Elana400's Comments (107)

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Below are comments about Elana400's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Elana! Your poster will surely help in the capture of the Bad Bandits. I love the boldness of the caption and the extra emphasis on the definite article "THE". So good! He'll not be geting away with his mischief much longer. All thanks to you. I also apprecite your slightly-off placement of the two photos. It provides visual appeal and interest to your already-so-great depiction of the scoundrel. YOU, my dear, need to be rewarded for the capture. Mom Dad $$$ lol
- Rita on May 1, 2024
Wow! Awesome job Elana! Very interesting drawing! Love it!
- Lynn on May 1, 2024
Love the colors!!!! Great job!!!
- Grammy Lynn on March 26, 2024
Proverbs 4:25 ESV / "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." And that is what you do, Elana. You look to the Lord for guidance, direction, love. Beautiful verse. AND...such a beautiful drawing.
- Aunt Rita on February 21, 2024
I'll not be "dragon" my wagon to get over here and tell you that I love your depiction of the year 2024, Elana. Love you.
- Aunt Rita on January 24, 2024
Wow!! I love this! Great job Elana! Love you!
- Grammie Lynn on January 24, 2024
Very nice Elana! I like all the blends of colors.
- Lynn on November 15, 2023
Very nice! Love the colors!.
- Grammie Lynn on November 8, 2023
RED: Red is for Stop. And admire. I do! GREEN: Green is for hope, and I HOPE you know how very much you and your art work are loved and admired, Elana.
- Aunt Rita on November 8, 2023
WOW! Love this and the combo of colors. Good job Carolina!
- Grammie Lynn on October 31, 2023
Elana, I see that a ninja is a person who is expert or highly skilled in a specified field or activity; and then I see your "ninja star origami". Case closed. You, my dear, are the ninja of ninjas. Wow.
- Rita on October 27, 2023
Zentangles. The word itself is interesting, and the ones you actually produced live up to its zing of a name. The lines, dots, colors, and curves you drew do provide the whimsy of this art form. So, Elana, "doodle" on. I'm lovin' it.
- Auntie Rita on October 18, 2023
"As a teacher, by your students you'll be taught." And, didn't you, my sweet and so fabulous great-great-niece teach me about impasto as an art form. You are following in Van Gogh's footsteps, I see. A very good place in which to be artistically. I love the extra layering of paint and the locations in which you placed them. Great talent. You "gogh", girl. You GOGH! xoxo
- Auntie Rita on October 18, 2023
My eye is so impressed by the patterns, colors, and technique! Love, mom
- Michelle (Mother) on October 11, 2023
Elana, this one is one of my faves! Love, mom
- Michelle (Mother) on October 11, 2023
Ooh! I like this! Love the colors! Love the technique you used!
- Grammie Lynn on October 11, 2023
Beautiful colors! Nice job!.
- Grammie Lynn on October 11, 2023
I love this! Love all the colors Elana!
- Grammie Lynn on October 11, 2023
Wow! Great job Elana. Very unique!
- Grammie Lynn on October 11, 2023
Oh, Elana, what an interesting drawing. The two are so in sync with each other. And I love the freckles. :) I am drawn to the eyes of both. They, too, are telling. You truly have a God-given-gift and you are sharing it, not hiding it under a bushel. Yay, you! Love you, Sweetie.
- Auntie Rita on October 11, 2023
You did an awesome job Elana! Love the colors! Amazing stars!
- Grammie Lynn on October 11, 2023
This one makes me laugh. And I love to laugh. Happy. Happy. Feeling all warm and cozy inside. Thank YOU, Elana!
- Rita on October 11, 2023
Yep. For sure. Elana, you ARE amongst the stars. "He counts the stars and calls them all by name." (Psalm 147:4) And you do answer. Bless you.
- Rita on October 11, 2023
Amaaaazing! Just like you, Elana.
- Rita on October 11, 2023
Wow, Elana. I am impressed with your perspective drawing. Soo good! Just like the "perspective" you have about life: "When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It's all a matter of perspective. "~Harvey Mackay You go, girl, you go!
- Rita on October 11, 2023
Ooooh, Elana! You captured the art lesson so well in this drawing. I can feel the height. And, um, hence for me - the fright!
- Rita on October 11, 2023
Wow! Look at those colors! Love them! Beautiful work Elana!
- Lynn on April 5, 2023
Wow! Look at those colors! Love them! Beautiful work Elana!
- Grammie Lynn on April 5, 2023
What beautiful colors! Good job, Elana.
- Aunt Rita on April 5, 2023
Elana, I love your heart picture! It's really pretty. Love the colors ?? Great job!
