Adelyn263's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Adelyn263's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Adelyn - this is really good!! Makes me feel like I am driving onto a bridge. You did a great job making it look like you could reach right into the picture. Keep up the good work!! Grammy
- Grammy on January 25, 2021
Hi Sweetheart, I love your sunflower. You did a great job of making the petals different sizes and shapes - just like a real flower. Excited to see what other fun things you create this year. Love you, Grammy
- Jeannie on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, Very NICE!! Everything is so evenly placed It made me smile:) Keep up the creative work!! GRAMMY
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, Love that we were able to talk about this project. You keep getting better all the time so keep up the great work! Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Sweetheart, This is beautiful!! What a great job you did. I will want to hear about this one. Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, Love these snowflakes!! I see no two are alike which is true for real snowflakes. I like the bright colors too. Keep us the great work:) Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Sweetheart, Wow this is cool. Will be anxious to hear about this project. Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Love the feather!! Good advice too!! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, WOW! Awesome owl - love all the bright colors and the big eyes. Remember to tell me how you did this project. Love you, Grammy
-- Gramms
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, Love this nameplate. You came up with some great ideas for letters!! I look forward to seeing more this school year:) Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, I think you told me about this project but I will try to remember to ask you when I see you. Very cute and I like the colors. Looking forward to going to the Art Fair Awards Ceremony. Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, I was glad we were able to talk about this picture and it was fun hearing how you had to hurry to finish it!! I love the smile!! Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, This looks really shiny. Did you use different colors of foil? Please tell me about it when we visit next time. Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, Love your pot.
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, You are off to a great start this school year!! I like how you put the colors together. Can't wait to hear about the project. Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
I still love this picture of daffodils. Makes me smile!!
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Adelyn - I love your flag. Thank you for telling me how you did it and making sure I saw the words. Still can't believe you drew the lines with a fork!! Love you honey, GRAMMY
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, Thank you for telling me about this lovely picture of daffodils. Grammy's daffodils are just about ready to bloom. Very, very nice work!! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Addie, What pretty hearts. I like how you did a different design in each one. When you are at my house we will look at them on the computer. Keep up the pretty work!! Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, I enjoyed looking at this artwork with you on the computer. This self portrait snow girl makes me smile. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Honey, Love your snowman!! Boy does he have long arms and what a big smile. I really like your snowflakes too. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Sweetheart, Interesting - you will have to tell me how you did this. Keep up the good work! Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Addie, This is a great picture of a pumpkin patch at night. You did a great job of mixing the colors and getting the leaves just right. Charlie Brown's buddy Linus would be looking for the Great Pumpkin it looks so real!! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Honey, What a nice piece you did. You will have to tell me about it when I see you. GREAT JOB!!! Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Addie, I am anxious to hear about your picture. Do you want to live in a house with wheels? Looks like fun:) Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 25, 2021
Hi Adelyn, This is a very interesting art project. You will have to tell me about Kandinsky. Did you use a brush, your fingers, or what to do your creation? Keep up the creative work!! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 30, 2016
Good morning sunshine! I love your DOT!. The colors made me smile as they look very happy together. Keep up the good work:) Love you, Grammy
-- Jeannie
- on March 30, 2016
Hi Adelyn, Grammy loves your portrait! What a big smile - you must have been very happy while you were doing this project. Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 30, 2016
Adelyn - love your gingerbread man. I think this was good practice for you to get ready to decorate Christmas cookies!! Love you,
-- Grammy
- on March 30, 2016
Hi Monkey, Love your pictures!! You are doing such a great job and I can see that you enjoy art class. Keep up the great work!! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 30, 2016