Reagan5531's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Reagan5531's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this. You made it glow!
- Jill on April 24, 2024
Reagan, of all the amazing artwork you have done, this one may be my favorite. I know it has so many colors that make up a beautiful whole picture. It just reminds me of you.
- Candy on April 24, 2024
Dear Reagan, I would love to know more about the thought process behind this excellent drawing. Happy to see the “The Scream” reference and hope you get to explore Edvard Munch’s other work. Or is this a “Home Alone” reference?! Keep creating! Love, Aunt Laurie
- Lauren on April 24, 2024
Reagan, you have to call me and tell me all about this latest artwork that you did. Is it animation. Did you do this all by yourself. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me it’s great.
- Candygram on April 20, 2023
I love all the things you create. This one makes me hungry. Is it pumpkin pie? Chocolate pie? Or do i get to decide for myself? I love you
- Candy on March 8, 2023
Great job, Reagan! That water is alive??
- Mimi on September 29, 2021
next pizza we make at your house can we cut the pepperoni into letters??
- UJ on September 29, 2021
Reagan I'd like to place an order for 2 of your finest bunny rabbits please!!! Love you, UJ
- UJ on September 29, 2021
Hi Reagan---Just wanted to let you know that I think this is just a sensational work! You really captured the essence of the project, plus it really looks tasty...and I want a slice right now! Love you, Grampy
- Grampy on May 27, 2020
I love this bunny. Where is he now? Is he coming home after Easter? I love you, my talented girl
- Candy on March 18, 2020
Honey..I love this painting so much. It’s beautiful. I want to know who lives in that house #506?
- Candygram on February 5, 2020
Yayyy, Reagan! I love this new offering of your artistic talent! But, what have you named it? Love you and keep up the awesome work! Grampy Crowley
- Steve on January 29, 2020
Hi Reagan - this brilliant blue really jumps out at you! Are there initials in the windows of the houses? Who lives there? Keep them coming! Love you, Aunt Laurie
- Aunt Laurie on January 29, 2020
Hi Reagan---I love your latest artwork! I hope you don't really have monsters in your walls, especially after the remodeling you guys did:) Love you lots. Keep up your art! Grampy
- Steve on January 29, 2020
Hi Reagan---I absolutely love your "Mustang" painting! How did you know I love horses?? Keep up the classy artwork, sweetie! Love, Grampy
- Steve on November 20, 2019
DONUTS, DONUTS, DONUTS! You are one expert donut drawer. i love you
-- Candygram
- on July 10, 2019
I love this one too honey. I love all your stuff. I love your heart (the one you have inside you) and I love these hearts too.
-- Candygram
- on July 10, 2019
Reagan, this is so good! I like the aerial view and the shading on the apples. Keep up the great work - remember the Earth without Art is just Eh! I'm going to go eat an apple now.
-- Lauren
- on May 15, 2019
Wow! I really like this, Reagan! You're showing you can do some very cool artwork! Love you, girl!
-- Grampy
- on April 24, 2019
Reagan you can make Valentine’s Day cards out of this! Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Laurie
-- Lauren
- on April 3, 2019
I love your new artwork, Reagan! So glad you love to read, too!
-- Grampy
- on April 3, 2019
Love this!
-- UJ
- on January 16, 2019
Reagan- I think this is beautiful. I love that all of your artwork is so different from the ones before it. I love you too.
-- Candygram
- on January 16, 2019
Reagan, This picture you made reminds me of Michigan in the snow. It made me happy to think about . Keep going.with the artwork. I think you do so so well . Love candy gram
-- Candygram
- on December 19, 2018
Amazing rea rea!!!! Is this going to go in the Louvre soon? Love you and see u sooooon... gobble gobble
-- Uncle Jonnie
- on November 14, 2018
Dear Reagan - I really like what you did with color here - in the vase and the flowers. Van Gogh is one of Bret's and my favorite artists and I am so happy you learned about him. Did you notice he signed his name in the vase? Just the first one. You could also just use your first name and then you would be known as "the artist known as Reagan." I love this website and that we can see your artwork - that is super fun for your whole family. We love you!
-- Aunt Laurie
- on November 14, 2018
Reagan - What's really funny is even before I read what you were learning before you painting this picture, I saw the picture and thought "looks like Van Gogh" and then I saw that you had learned about Van Gogh and the cool pictures before you painted this one. You did it beautifully. Keep painting. i love you,
-- CandyGram
- on November 7, 2018
Absolutely gorgeous, Reagan! Just love it, and can’t wait to see more of your artwork! Love you
-- Grampy
- on November 1, 2018