- Grammie Lynn on April 5, 2023
Elana, this is really cute. I love the colors and the spots! You did wonderful as usual.
- Lynn Grammie on April 5, 2023
Oh, Elana! You continue to amze me. I see a - perhaps - hidden message in this recent art work of yours. The container part of the basket reminds me of a pumpkin face. A fun one. Just like you.
- Aunt Rita on October 5, 2022
Hey Elana! This is truly awesome! You did an excellent job. Looks like Grammie will have to buy the jewelry snap for her necklace. Lol.
- Grammie Lynn on October 5, 2022
I love this. Looks so relaxing. Remember how UG and I would push you on the swing when we babysat? Good times.
- Rita on October 5, 2022
Hi Elana! What a beautiful piece of art work you have made. Once again, I love your colors and unique designs.
- Lynn Grammie on September 14, 2022
How beautiful. Swinging is so relaxing. Your drawing shows that, Elana.I love how her scarf and skirt blow in the breeze caused by the air motion of her swinging. You notice and depict so many details in your work. You inspire UG and me.
- Rita on September 14, 2022
Hey Elana! Grandma and I love this picture! How beautiful! I would love to be that lady on the swing. Amazing job!
- Grammie Lynn on September 14, 2022
Oh Elana! Guess who is getting a necklace with this awesome artwork? I love wearing your artwork. I want to say what an amazing drawing you did! I love the colors and unique drawing!
- Grammie Lynn on September 14, 2022
This is beautiful... perfect for Valentine's Day!
- Nana on September 14, 2022
Oh Elana! This is beautiful! I love the colors and design! Keep up the good work!
- Nana on September 14, 2022
WOW! How amazing and beautiful! Love the trees, sky and house!
- Grammie Lynn on September 14, 2022
Elana, this was so awesome! I loved it so much, Grammie bought it in a necklace. Remember the snap on magnet drawings? I'm excited to wear it. It's beautiful.
- Grammie Lynn on September 14, 2022
Sweet sunflowers...just like our sweet Elana. Side by side, we are all there for one another, right? :)
- Rita on September 14, 2022
Beautiful beautiful heart! Love your colors and creativity!
- Lynn Grammie on November 10, 2021
Oh, Elana! My heart skipped a beat when I saw your recent artwork. What a beauiful heart. The one you drew. AND...the one you have. UG and I love you.
- Rita on November 10, 2021
Great job Elana! Beautiful colors!
- Lynn Grammie on November 10, 2021
Love this! You did a wonderful job!
- Grammie Lynn on August 25, 2021
Elana! How beautiful! I love this!
- Lynn on August 25, 2021
Hi Elana! Beautiful work! I love this very MUCH ??
- Grammie Lynn on August 25, 2021
I love this Elana. It is very peaceful and nice. You did a great blend of colors.
- Grammie Lynn on March 17, 2021
I love this drawing, Elana. There is something very serene about it. I feel drawn into the blue light. Is heaven there? Is Jesus there? UG and I love you, sweetie, and we pray for you, by name, every night. Aunt Rita
- Aunt Rita on March 17, 2021
Hi Elana! Beautiful! I love this very MUCH. And you too!
- Lynn on March 17, 2021
Wow Elana! This is really neat! Great job Sweetie!
- Lynn on December 3, 2020
Elana! Nice job sweetie! Love all the colors and creativity!
- Lynn on March 5, 2020
Wow. I am really impressed, Elana. Only seven years old and already learning about Faith Ringgold and her story quilts. I see you, your dad, and your mom in the center of the quilt. Are you entering your home? The stable in Bethlehem? And the fringe? Filled with things/stickers that make you happy? I would love to hear your story of your first quilt, Elana. You are a great story teller, an amazing artist, and the best great-great niece in the whooooole wide world. UG and I love you. A lot. Draw on!
- Aunt Rita on March 5, 2020
WOW! Nice job Elana!!! ????????????????
- Grammie Lynn on February 17, 2020
Elana, sweet Elana. Your emoji art work is very appropriate for Valentine's 2020. We need more love in our so-politically-challenged country right now. 1) We need to "see others with love": You used HEARTS for eyes with which to see. 2) We need to give more respect, more help to one another: You used ARMS to connect with what one sees with love and then to reach out and help one another. 3) And all this with the use of primary colors: Well, it makes BASIC sense as good Americans to see and do this, right? 4) Uncle and I love you to the (yellow) MOON and back. Another winner! xoxo
- Rita on February 8, 2020
This is beautiful!
- Lynn Grammie on December 18, 2019
Elana, I love your owl!
