Jeffrey287's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Jeffrey287's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looking Good Jeffrey! Love, Mom
- on December 10, 2007
Hi Jeffrey. I saw your flowers and trees! It reminds me of the farm in the spring. It lokks like it was fun to make! Keep up the good work. Love, Mom
- on February 5, 2007
Hi Jeffrey, I just saw your snake art work and remembered how much you loved making patterns last year. I can tell you are still very good at it. I love your art work. Keep working hard. From, Mrs. Pang
- on February 4, 2007
Great job Jeffrey! Keep up the good work. You should be proud of yourself! Love you, Mom and Daddy
- on October 29, 2006
Wow! What a great job! Keep up the good work sweetheart!
-- from Momma
- on January 8, 2006
Hi Jeffrey, I love looking at your snowman on my computer. I can tell you really worked hard on this!
-- from Mrs. Pang
- on January 8, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 8, 2006