Hannah15050's Comments (45)

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Below are comments about Hannah15050's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is really creative, Hannah! What kind of paint did you use?
-- Mrs Wellington
- on July 28, 2014
Beautiful detailed design!
-- Lori
- on June 18, 2014
This is so cute! I REALLY like it!
-- Mrs. Wellington
- on June 18, 2014
How creative and pretty, Hannah!
-- Rebekah
- on June 9, 2014
Super cool, this one-the bright colors and how they swirl together. And now your book is complete. It's the time to put it together.
-- Mrs. K
- on June 9, 2014
So, so cute, Hannah!!! I remember when you first made this one-I loved it. I still do.
-- Mrs.K
- on June 9, 2014
Very clever, Hannah!
-- Mrs. K
- on June 5, 2014
This is bursting with color!
-- Mrs. K
- on June 5, 2014
I was delighted with how this turned out. How about you, Hannah? Nice work!
-- Mrs. K
- on June 5, 2014
This is what I like to do-create home made books. Then they can be filled. : ) I'm glad you thought of this and your independence in bringing this to pass was refreshing.
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
This is bright and cheerful. Very nice.
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
My clever girl! Yum, yum-save me some!!! : )
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
Oh Hannah, you have a flair. There is a certain free form in your work that is all you. I like it.
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
This is actually one of the most beautiful 3-D things you have made. I am proud of you, Hannah. Great job.
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
Hannah, I think this is really cool-wow!
-- Mrs. K
- on June 2, 2014
Oh, Hannah! You have done it again-created a dynamic and even bold piece of art. Love it!
-- Mrs. K
- on May 26, 2014
Hannah I had a hard time picking out which one of your art pieces thatI liked the most because they are all so good! I really like this one though,and just wanted to let you know how talented you are and how you can do anything you want when you put your mind to it! Keep up the great work! I love you and am very proud of you!
-- Jesika(mom)
- on May 26, 2014
Great job, Hannah! Now your ice cream cone looks good enough to eat, and the bottom of your page has come alive, like the top part.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
This is one that I especially like. So cute, Hannah! Keep up the good work because your art work is improving.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
This flower is so cute.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, this is one of my favorite of your state pages. Every time I look at it it makes me feel good. I especially love your bird. I think it is exceptionally cute.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, I think this one is really cute. Very creative! Tito must be happy. : )
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, I remember taking the photo of this and being busy. But now, every time I see it on artsonia (which is often since I love to look at your artwork) I LOVE looking at it. Who knew that it would become a favorite of mine. I love how you traced it around and around...
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, this has become one of my favorites. I love your little bird and your Black-eyed Susan. You are getting better and better in your art work.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, I was just looking through your pieces and I was struck by this one…I might have told you before that I like it, but boy, it turned our really good!!!
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, I really like the proportion of the arm to wrist to hand. Good job, Hannah!
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Thank you for my pretty birthday card! Such nice work.
-- Anea (Gretchen's mom)
- on May 17, 2014
How fun to see this on a postcard, Hannah! It made my day! So delightfully colorful too.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
What a beautiful starfish picture! It reminds me of a shooting star across an evening sky.
-- Anea (Gretchen's mom)
- on May 17, 2014
What a sweet little bird. It looks like it is gazing up at its mama.
-- Anea (Gretchen's mom)
- on May 17, 2014
love it! amazing I can't believe how fabulous this picture is, so well done. I really enjoyed seeing it!
-- Sandra
- on May 17, 2014
Such beautiful colors! This will be a pretty book for sure.
-- Anea (Gretchen's mom)
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, your whale is SOOOOOO happy! Your picture makes me wish I was swimming alongside him, smiling too.
-- Anea (Gretchen's mom)
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, did I ever tell you that this zebra is one of my favorites that you've done? It has a lot of character. It looks like a cartoon zebra with an innocent and sweet personality. : )
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Hannah, you have already grown as an artist SO MUCH in the last two years. I hope you will keep stretching yourself to improve. If you do so in a relaxed and visually observant fashion, you will be very happy with the results.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
A word to the birds: "Delicate birds, flying high, tell my Hannah that I stopped by to admire her work and see the flair. I know she will grow as she keeps taking care!"
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
This is my other very favorite piece of art. This butterfly is not as detailed as the other, but it is oh-so-soft. It makes me feel like it's a real butterfly-delicate and graceful.
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Clever girl! Do you remember? You asked for assistance, and after a quick and rough sketch, you set out to complete this on your own. Complete it you did! I had never seen a more detailed and beautiful work of art from you before this moment. What a great job you did! Keep up the good work!!!
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
This looks like a happy fish!
-- Mrs. K
- on May 17, 2014
Youre' the bomb Hannah and we love and miss you!
-- vik
- on May 17, 2014
I love the lines in this one, and the delicate flowers.
- Patti (teacher at Sonoma Valley Christian School) on November 26, 2013
This was the other long-time-ago piece that you did, proving your artistic ability. I always loved this one and I enjoy looking at it even now. Kudos, Hannah!
- Patti (teacher at Sonoma Valley Christian School) on November 26, 2013
This was the first of your pieces that really caught my eye and showed me that you were indeed, an artist. Love this!
- Patti (teacher at Sonoma Valley Christian School) on November 26, 2013
Yes He is-AWESOME!!! So are you, Hannah.
- Patti (teacher at Sonoma Valley Christian School) on November 26, 2013
You have such a flair!!! Absolutely love that about you!
- Patti (teacher at Sonoma Valley Christian School) on April 10, 2013