Henry5139's Comments (45)

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Below are comments about Henry5139's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Henry Boy......its your Papi. I am mesmerized by your latest work and keep replaying it to figure out how you did it. I love the richness of the colors you selected, the skeleton head and especially the consumer warning "not to eat". I also love how the watches come flowing out of the box. I am intrigued and have a bunch of questions to ask you about this project and would suggest that we talk further next weekend when you sleep over by NaniPapi. I love you very much, Henry.
- Papi on January 22, 2020
Hi Henry! I just saw your commercial for Leather Heads, and it is eye-popping! Your bright colors drew my attention immediately. Then your animation made it even more fun! I laughed when those watches came tumbling out??! Products often have warnings on them, and it’s a good thing you included one on your box. They’d be awfully tough to chew, wouldn’t they? Did you learn about leather heads by watching the movie? That’s how I did. Your sense of humor really shines in this project. You’ve learned so many new techniques, Henry, and I admire how you’ve mastered them.Thank you for sharing with us! Love you lots, Gramma
- Betsy on January 8, 2020
Hi Henry Boy...it’s your Papi. I love everything about your animated project including the bold colors, design and apparent irony. You seem to be taking your work and your message to a higher level and I like the growth and development over the last several years. Nana and I are skiing in CO with your cousins right now and I showed them all of your artwork and they were very impressed. Keep up the good work. You are very artistically talented. Love, your Papi
- Papi on December 30, 2019
Dear Henry, This is Nana. Congrats on the awesome animated cereal ad. It was funny and creative and the bright colors made everything stand out. What is the connection is between "Leather Heads" and the green face on the box and the wrist watches in the cereal? I know you have a great sense of humor and I'm interested in learning about how you put this together. Keep up the great work, Henry! Love, Nana
- Nan on December 18, 2019
Henry Boy, its your favorite Papi. I love the aviator shades. Where have you seen those before. I also love the hamburger. Did you order that from Labriola. Sometimes you spike your hair so I was wondering if this is a self portrait. It probably is because I know you always wear sunglasses when we are outside together. I love that your character is on fire. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your future projects this year. I can't believe you are in 4th grade already. I love you Harry. Papi
- Dan on October 16, 2019
Dear Henry, I really like the whole idea of this project - spreading positive comments - making this a better world! I watched the Coka-Cola video that started this idea and it was very inspirational. As I looked at your drawing your cool black glasses caught my eye along with your spiky hair. I like your message, too! Everyone needs to hear they are awesome! I love you and your creative spirit, Henry. Love, Nana
- Nan on October 16, 2019
Henry Boy, its you Papi here. I would love to talk to you about your beach scene. It seems to portray a combination of intrigue and conflict. The two sharks and crashing wave really scare me....especially realizing the surfer is about to be tossed into the water. Yet Sponge Bob and the character drinking the Starbucks Frappuccino seem oblivious to the danger. I love the contrast. The Rusty Human seems a very interesting place to enjoy lunch or a sunset dinner with friends. I just hope everyone gets out of the water safely. I love you and can't wait to have a sleepover with your cousins when they come to visit in July.
-- Papi
- on May 2, 2019
Hi Henry, Congratulations on another amazing art piece. You really captured the night sky in your constellation drawing. I think you drew a manatee with that rounded tail. Is that right? My favorite constellation is Orion because it's easy to find Orion's belt in the sky, just 3 stars in a row. You are very creative and I would encourage you to keep a sketch book to keep up the great work! Love, Nana
-- Nan
- on April 24, 2019
Hi Harry, it's your Papi. I love your latest piece and am amazed at how you are developing and maturing as a young artist. I love the sensation of light and space. I love the way you have highlighted the walrus with pastel colors. And I really love how the walrus is looking right at me. You continue to impress me with your vivid imagination and am so proud of you. I can't wait until the next time you come over for a sleepover so we can build a tent in the basement. I love you very much.
-- Poppy
- on April 24, 2019
Hi Harry, its your Papi. I just viewed Evie's piece and I am amazed at how different your painting is from hers. I love the muted colors, the starkness of the trees, the paver bricks in the path, the deep contrast in color in the sky, the radiant sun and the architecture of the buildings. I love the green highlights throughout. You are such a talented artist and hope you continue to pursue your work. I also can't wait to have another sleepover with all 6 cousins. I love you very much.
-- Papi
- on April 24, 2019
Hi Henry, I am very impressed with your weaving technique with colorful bands of different widths. All of the weaves are very even and tight. Your sunbather has a great tan and seems very relaxed on the blanket, like he could be sleeping. I hope you continue to do weaving projects at home and share them with the family. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on April 24, 2019
Henry Boy.....it's your Papi. I love your latest piece. It is really different compared to all of your other work. I like the fact there are no facial characteristics and the apparent deformities in the right leg and left hand. Where you trying to duplicate a character you have seen in a movie? I love the color and texture of the background material. Did Jackie teach you how to crochet. I love you very much.
