Chukwuemeka1's Comments (54)

View Chukwuemeka1's portfolio
Below are comments about Chukwuemeka1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Excellent drawing of Booker T. Washington.
- on August 12, 2007
Your human like quality make this portrait of Mrs. Parks look like every one's grandmother. Good Job friend!
- on July 16, 2007
This is an excellent little drawing and I must say you have mastered charcoal.
- on July 6, 2007
The age of this Zebra is clear to see. You have captured him. Good job!
- on June 29, 2007
This is an appropriate final drawing before ninth grade. Good work Chukwuemeka. Our class supports your efforts.
- on June 29, 2007
I like this drawing because you have been true to the age range and the color of his skin. What a beautiful work.
- on June 28, 2007
Is this a little graduate. You made the mark.
- on June 28, 2007
This is a very sensitive drawing of a small child. It looks like a 3rd World country child but is there such a thing? The drawing looks to be about 2 years old, a toddler. Good job!
- on June 28, 2007
This is a very sensitive charcoal drawing of a small child. It looks like a 3rd World country child but is there such a thing?
- on June 28, 2007
This man is in his own world. How did you ever think of him. He is well drawn and is quite powerful.
- on June 9, 2007
The eyes make your face portrait come alive. Practice often to get even better.
- on May 26, 2007
A well organized drawing for the Visual Arts Community.
- on December 31, 2006
This is an outstanding drawing and I like the movement of the people.
- on December 31, 2006
I hate to admit it but this is a large part of our world. Young artist like you help to keep us informed. Good job. You won the contest in our minds.
- on December 28, 2006
Your ability to pay attention to detail is what makes your work stand out above the rest. Good job. What a great portfolio you had this year.
- on August 19, 2006
Your time to use the camera sure paid off. Your color are beautiful and vibrant. Good work.
- on July 25, 2006
Good job friend.
- on July 25, 2006
Your portfolio is very interesting. I like to see a young artist attempt many new subjects and do well at all of them. You have a smart eye.
- on July 25, 2006
I love the details that you can see in this work...
- on July 21, 2006
Is this a mum? Whatever it is, it is the most beautiful closeup I have ever seen.
- on July 19, 2006
Yellow is one of my favorite colors. It is so right for spring and summer.
- on July 18, 2006
This is a very graphic example of society today and the reality all children must face in society. Do your best to make the right choices.
- on July 17, 2006
Your eye is very well trained. You captured nature perfectly.
- on July 17, 2006
I enjoyed working with this digital camera. Thanks teacher for allowing me to do so and you too Artsonia for showing it.
- on July 17, 2006
This is an excellent young zebra. Keep on painting this summer of 2006 and let the teacher know.
- on July 16, 2006
This is an unsual way to paint a composition. It also takes a long time and must have special ceramics equipment. You did well.
- on July 7, 2006
Art matters. Keep creating and enrich the world. Your work made people smile and think.
- on June 18, 2006
Your inspiration after the storytelling was a wonderful one.
- on June 6, 2006
I like this mask. It has just the right amount of color, feathers and good design.
- on June 6, 2006
CK, YOU DID BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on June 6, 2006
- on May 10, 2006
The design for this name plate is a mighty one. I will be happy when you finish it so that Artsonia will present it to the world. Good work.
- on April 26, 2006
This work seem to have all the good qualities of your portfolio. Well done young artist.
- on April 24, 2006
I love the color you were able to achieve using this technique. To think you have a pair.
- on April 16, 2006
What a job. How long did it take?
- on April 16, 2006
This is a complicated technique. To thinK that it is actually ceramic is awesome. Well done. Aqua
- on April 16, 2006
You are one of the few who can capture the subject at the right moment. Good work on Booker T.
- on March 16, 2006
I like your color scheme. I think I see orange, violet and green.
- on March 16, 2006
This is an outstanding presentation so keep up the good work.
- on March 16, 2006
-- from jude
- on February 17, 2006
What a good drawing. You got him just right. Good work.
-- from Frankel
- on February 16, 2006
I like the way you drew this great man. You seem to have captured his soul.
-- from Danny
- on February 15, 2006
-- from Taliah
- on February 5, 2006
This mask has special qualities.
-- from Bernedette
- on February 4, 2006
This is a true mask. I seem to understand it's spirit world. Good work. The colors are perfect.
-- from Derickah
- on February 4, 2006
If this drawing is done in pencil, you are a master already.
-- from Taliah
- on February 3, 2006
Well done! I like those colors. It shows you know color and color theory. Primary and secondary are very effective.
-- from Rebecca
- on February 5, 2006
Well Amah, this is really, really good.
-- from Bernedette
- on February 3, 2006
Ok, this is nice and very unique.
-- from Amy
- on February 3, 2006
This is an excellent pencil drawing. I see all of her human qualities.
-- from Dario
- on February 3, 2006
Well done Chu, this is an excellent drawing.
-- from Taliah
- on February 3, 2006
Chukwuemeka, You are now a web artist. The world will share your talents. As you grow in experiences do not hesitate to take your place of honor here on our OMS Web Art Gallery so that Artsonia can do you and your family proud..
-- from Lizbeth
- on February 3, 2006
Chukwuemeka, You are now a web artist. The world will now share your talents.
-- from Lizbeth
- on February 3, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on February 3, 2006