Tucker1885's Comments (61)

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Below are comments about Tucker1885's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How did you draw these so perfect??? Love it Love You
- Papa and Grandma on May 22, 2024
WOW this is stunning
- Love you Grandma and Papa on February 28, 2024
Clever. Good work
- Gpa Butterscotch on December 14, 2022
Wow, the texter makes it look real. I also like the blackened edges. Great details love
- Grandma and Papa on December 14, 2022
- Gpa and Gma W. on September 19, 2022
Tucker, I was impressed by your rendition of your visits to St Louis and your memories of the surrounding businesses. Good work!
- Gpa and Gma W. on September 19, 2022
Interesting work Tucker. I'll need your help identifying all the parts.
- Gpa and Gma W. on September 7, 2022
Tucker, I love your expressions within your picture. You are so talented and creative. I love you
- Grandma and Papa on September 7, 2022
This is truly amazing sweetheart!!! You are so talented! Love you
- Grandma on May 24, 2022
Tuck, That is a keeper for sure. It is so much like you. Good work!
- Gpa and Gma W. on May 24, 2022
Wow Tucker this is so beautiful
- Grandma and Papa on May 24, 2022
This dimensional picture is so realisitc
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
I love your chimpanzee sweetheart!!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
Love this!!!!
- Love Grandma on February 14, 2022
Tucker, this is so beautiful, and looks like it took a lot of patience and time.
- Love Grandma on February 14, 2022
Love this
- Grandma and Papa on January 12, 2022
Wow, how creative it is. Such details too. Love you
- Grandma and Papa on January 12, 2022
That is beautiful. It feels so peaceful. And, the colors are perfect. Love you Grandma and Papa
- Kelly on December 2, 2021
That art work "smells". But it's well done.........Invisible men can't hide from their smell.
- Gpa and Gma on June 30, 2021
Nice work Tucker. A good picture of the northern lights. Looks cold!
- Don And Dorothy on May 12, 2021
Nice work Tucker. A good picture of the northern lights. Looks cold!
- Don And Dorthy on May 12, 2021
This is awesome! So beautiful!!
- Brandon (Father) on February 10, 2021
Nice work Tucker. Down the street into a beautiful sunset. Good job!
- Donald M on February 10, 2021
This is so awesome Tuck!!
- Grandma on January 6, 2021
Tucker this has become one of my all-time favorites!!!! You always amaze me, but this one is beautiful!!! Love You Grandma
- Kelly on October 23, 2019
I especially like the "Wink"! Good work Tucker.
-- Gpa and Gma
- on May 29, 2019
Wow! That's beautiful Tucker. One of your best works. Good job...
-- Gpa And Gma
- on May 29, 2019
Wow, Tucker it looks like a beautiful silent winter night. You are so creative!!
-- Grandma
- on May 29, 2019
Full moon over a cold winter night. Very good Tucker. Even the trees look cold.
-- Gpa And Gma
- on May 29, 2019
Wow! What a project! Good work Tucker. Very nice work.
-- Gpa And Gma
- on December 19, 2018
Wow, I love the colors and beautiful picture love!!
-- Kelly
- on December 19, 2018
Perfect balance of colors on each side. Good work!
-- Gpa And Gma
- on December 19, 2018
Tucker this is awesome!! I love you
-- Grandma H
- on December 19, 2018
What an awesome contrast in colors and design??
-- Grandma H
- on December 19, 2018
Tucker this piece of work is amazing. I love the different textures you used and the vibrant colors. Love you so much??
-- Grandma H
- on December 19, 2018
That is one of your better drawings. A good winter scene. Congratulations.
-- Gpa And Gma Wilson
- on March 29, 2018
Nice colors of fall leaves Tucker. Good work!
-- Gpa And Gma Wilson
- on March 29, 2018
Wow Tucker, Just like Picasso! Pretty. A good mix f colors and shapes. Keep up the good work.
-- Gpa And Gma Wilson
- on November 9, 2017
Very colorful, Tucker! Keep up the good work! Love you so much!
-- Auntie
- on October 11, 2017
This is a good distribution of colors Tucker. Good work!
-- Gpa And Gma
- on October 11, 2017
Are those buttons? Such a good add to the coloring that you did!
-- Auntie
- on July 12, 2017
Yummy...makes me hungry for ice cream! :)
-- Auntie
- on July 12, 2017
Wow, Tucker! That's such a cool flag...great work! Love you!
-- Auntie
- on July 12, 2017
This is a very colorful piece of art work Tucker. Good job!
-- Gpa and Gma Butter scotch
- on July 12, 2017
You look cold in this picture. Ilike your scarf around your neck. Good work.
-- Gpa And Gma
- on December 28, 2016
I love your creativity and how kuch bigger yours was than others! :)
-- Auntie
- on December 13, 2016
Wow Tucker I love your hot/cold works. They look powerful. Love you
-- Kelly
- on December 13, 2016
Good job Tucker, The color of leaves, red and green at this time of year is perfect.
-- Gpa and Gma
- on December 13, 2016
Tucker , You and I discussed this one at our house last week. I like the bright orange pumpkin. Good work.
-- Gpa And Gma
- on December 13, 2016
Oh my Gosh Tucker you have such amazing artistic skills!!! Grandma and Papa love you sweet boy!!
-- Kelly
- on December 13, 2016
Tucker, I was happy to have you explain abd tell me about ALL your work. I look forward to visiting with you about this one. Good work. I have seen cave art before. It looks just like yours.
-- Gpa Wilson
- on December 13, 2016
Tucker, This is a pretty picture. We can't wait to visit with you about it. You are doing good work in your class. Keep it up.
-- Gpa and Gma Butter Scotch
- on December 13, 2016
Let's see. That must be the space station with a rocket ship going to it and the sun shining. I see a bird, a doorway for only "Tucker", and the solar collector and stairways to different floors of the station. Good work Tucker.
-- Gpa Wilson
- on May 11, 2016
Pretty colors Tucker! Who knows what goes on in the minds of K-Graders. But they sure know pretty!
-- Gpa and Gma W
- on May 11, 2016
Very nice...I call it a Tuckerubics cube. Love, Gpa and Gma Wilson
-- Gpa and Gma Wilson
- on May 11, 2016
This is the funniest face I've ever seen. I love it! Love, Gpa and Gma W
-- Grandpa
- on May 11, 2016
That is very good for a K-grader! The snowflakes are like what fell here last evening and the carrot nose is a good touch. And I like his hat. Nice work Tucker.Keep it up..
-- Love, Gpa and Gma W.
- on May 11, 2016
Hello Tucker! Grandpa and Grandma really love this picture. Is it a tree by the water? The colors are so bright! Love seeing all your beautiful work you work so hard on! Love You Papa and Grandma Hilton
-- Kelly
- on May 11, 2016
Wow! Such a good mix of colors. It reminds me of the Spin Art at the Fair. Nice work Lil' Grappler! Love, Gpa and Gma
-- Gpa And Gma Wilson
- on May 11, 2016
This work shows a good mixture of fall colors. Well done Tucker.
-- Gpa and Gma W
- on May 11, 2016
That is pretty darn good for a K=grader! Nice going Tucker!
- on October 18, 2015