Liam12613's Comments (77)

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Below are comments about Liam12613's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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First thing I thought was, that looks like PJ Masks. Then I read the name, and I felt like an idiot. ?
- Bradi (Father) on May 21, 2024
I love this Bulldog, Liam! Well done
- Bradi (Father) on May 7, 2024
Liam, you never cease to amaze me with your artistic capabilities.
- Bradi (Father) on May 7, 2024
Is super cool how the L pops out of the art when you look at it. Very well done.
- Bradi (Father) on January 10, 2024
Liam... I enjoy seeing your artwork when it is sent to me. The oversized 'L' in this picture expresses your large amount of kindness, love and appreciation of others. I love you very much. Thank you for sharing. Grandma
- Kelly on January 10, 2024
I love this art, Liam. You are so talented.
- Bradi (Father) on December 6, 2023
You look just like Frankenstein’s monster! Awesome
- Bradi (Father) on December 6, 2023
Liam your 'spooky' picture is sure happy!!! Have a great day little love. I love you. Grandma.
- Kelly on December 6, 2023
Liam, You are so talented. You always seem to amaze me with your creativity. Keep up the good work. I love you, Grandma :)
- Kelly on December 6, 2023
This one is cool. It would be a cool sleeve design for our cards.
- Bradi (Father) on March 21, 2023
I love how shiny and metallic this one is
- Bradi (Father) on March 21, 2023
This looks like an owl. Cool, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on March 21, 2023
This is amazing perspective here, Liam. I’m so proud of you.
- Bradi (Father) on January 31, 2023
This is so cool, Liam! I had no idea you were this talented. Well done
- Bradi (Father) on December 20, 2022
Liam, you are a star for so many reasons. I am so proud of you, son. Great job on this artwork.
- Bradi (Father) on December 20, 2022
Liam, I love this gnome, Buddy. It looks kind of funny. Like he can’t see anything.
- Bradi (Father) on December 20, 2022
This is so precious, Liam. It reminds me of holding your mama’s hands.
- Bradi (Father) on April 26, 2022
I love this pet snake, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on April 26, 2022
Dude, this looks like something out of our video games! Super cool
- Bradi (Father) on February 4, 2022
Liam... I don't know if you are aware of this, but I REALLY like polar bears. I remember going to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. I spent the most time watching the polar bears play. It was fun. Your picutre helped me remember this memory. Great job!!! Love you, Grandma
- Kelly on February 4, 2022
Liam, Is this a picture that you drew of yourself? I like those bid red glasses!!!
- Donna on February 4, 2022
Hi Liam... I'm trying to figure out if that is a fox in the birch trees, or if it is Toby. I sure do like to see your artwork. It makes me smile. I love you. Grandma
- Kelly on December 15, 2021
This is a spooky one, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on November 2, 2021
I really like these abstract images, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on November 2, 2021
Liam, this reminds me of the guy in the Venom movie!!
- Donna on November 2, 2021
Beautiful drawing, Liam. I love that these look like Christmas lights.
- Bradi (Father) on October 14, 2021
This is a very pretty fruit bowl, Liam
- Bradi (Father) on October 14, 2021
Liam... This picture makes me think of Christmas lights. I know how much you, mommy, and I like this season. Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork. Keep up the good are AWESOME!!! I love you, Grandma
- Kelly on October 14, 2021
Liam, This almost looks like it could be Christmas lights!!! Very pretty!!
- Donna on October 14, 2021
Liam, I think this artwork is my favorite. You are so talented. I really like how you colored your name and made it look like it is dripping. Have a great day. I love you, Grandma
- Kelly on September 29, 2021
If you were a ninja turtle, this would be how you would let people know where you were. So cool. ?
- Bradi (Father) on September 15, 2021
These hearts are so cute, Liam!
- Bradi (Father) on May 26, 2021
This looks like it would work as a helicopter too, Liam. So Cool.
- Bradi (Father) on May 26, 2021
Liam... I love the colors that you used for your flower bouquet, and the background colors just make the whole picture...POP! Keep up the good work. I love you, Grandma
- Kelly on May 26, 2021
These flowers in the bucket look amazing, Liam. Very well done, son.
- Bradi (Father) on May 8, 2021
Liam, I love this bouquet of flowers you made!! You have so much talent!!
- Donna on May 8, 2021
Liam... I am so happy with this piece of artwork. You and I know how much I like fish. The castle in the bottom is a good hiding place for the fish when they get tired. I love you. Grandma
- Kelly on April 7, 2021
I love this fish bowl, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on April 1, 2021
This abstract art is so neat, Liam. I am so proud of you.
