Isabelle3900's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Isabelle3900's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Isa, this is a masterpiece. Your use of watercolors and tape to create such a beautiful piece of art is awesome. The purple with the gold background was brilliant and sets off the birch trees as the focal point, together with the shadows! You are a very gifted artist and I enjoy seeing all your artwork! Love Grandma Linda
- Linda on March 10, 2021
Isa I believe your sunflower glue line project is beautiful! You could not have picked a better subject as I have the awesome pictures displayed in my home of you and your sister amid a field of them! It is so obvious to me that this is another one of your masterpieces! The intricate blending of colors shows you have a special and extraordinary gift for capturing the nuances which signals to me that you definitely are gifted and have the eye of a true artist. I really look forward to all your art projects this year. Art in all its myriad forms which make someone smile as this one did for me is truly an awesome example of the importance of the beauty of creativity and an appreciation of your ability and imagination to create such a lovely piece of art. Love you.
-- Linda
- on November 6, 2019
Isa, I have always loved the work of Van Gogh and you have captured his wonderful sunflower painting to perfection. I have so looked forward to your art masterpieces this year! What I love about this painting is the detail intermixed with the vivid colors which you have used. A significant sign of a true creative talent! I once actually saw a Van Gogh at the Art Museum and it was amazing, but the sunflower ones are my favorites because they remind me of the beautiful pictures of you at Bohute in the midst of them. Can’t wait to see all your projects this year! Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on November 28, 2018
Isa, your Clay Cross is truly inspiring and a project that is infused with your love and spirituality. As usual, I am amazed by your awesome talent for detail, e.g., you have not tried to make the cross perfect, the wood looks worn as I believe it would have actually been. Jesus is obviously the focal point and He is perfectly depicted in this incredible art project. I love crosses - (I have them everywhere) and they remind me and indeed all of us of the sacrifice He made by giving His life that we may all be saved. That is the epitome of love! This is perhaps your most personal and incredible art work this year. Another masterpiece that I will remember and cherish always. All of your work is so creative, and each one of them has been, in my opinion, museum quality. I am so proud of you. Gma Linda
-- Linda
- on November 28, 2018
Isa, what an awesome Rudolph reindeer. The look on his face is priceless! Roy Lichtenstein was a great pop artist in the 1960s when I was a teenager. He used a comic book style of art that immediately drew you in not just because it was so different, but because he often took iconic characters we all knew and loved and created a different persona for them in an unusual way that was light hearted and funny. Your painting, to me, embodies all the elements of his unique style, only better. The background is brilliant, with great use of color intermingled with snowflakes. The reindeer is truly magnificent- his antlers, his turned down ears, patterned scarf and red nose are perfect. However, it is the look in his eyes that really caught my attention. It has true expression almost as if he is thinking “another long trip around the world guiding Santa’s sleigh”! But he knows how important his job really is to all the kids and loves doing it. You have brought a famous character for me to look at in a totally different perspective - that is true art! Another masterpiece! I cannot wait to see your next one! One of my favorites! Love Grandma Linda.
-- Linda
- on November 28, 2018
Isa, I was so excited when I saw this! It's absolutely a masterpiece. Matisse was known for his apple and plant paintings. You have, in my opinion, surpassed his in terms of color, shading and placement of your vivid apples. The blue background is a work of pure genius and makes the focus of your painting, the apples, pop, creating a stunning visual experience. Your sister Ava did one several years ago which was framed and hangs in my kitchen. Yours, although using a different color palette and unique placement techniques complements hers and would make a perfect companion piece in a frame next to hers and thereby turning my kitchen into an art gallery which I know all my friends would rave about. It is obvious to me that you are on your way to becoming an accomplished, brilliant artist. Given that your dad and grandpa are very artistic, it is clear you have inherited this very special trait from them! I cannot wait for your next project. I am just so proud of you! Love Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on December 10, 2017
Isa, I absolutely love your Splat the Cat! As you are aware I love all animals, but am partial to cats. My very first Cat looked just like your "Splat"! His name was Inky Binky Barley Boo! Therefore, when I saw your latest masterpiece it brought back such awesome memories of Inky. The expression on your cat is priceless and he seems almost alive as if he could jump right off the page! The way in which you surrounded him with an aura suggests to me he is surprised, frightened and excited. I am so looking forward to all your marvelous art projects this year. And thank you for making me smile at the memory of a big black cat named Inky who slept with me each night and was my first best friend when I was a little girl. Love you. Grandma Linda.