-- Papi
- on April 24, 2019
Hi Henry, Your watercolor painting is very dramatic with the dark sky and blue moon! I can see many of the techniques you utilized throughout the painting. You are a wonderful artist and I can't wait to see the drawing you did for the yearbook! Nice job! Love, Nana
-- Nan
- on June 20, 2018
Hi Henry! I’m amazed at your insect jar! It looks so real, so three dimensional! Your insects are quite detailed, and you’ve clearly shown each body part, too. I’d love to know what each one is! That one butterfly chrysalis is breaking open. Did you know how to draw that from your experience with growing butterflies in school? Do you plan to collect insects this summer? There’s so much to see in this painting, Henry! It was fun looking into your jar. Love ‘n hugs, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on June 6, 2018
Dear Henry, Where do you get all of your great ideas? I like the door, window, shelf, and dragon painting on the wall which give the work a lot of perspective. I also like the wood look of the table. You put a lot of thought into your work. I am very proud of you and your creativity. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on June 6, 2018
Hi Henry! I just saw your snow angel, and I love how you created it with grayish-blue color. Your clothing looks so colorful, too, both with paint designs and the buttons you added. Did you get to make any real snow angels this winter? You look so happy in this painting! I’d love to learn how you made your figure fit the angel shape! Thank you for sharing it. I love you lots, Henry! Gramma
-- Betsy
- on March 21, 2018
Henry Boy: I love everything about your latest drawing. The detail in the background is amazing. I can actually identify the buildings and I think the Bean is so cool. Except for the haircut, the boy figure could easily be you.....a combination of super man and the Statute of Liberty. I love the monochromatic color, big beautiful eyes and curt smile. That is definitely you.....but I like your cowlick better. I love you. Papi
-- Papi
- on February 26, 2018
Whoa Henry, your skeleton looks as though he’s headed right for us! I hope he doesn’t walk out of your picture! The softness of the background really makes him stand out. Did you use chalk, or maybe pastels, to make it so soft? I loved seeing this art, Henry. Love you! Gramma
-- Betsy
- on November 15, 2017
Hi Henry, I’m Looking at a very sad puppy and curious about how you created it. Did you put the eyes in a rectangle after you made your pup? It’s two different eye colors remind me of the artist Picasso. He used lots of squares, circles, and rectangles in his paintings, too. Thanks for sharing it, Henry! Love you, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on November 1, 2017
Hi Henry, you really captured the sad expression on your puppy. I think it is really interesting that the eyes are two different colors! Very cool!! Love, Nana
-- Nan
- on October 18, 2017
Hi Henry, Your panda looks so happy, hanging on to the bamboo stalks! I imagine he's getting ready to do lots of munching! Or maybe he's already full! He reminds me of a panda we watched at the San Diego Zoo. He wasn't in a tree, but he was leaning against a rock, holding branches in his paws and happily chewing away, ignoring everyone staring at him! You captured that panda's contentment! Love, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on June 7, 2017
Hi Henry Wow, you've created a whole field of poppies! I've never seen blue ones-they're such a beautiful deep shade of blue, too! They'd be fun to grow, popping up from the grass everywhere. Thank you for sharing your art, grandson! Love, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on June 7, 2017
Hi Henry, Wow, you look like an adult in your new portrait! I see that you're wearing a suit, like your dad sometimes wears. What do you think you'd like to be when you grow up? I can't wait to hear! You look very serious, but I know you love to have fun, too. You can do so many things: you dance, sing, play instruments, do experiments, play baseball, swim, and so much more! You can still do those when you grow up, too. You get to choose! Thank you for sharing this, and all your art! I love you!! Gramma
-- Betsy
- on June 7, 2017
Hi Henry Boy.....its your Papi. I hope you are enjoying you Spring break. I love your sculpture. It is very realistic and the color contrast really makes the eggs stand out. Thank you for sending it to me because I love seeing the progress you are making in your art class. I love you.
-- Dan
- on June 7, 2017
Henry Boy: I love your latest artwork. I love the three different shades of blue, I love the cross hatch design in the ground and I love the buildings. Your perspective and dimension are quite intriguing. I can see how you tried to incorporate ideas from the original artist into your piece. I love you very much and hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
-- Poppy
- on June 7, 2017
Henry, I love it! The octopus is using the black ink it produces to color a fish that is nothing more than a shadow. Even though the fish seems to be looking directly at the octopus, there is some irony here because the octopus is, in fact, cross eyed. Very interesting interpretation and very well executed. I love you Henry Boy.
