Marran1's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Marran1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your drawings are outstanding!
- on August 12, 2007
Marran, this was your finest hour. I don't understand why you were always fighting with the teacher. Good job on the pencil work. It's so large, 24X36.
- on August 12, 2007
The two shades of blue compliment each other real well. Nice Job!
- on June 6, 2007
This is an excellent abstract composition. Your color scheme is correct for a landscape.
- on August 27, 2006
Good Job son. I am proud of you. Dad
- on July 31, 2006
Good Job on this pop culture subject. Keep practicing.
- on July 31, 2006
This is a good pop art re-creation. Keep it up, practice every day.
- on July 7, 2006
This is the best drawing in the gallery. Alice Walker looks real. You did capture her.
- on June 26, 2006
This is a very fresh drawing of Maya. You have a good eye.
- on June 24, 2006
- on May 28, 2006
This composition is a great one. It shows that you could have a career in this area.
- on May 24, 2006
This landscape composition has all of the elements of being perfect. Your idea is a good one.
- on May 6, 2006
This abstract composition is a real winner. The color, composition and style are perfect.
- on May 6, 2006
This drawing is very real.
- on March 18, 2006
Alice Walker deserves a place on our Womens History roster. Thanks Warran.
- on March 18, 2006
The proportions in your face are very good in this work. Good Job.
-- from Aqua
- on February 18, 2006
Drawing is a real art and you are mastering it.
-- from Jermaine
- on February 18, 2006
This is a good clean drawing. Your lines are great.
-- from Quster
- on February 16, 2006
Drawing seem to be natural for you. Good job.
-- from Aqua
- on February 15, 2006
I really like the colors you used and the way you used them.
-- from Mia
- on February 1, 2006