- Lynn Grammie on December 18, 2019
I love THIS!
- Lynn Grammie on December 18, 2019
Wow! Great job! It has been a long while since I have seen your artwork. So glad I could enjoy this.
- Lynn Grammie on December 18, 2019
Love your self portrait. You are such a great artist, Elana. Love you lots!
- Auntie Pamela on December 18, 2019
Another winner! I love the long eyelashes: Reminds me to shield my eyes from things that would not be good for my soul. I love the multi- colored background: Reminds me to love people of all colors/races. I love the longer neck: Reminds me to stick mine out for one in need. Oh, Elana, Uncle Gerry and I miss you so much and are happy to be reminded of the many and so wonderful facets of YOU through your art work. Good job, sweetie. We love you. xoxo
- Aunt Rita on December 18, 2019
What a cute owl! I can hear him calling, "Who-who!!"
-- Nancy/Nana
- on December 18, 2019
Elana, what a beautiful picture!! I love all the colors and the pretty blue sky!!! My love,
-- Nancy/Nana
- on December 18, 2019
What a great drawing of a super great story by Eric Carle: The Grouchy Ladybug. Colorful. Precisely placed spots. I love that you share your art and your heart with so many, Elana. You are more like the Gentle Ladybug in the story. Winner. Yay for you. We love you and, like the Gentle Ladybug, we will save some aphids for you for breakfast. Oh? You prefer pancakes. Will do. Stay gentle. xoxo
-- Aunt Rita xoxo
- on June 12, 2019
WOW! Love the lady bugs! This is too cute Elana! You did a GREAT job!
-- Lynn Grammie
- on June 12, 2019
Hoooooot said Elana's owl. Well I love your owl. You did a wonderful job. I like your shade of colors.
-- Lynn Grammie
- on June 12, 2019
I loooooove neutral colors. They teach a good lesson: They let another shine. Whooooooooo knew? You did and you do, my precious Elana. Love you.
-- Aunt Rita xoxo
- on June 12, 2019
You continue to amaze me, Little One. I am eager to hear all about this painting from YOU. It reminds me of life: sun, clouds, rain, growth, rainbow, flower, and the little one on the flower who spreads the seed for new life. And, there YOU are. Hands raised up to the sky. I know to Whom you are talking. The Master of the universe. What a beautiful world. You are in it. Love you, Elana. (Sister-Sister Rita)
-- Aunt Rita
- on June 12, 2019
Love! Love! Love! It's such a happy drawing Elana! I love it! Beautiful colors! You did a great job!
-- Grammie Lynn
- on June 12, 2019
What a cool drawing! I love you sweet girl! Love, Mom
-- Michelle
- on April 3, 2019
Oh how beautiful Elana! WOW! I love the colors that you used!
-- Lynn Grammie
- on April 3, 2019
Oh, my, Elana! All the detail in this artwork. You did a beautiful job. Great colors. Great dimension. You continue to amaze me. Deserves a reward-visit to Enchanted Castle, don't you think? ;) Lots of love, Aunt Rita
-- Rita
- on April 3, 2019
To the artist with the pretty heartist! Lol. Beautiful job Elana! I love your hearts. And your heart too. ????????
-- Lynn Grammie
- on March 6, 2019
Elana, this is so colorful! I can tell you took your time on this art piece. Great job! So proud! Love, Mommy
-- Michelle
- on February 20, 2019
Love these beautiful hearts. So colorful!
-- Pamela
- on February 20, 2019
Oh, Elana! Such happy hearts. So all-inclusive. They truly take after you - You with your great big, loving, kind and sometimes so-silly heart. Love you! Aunt Rita
-- Aunt Rita xoxo
- on February 20, 2019
I love your reindeer! She has such beautiful eyes and a very pretty scarf! You're doing such a good job with your artwork! LvU!
-- Nana/Nancy
- on January 16, 2019
"My, what big eyes you have," said UG to the reindeer. "Well, the better to see you with, " said the reindeer to UG. Oh, "deer", I have the fairy-tales mixed up. But one thing we all have straight: Elana, you are an amazing and creative artist, person, great-great niece. Draw on! Use art to inspire, relax and soothe your soul. And continue to share you gift(s) with all. We love you. xoxo
-- Rita
- on January 16, 2019
What a cute reindeer! I'm so glad art makes you happy! Love you daughter!
-- Michelle
- on January 3, 2019
This is so very cute Elana. Love the eyes and scarf! GREAT job!
-- Lynn Grammie
- on January 3, 2019
Oh Elana this is so cute! I realized he was looking up at the snow. Great job!