-- Papi
- on June 7, 2017
Hi Henry Boy. Thank you for letting me see your most recent artwork. Talk to Evie Girl about how I used to go to photo booths and take pictures while making different faces. Nana pointed out to me that you had to look very carefully to understand the expressions you were trying to depict. These are some pretty advanced drawings. Keep up the good work. I love you very much.
-- Poppy
- on November 16, 2016
Henry Boy.....it's your Poppy again. I am struck by how you seem to have smudged the puddle of water. I can just imagine how messy it gets treading through the rain. I love the way your character is pulling the umbrella all the way down around his head. He can only do that by holding his hand very low and close to his waist. That's just the way I hold my umbrella when it is raining really hard. Your dimension and perspective is very realistic. I love you very much, Henry. Keep creating beautiful artwork. Your Poppy.
-- Poppy
- on October 26, 2016
Hi Henry, Your drawing is amazing! That pigeon is so silly and always getting into trouble! You have a lot of talent - keep it up! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 26, 2016
Henry Boy, it's your Poppy again. I love your latest artwork. It reminds me of an artist that your Nana loves, Robert Deyber. He depicts a subject and then uses a play on words to describe it. That's exactly what you did here with the "Sharpie on the beak" concept. I am sure Mr. Deyber would appreciate what you have done. I am so very proud of you and love you very very much. Keep creating beautiful art. Your Poppy
-- Poppy
- on October 26, 2016
Henry Boy: Nana and I went to Europe last year and we visited a cathedral in France that had stain glass windows designed by a very famous artist...Marc Chagall. When I look at your latest work I see that you are using the same vibrant colors that he used. I love the way they pop off the blue backdrop. Even though the fish is swimming across the canvas, it seems like it is looking right at me. You are such a talented artist. I love you.
-- Poppy
- on September 13, 2016
Henry Boy, its your Poppy. I love your latest art piece. I do not like to get stung by bubble bees and your painting is so realistic that it makes me a little afraid. It looks like the bees could walk right off the painting. I love the molted background to. It look just like a honeycomb. I love you.
-- Poopy
- on September 13, 2016
Hi Henry, You drew a very lifelike bee and honeycomb! You are a wonderful artist and I really enjoy looking at your pieces from time to time. Love, Nana
-- Nan
- on September 13, 2016
Henry Boy....its your Poppy. I love your new painting. The colors are so rich and vibrant. I have a friend that was an artist with the Chicago Tribune for over 40 years and I have shared some of your work with him. He told me that you are extremely talented and that he would love to mentor you. I hope to introduce you to him in the near future. Love
-- Poppy
- on September 13, 2016
Henry Boy: I love Panda bears and I told Nana that I would take her to China so she could see a real one. Thank you for painting this beautiful picture because it gave me the idea to go on vacation with Nana. I love you.
-- Papi
- on September 13, 2016
Hi Henry! What a cute smiling panda - climbing up the bamboo trees to eat their favorite food! You are a wonderful artist and we never know what you will be coming up with next! Love and Hugs, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 13, 2016
Henry Boy, absolutely love your latest artwork. The vibrant colors, shading and dimensions are so realistic. You are turning into an accomplished young artist and I am so proud of you. Love Poppy
-- Poppy
- on September 13, 2016
You really captured the look of Burton Morris' hearts. I can see how you had to plan it out because the hearts cross the lines of the background. Very well done!
-- Nan
- on March 8, 2016
Henry Boy, I love you new artwork. I can sense the hearts floating right off the page. You are truly a gifted artist. Love Poppy
-- Poppy
- on March 4, 2016
Henry, I love all of your artwork very much and would like to purchase a few pieces to add to my collection. You are an extremely talented little boy, and I am so very proud of you. I love you.
-- Poppy
- on February 21, 2016
I really like the way you blended the three background colors as you moved from the bottom to the top. It makes a very soft looking transition from one color to the next so that the tree stands out on the page.
-- Nan
- on February 21, 2016
Henry, your painting is beautiful! The snow looks as if it's falling very gently, like in a snow globe. I hope you'll tell me how you created it! Love, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on January 30, 2016
Henry, Oooh, when I look at your picture, it feels as though I'm lloking right up at the moon! And your owl is so wide awake, his eyes look like small moons too! Thank you for sharing your owl! Love, Gramma
-- Gramma
- on November 19, 2015
Hi Henry, You painted sunflowers like Van Gogh did! He'd be very surprised to see yours! Did you paint with watercolors after you used pastels? What wonderful colors! Thank you for sharing your art! Love you, Gramma
-- Betsy
- on October 9, 2015
Henry, your painting is amazing! Van Gogh loved painting sunflowers, and yours look so much like his, he'd be surprised! How did you like using pastels? I hope to see more if your terrific artwork! Thank you for sharing it with us! Love you!
-- Gramma
- on October 9, 2015