-- Linda
- on September 20, 2017
Isa, what an awesome butterfly. Symmetry is an interesting subject to explore particularly in a creative sense. I love the purple and pink you used for your butterfly. It really stands out against your green background with the sun just peeking out in the corner. Your symmetry depicting both the right and left sides is perfect and that is very difficult to do when you are drawing or painting! Another masterpiece. You are an amazing, talented artist! Love you Grandma Linda PS. Some trivia, did you know that while human faces look symmetrical, they very rarely are. When I see you next we can explore and test that which would be a fun thing to do!
-- Linda
- on September 20, 2017
Isa, what an awesome butterfly. This is a creative masterpiece showcasing how very artistically gifted you are. Your use of color which highlights the concept of symmetry is breathtaking! It can be very hard to create artwork which is symmetrical and yours is perfect in every respect. All your artwork is gorgeous! However this one is very special and is one of my favorites, not just because I really like butterflies but the attention to detail is stunning for someone your age. It makes me smile just looking at it. I cannot wait to see all your future creative endeavors. Love you Grandma
-- Linda
- on September 20, 2017
Isa, what a delightful, beautiful piece of art. I love how you put a little snowflake on the girl's tongue! Pure genius because I could actually, not only see it, but feel the crisp snowy evening and taste that snowflake! That is what defines a truly great artist - the ability to create a work of art that is not only beautiful but that can conjure up an emotional response. You certainly achieved that with this painting! In addition, Your use of color and the contrast between your subject and the background is superlative! Every little detail is a feast for the eyes! In nature, No two snowflakes are alike which is amazing. And you are like a snowflake - totally unique - there is no other little girl in the whole world like you. I look forward to experiencing more of your artistic masterpieces! Love you. Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on March 29, 2017
Isa, I absolutely love your clay owl. It is very lifelike and detailed, especially the different configurations you used for his feathery wings contrasting with his body feathers! The colors are so vivid! A true work of art! Your great grandmother Martha collected them and I have many of them here. Of all your outstanding work, this one has a special meaning for me because whenever I see one I think of her and how wise she was - just like owls are. Your dad made a beautiful one which I can see as I am sitting here writing this! You have a very special talent. Another masterpiece. Love you Grandma.
-- Linda
- on March 29, 2017
Isa, I am awesomely impressed. Very impressionist and rivals anything Van Gogh painted! Your pumpkins are very detailed and your use of color in the sky reminds me of Van Gogh's Starry Night which is one of my favorite paintings. You keep getting better and better! Love Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on December 7, 2016
Isa, great use of color in the background so your grouchy ladybug really stands out. I truly am impressed with the detail on the ladybug. Another masterpiece! I wonder why the ladybug is grouchy! You are definitely talented which you get from your Dad! Love. Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on December 7, 2016
Isa, I think your apple basket is a true masterpiece. Your use of color is superlative - I especially like the detail in your basket and the tablecloth. This is another outstanding work of art and would look awesome framed hanging on my kitchen wall. Can't wait to see all your artistic endeavors this year! Love you. Grandma Linda.
-- Linda
- on September 21, 2016
Isa I love your fishbowl painting. It is truly amazing and I think better than Mattise's painting entitled Goldfish. You have a gift for color and perception that is way beyond your years! It also reminds me of your daddy's spectacular aquarium. I give it an A+! Love Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on September 21, 2016
Isa, I love your birds on a branch painting! The blue background is great as it really makes all the bright colored birds pop out so they become the real focus of your painting. I particularly like the red Cardinal! You have incorporated many details which is the true mark of a talented and extremely creative artist - like the blue background is not solid blue but has many variations and the fact you made the red cardinal's beak yellow! Another masterpiece! Love Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on September 21, 2016
Isa what a great snowman you have created. I don't believe I have ever seen one quite like it. I think the contrast against the white snowman with his awesome purple and yellow striped scarf and the dark snowy background really adds a realistic quality of standing in the still cold snowy winter night and how beautiful that can be. In addition I like that you can't see his eyes but know he is looking up smiling and watching the snow gently falling on his face. It's a creative masterpiece! You are extremely talented for someone so young. Can't wait to see what you create next. ?? Grandma Linda
-- Linda
- on February 11, 2016