Max10806's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Max10806's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW! I really like your new artwork Max. I think this one is my new favorite. Love, Grandma
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Great drawings Max! Is the dinosaur going after the people or is he going to eat the flowers?
-- Diane
- on January 12, 2019
Hi Max, Nice portrait. Is this a picture of dad? It looks just like him. The only thing missing is his pair of Star Wars' shoes with Han Solo and Chewbacca on them. Love & hugs, Grandma Amy
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Hi Max, This picture looks a lot like the picture on the mouse pad I ordered from Artsonia. I use my mouse pad more than any other item I've ever owned. Love & Hugs, Grandma Amy
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Wow Max! You really showed a lot of creativity the way you placed the pictures. Love & Hugs, Grandma Amy
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Hi Max, Your artwork is awesome! The fish is way too pretty to eat. Love & Hugs, Grandma Amy
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
This artwork would have made a good raft for Lizzie.
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
These insects are very pretty, but do they sting?
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Is this a picture of Dad?
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Wow Max! This is really a cool fish. I don't think we saw any of these fish in Florida. Love, Grandma Amy
-- Amy
- on January 12, 2019
Ah...I see the dock, Diving board, Max with his fishing pole and scattering of the colorful fish he's caught. A wonderful summer St Croix day. Bet he'll be diving in for a swim in a bit.
-- Steve
- on January 12, 2019
Wow - great job on making this interesting piece of art Max! I like all the shapes you included!!
-- Diane
- on January 12, 2019
Great job Max. I can tell you worked really hard on this!
-- Diane
- on January 12, 2019
Max, I could tell you studied the artist Paul Gauguin - you did a really good self portrait in his style. This is a favorite of mine.
-- Nana
- on January 12, 2019
Very ferocious looking Tiki!! Great job Max
-- Nana
- on January 12, 2019
Beautiful butterfly Max!!
-- Nana
- on January 12, 2019
Beautiful butterfly!!
-- Nana
- on January 12, 2019