDADES/CONGRATULATION, espero que puedas volver a enviar más dibujos, Te mando muchos besos y abrazos, y saludos de tus abuelitos, tios, tia y primos Con mucho amor de nuestra parte
- on May 24, 2007