- Bradi (Father) on April 1, 2021
Hi Liam, This art work is very interesting to me. I keep wondering if that is Toby (Uncle Bryce's cat) flying over a city. I sure do like it when I see your school projects. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma
- Kelly on January 27, 2021
This is such a cool piece of work, Liam. I like the city, and I wonder what that man is saying. You’ll have to tell me later.?
- Bradi (Father) on January 20, 2021
Liam, I sure wish I had a beautiful ornament like this one for my Christmas tree. You are a wonderful artist. Keep up the good work and keep sharing. I love you, Grandma
- Kelly on January 20, 2021
This is a beautiful cardinal, Liam. Great job!!
- Bradi (Father) on November 24, 2020
These targets are super cool, liam. Maybe we should ask Target if they want to use your artwork.
- Bradi (Father) on October 14, 2020
- KELLY on October 14, 2020
Liam, I think you have some of grandma's art talent. I love these colors and especially love the fall season. Thanks for sharing this with me. It brightens my day when I get to see what you are doing in art class. Grandma
- Kelly on October 14, 2020
This is a very pretty oak leaf, Liam
- Bradi (Father) on September 26, 2020
I love this occurs of the leaves, Liam.
- Bradi (Father) on September 23, 2020
Liam, I love the Fall season. I sure do love your picture. I look forward to raking leaves and having you jump in them. I love you, Grandma
- kelly chase on September 23, 2020
Liam, I sure do like it when I get to see what you are doing in art class. I like all the colors with this beautiful piece. Keep up the good work. I love you. Grandma :)
- kelly on March 4, 2020
This looks like the coolest chess board. I’m so proud of you, buddy.
- Bradi (Father) on February 26, 2020
Liam, I really like your new picture. I am so happy when I get to see what you are doing in school. I love you. Grandma
- Kelly on February 26, 2020
I love this blue dog. I can’t wait for you to tell me about the meaning of it.
- Bradi (Father) on February 13, 2020
Liam, I really like this heart. It reminds me that Valentine's Day is coming and how much I love you.
- Grandma on February 12, 2020
This heart is so cool, Liam. I love it. It looks like a cool stained glass window.
- Bradi on February 12, 2020
Looks just like the ones on the mantel.
- Amanda on December 11, 2019
How beautiful!
- Amanda on December 11, 2019
I love your penguin! You are so talented and I'm so proud of you! love mom
- Amanda on December 11, 2019
Liam, these lights are so pretty!! Great Job! I love you, mom
- Amanda on December 11, 2019
Liam, these Christmas lights are awesome!! They almost look just like they are in a picture.
- Bradi (Father) on December 11, 2019
This is a beautiful bridge, Liam !
- Bradi (Father) on December 7, 2019
Liam, this is awesome! So proud of you! Mom
- Amanda (Mother) on November 14, 2019
This is a great portrait, Liam! The detail you put into the facial features is fantastic!
- Bradi on October 30, 2019
Liam I love your different trees from all of the seasons!! You did a fantastic job
-- Aunt Donna
- on May 8, 2019
Fantastic trees, Liam. My favorite is the snowy one.
-- Bradi
- on May 8, 2019
Dude, this snowman is amazing! Well done, son.
-- Bradi
- on February 20, 2019
Liam, Grandma loves your snowman. That bright orange nose looks like my hair. Thank you for sharing with me. Keep up the good work. I love you very much. Grandma :)
-- Kelly
- on February 20, 2019
Liam, You are so handsome in person, and on this self-portrait. Keep up the good work. I love you. Grandma
-- Kelly
- on December 19, 2018
Well done, Liam. Great self portrait.
-- Bradi
- on December 15, 2018
Liam, You know grandma does NOT like spiders, but I do like your sparkling spider web. Thank you for sharing this with me. I love you. Grandma
-- Kelly
- on November 21, 2018
Liam, Your pumpkin sure has big eyes! I think he is looking at me.
-- Kelly
- on November 14, 2018
Liam, that is a super silly pumpkin.
-- Bradi
- on November 11, 2018
Liam, I sure do like seeing your artwork. You are so creative. I think you get this from me!!!! Have a good day, and keep sharing. Love you, Grandma
-- Grandma Kelly
- on October 24, 2018
Great job Liam. I’m so proud of you and your amazing art work.
-- Donna
- on October 24, 2018
Amazing artwork, Liam. We are so proud of you.
-- Bradi
- on October 3, 2018
This is so sweet Liam! We are so proud of you and love you very much! Mommy
-- Amanda
- on September 11, 2018
I am so proud of you, Liam. This is a great picture.
-- Bradi
- on September 10, 2018