-- Lynn Grammie
- on December 12, 2018
Oh, Elana! Elana! Elana! Your snowman is one of my faves. It is so perfect. I love the colors you used in his scarf. His little crooked smile makes me smile. And the snowflakes? Perfect on the dark night sky. A++++++, Darlin'! xoxo
-- Aunt Rita
- on December 12, 2018
My little artist! Very proud of your drawings! Love you, Mommy
-- Michelle
- on December 4, 2018
Oh, Elana! How nice to see a leaf when all of ours have floated away from our trees and nestled together on the ground. Remember all the fun we had in our leaf piles? They were beautiful. Your exotic leaf is a harbinger of spring for UG and me. What a beautiful choice of colors. What joy! Thank you.
-- Aunt Rita xoxo
- on December 4, 2018
Oh, Elana, I love the smile on your scarecrow. Just like yours: Big, sincere, welcoming. We are enjoying your art work. Your sky intrigues me. Tell me about it when I see you. You are very creative. That is, indeed, a gift from God. Keep on coloring.
-- Aunt Rita xoxo
- on December 12, 2018
Absolutely beautiful Elana! Grammie needs to make this into a necklace. ??????
-- Lynn Grammie
- on December 4, 2018
I'm loving your variegated coloring on this scarecrow page, Elana. It provides multiple joys. Just like you do. I love you for that. xoxo
-- Aunt Rita
- on December 4, 2018
Love your scarecrow! You are getting so creative Elana in your colors and over all drawings. ??????
-- Lynn
- on November 14, 2018
What a spooktacular pumpkin Elana! Love you! Mom and Dad
-- Michelle
- on October 31, 2018
Oh no! I think your jack-o-lantern is afraid of the dark!
-- Nana & Papa
- on October 31, 2018
Oh Elana, what a beautiful cat!
-- Nana & Papa
- on October 31, 2018
Awesome caterpillar Elana! We love all the colors!
-- Nana & Papa
- on October 31, 2018
Aw. You amaze me, Elana. Your work is so creative. Perfect secondary coloring. I love you and your art work. Along with all the YAYS coming your way...here's a fun BOO! Happy Halloween, Sweetie.
-- Rita (Sister-Sister) xoxo
- on October 31, 2018
Ooh! Elana Marie! That is one SCARY pumpkin! Did you give it a name? You did an awesome job sweetie!
-- LynnGrammie
- on October 31, 2018
There's Grumpy 'n Garfield. Hello Kitty, too. Sylvester 'n Tigger. And Simba will do. There's Cat In the Hat. But this is so true: There's no cat as great - as Red, Yellow, Blue!
-- Love, Aunt Rita and Uncle Gerry
- on October 17, 2018
Elana, I love this! This is really awesome! I feel like you had fun really doing this. Love the picture?
-- Lynn Grammie
- on October 17, 2018
Elana, this is the cutest cat! Great job my little artist. Love, Mom
-- Michelle
- on October 10, 2018
Hey Elana! This is really nice! I love your colors that you used. and he has a happy face. Love, Grammie
-- Lynn Grammie
- on October 10, 2018
Oh, Elana! How magical you are. The reality of caterpillars traveling in a straight line - each little bugger's body all straight too - while interesting, is not as much of a WOW as the little feller you drew. I love the smile and the conga your caterpillar seems to be doing. How creative! Caterpillars grow up and change into butterflies or moths. What an adventure it is for us to watch you grow and change but still stay so loving, intelligent and creative! Grow on! One, two , three la conga! You can dance it with Mom and Dad in honor of your Caterpillar - Line drawing. P.S. What did you name your caterpillar? *wink-wink*
-- Aunt Rita
- on October 3, 2018
Oh we think this Caterpillar is so cute and colorful. Good job, Elana. Love, Uncle Dave, Aunt Pamela and Gracie.
-- Pamela
- on October 3, 2018
GREAT job Elana! Your colors are beautiful.
-- Lynn Grammie
- on September 12, 2018
Love this, Elana! How pretty and colorful.
-- Pamela
- on September 12, 2018
Elana, good job! Mommy and Daddy love you!
-- Michelle
- on September 8, 2018
Oh, Elana! I love The Dots. I especially love the many groupings of three which you did. I think of you, Mom and Dad. I think of you, UG and me. I think of you, Alex and Gracie. I think of you, Aunt Pamela and Uncle Dave. I think of your three Grammies. The one group of three at the upper left is in the shape of a heart. Wow. How neat is that. Draw on. xoxo
-- Rita
- on September 8, 2018
Elana, this is so beautiful and colorful! Good job!
-- Nana
- on September 8, 2018