Eliana1552's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Eliana1552's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amazing! So good!! I think you take after your Auntie Becky :)
- Auntie Becky on February 28, 2024
Eliana, this is amazing!!! I love it, I'd actually like a copy myself!
- Auntie Becky on February 7, 2024
Hi Eliana Your artwork project, the "Ghost Eye Tree" is impressive. The mix of colors and the detail in your painting of the tree, fence and especially of the "EYE"is real cool looking.Great work! Grandpa (Hilly)
- Hilly on March 9, 2022
Eliana, I am very impressed with your latest art project. You did a wonderful job on both the tree and the fence. And the sky is outstanding Congratulations.
- Lynn on January 26, 2022
Spooky!!! Awesome Job!
- Auntie Becky on November 3, 2021
Hi Eliana, I hope the "Good Luck Dragons" art that you made will give you EXTRA SPECIAL POWERS to become the greatest princess in the world. I love you.
-- Grandpa Hilly
- on April 4, 2018
Hi Eliana, I love your artwork and I love you very much. Love, Grandma
-- Geri
- on April 4, 2018
I think your artwork "Birds of a Feather" is very nice. Have you heard of the saying "birds of the same feather, flock together." This piece of art that you made reminds me of that saying. I always look forward to seeing your new artwork. Love you lots, Grandpa Hilly
-- Grandpa Hilly
- on April 4, 2018
Hi Eliana, I love your penquin picture, it’s so beautiful! I’m so happy I get so see all of your art work, it always puts a smile on my face. I love you! Grandma
-- Grandma Geri
- on February 7, 2018
Eliana, WOW, those Penguins you painted look like real Penguins. You did a terrific job!!! I love you, Grandpa
-- Grandpa
- on January 17, 2018
Eliana, I love your penguin picture. I bet they would like the cold weather we’re having! Great job,kiddo! Love, Dad
-- Dad
- on January 2, 2018
Hi Eliana Your recent painting of the "Noisy Paintbox" is excellent. I liked nice colors you used and the way you painted inside the various shapes. Did you enjoy listening to the music while you painted? I am glad I can get to see your paintings. I love you.
-- Grandpa Hilly
- on November 14, 2017
Hi Eliana, Grandma absolutely loves your painting, it's so beautiful! I'm going a buy a coffee mug with your art on it! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks for Thanksgiving! I love and miss you very much!
-- Geri (Grandma)
- on November 9, 2017
Beautiful painting, Eliana! You did a great job! Love you. Dad
-- Dad
- on November 9, 2017
Hi Eliana I really like your painting, very colorful and well done. Great Job!!! Love you very much, Grandpa Hilly
-- Hilly
- on November 9, 2017