Hallie96's Comments (52)

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Below are comments about Hallie96's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a prize winner!!
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
So colorful ... So 70's
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
I think this is my favorite so far
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
This looks so warm and relaxing
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
This is really cool!!
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
Wow Hallie mamaw would love this she likes birds You did great as usual
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
Hallie: I absolutely love this...your color choice is awesome!! Taylor
-- Taylor
- on November 10, 2010
This looks so relaxing I wish I was there!! Mom
-- Mom
- on May 8, 2010
Awesome Hallie!!!!
- on March 30, 2010
I love this it looks so real!!! Love all your work Mom
- on March 30, 2010
WOW Hallie that turtle is totally COOL!!!...Keep up the fabulous work hun!!!! :::hugs:::
- on March 30, 2010
AWESOME Hallie!!! Keep up the great work! :::hugs::: Angela
- on March 30, 2010
Awesome job hun!!! :::hugs::: Angela
- on March 30, 2010
WOW Hallie, that is fabulous!!...Great job young lady!!! :::hugs::: Angela
- on March 30, 2010
Another great job Picasso!! :::hugs::: Angie
- on March 30, 2010
Nice Hallie!!!!
- on February 18, 2009
Great picture Hallie!!! Miss you hun! :::hugs::: Angie
- on February 18, 2009
COOL!!!...I love it Hallie!!! :::hugs::: Angie
- on February 18, 2009
WOW Hallie, great job hun...thank you so much for sharing your art work with me hun... Love ya bunches!!! Angela
- on February 18, 2009
WOW, Love it Hallie!!!!...Great job as always hun!!
- on February 18, 2009
That's a cool looking Alien Ms Hallie!!
- on February 18, 2009
Great job Hallie!!!...You rock girl!!!
- on February 18, 2009
Good job Hallie!!!
- on May 11, 2008
WOW Hallie what a beautiful bird!...Artsonia didn't notify me when you did this beautiful bird I don't think...
- on April 27, 2008
Wooo Hoo! Tie dyed!...Beautiful Hallie!
- on April 27, 2008
You go girl, you going to be a great artist!!! :::hugs::: Angela
- on April 27, 2008
Awww, how cute Hallie! Great work hun!!! Love ya, Angie
- on April 27, 2008
WOW Hallie what a beautiful castle!!...I'm so proud of you hun....You did a fabulous job on it!! Keep up all your wonderful creative and talented work hun!!! Love ya! Angie
- on April 27, 2008
Wonderful Hallie!!! Thanks for sharing your art with me hun!!
- on April 27, 2008
What a beautiful kitty mask! Congratulations Hallie!
- on April 27, 2008
Good Job hun!!
- on April 27, 2008
WOW Hallie!...What an awesome dino picture!!...Keep up the great work you little Picasso!
- on April 27, 2008
AWESOME job Hallie!!!
- on April 27, 2008
Another great piece of work Hallie hun!
- on April 27, 2008
You go girl!!...Your going to be a great artist someday!
- on April 27, 2008
Awesome Hallie!!!...I just love your colors!
- on November 10, 2007
Beautiful Hallie! I LOVe the colors hun!!
- on November 10, 2007
WOW Hallie, what a beautiful flower!! I love sunflowers!!
- on September 28, 2007
Ohh Hallie, your turtle is so cute!!!!..Thank you for letting me see it!...Keep up the great work hun!
- on September 28, 2007
good job hallie
- on September 28, 2007
WOW, another AWESOME piece of art work from Hallie...You are just to talented Hallie!!!...Thank you for letting me see your beautiful work!!...Love ya sweetie!!
- on May 4, 2007
Great job saweetie!
- on April 12, 2007
Great job Hallie!!!
- on March 14, 2007
WOW Hallie, your turtle is AWESOME!!!....I love it!!..Love you too sweetie! Angie
- on March 5, 2007
Hallie, Interesting piece. Can you tell me the story behind this? Love trey
- on February 9, 2007
Hallie, love your penguin! Burr it looks cold out there. love Jim
- on February 9, 2007
Hallie, I enjoy the constrast of the bright orange and dark brown colors you used. What a wonderful fall piece. Love tina
- on February 9, 2007
Good Job Hallie, it is pretty love Rachel
- on February 9, 2007
WOW Hallie, What a great cat face!...Your one very talented little artist hun!!!...Keep up the beautiful work! Angela
- on February 9, 2007
WOW Hallie, you do it all don't ya hun! Great work on this bowl hun!!
- on January 21, 2007
Good Job Hallie!...You quite the little artist sweetie!! Love ya bunches!! Angela
- on January 21, 2007
Great job Hallie hun!!!!
- on January 15, 2007