Rohan274's Comments (109)

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Below are comments about Rohan274's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have some great colors in your work Rohan!
-- Rowen
- on August 16, 2017
Rohan—I was just reading about the French film maker, Chris Marker who had a love of both owls and cats and had images and dolls of both in his studio. We (on the east side of Forest Road) have the good fortune of being regularly visited by owls. Last week at dusk, two owls (mother and child?) alighted on the fence between our houses. The baby would get agitated and the other owl would fly off and return with some sort of crawling snack. Beautiful, beautiful animals. Your drawing captures some of that awe (awwww!) that's an appropriate response to such an amazing pair of "wee beasties". Actually, I think that's what van Leuwenhoek called bacteria when he discovered them under the microscope. KEEP DRAWING FROM OBSERVATION AS WELL AS FROM IMAGINATION! They're both important. Trees! Fields! distant hills! OWLS! That's how an artist fills he/r memory banks for future invention.
-- Les
- on August 16, 2017
Rohan, i like the details in this.
-- Stephanie
- on July 5, 2017
I am always impressed with the Google images and yours is impressive also!
-- Alice
- on February 8, 2017
Your Scandinavian blood is showing in this one. This guy could be a companion of Edvard Munch's The Scream . . .
-- Grandmother Karen
- on November 20, 2016
Always fun, Rohan, to see your creative mind at work! I'd love to sail away in a boat whose sail was made up of flowers . . .
-- Grandmother Karen
- on November 20, 2016
Rohan, How clever! Love the colors and the different textures. Tell us about the pottery at Thanksgiving. Nan
-- Lois
- on November 20, 2016
Where are we sailing? Looks like fun. Bill really liked this one.
-- Alice
- on November 20, 2016
Dreamy! Part pickle; part avocado; part hallucination: all boat. Cool.
-- Leslie
- on November 20, 2016
Looks like Ichabod Crane before he became the Headless Horseman. If he did become the horseman. At least he woke up from Sleepy Hollow! Love, your Grandmother karen
-- KarenHerseth
- on October 23, 2016
Dear sweetheart, Okay, so this one looks like a phantom with a body made of hot lava or fire, floating on a lagoon-backdrop, surrounded by slices of lemon! Or maybe it's an aerial view of yellow beach umbrellas drifting out to sea and we're really looking down on a small island of red sand-dunes with a white clearing where a couple of pink deep-sea fish are drying. I am fascinated by it. I love the range of cool and warm colors, and the fact that it looks like a figure but also like something totally abstract. It also reminds me of the faces and people you used to draw when you were a little pipsqueak!
-- Mama
- on October 11, 2016
This is beautiful! The shape reminds me of a bowl I have that was my father's.
-- Alice
- on October 11, 2016
Is this your first artwork this year? Interesting colors and I like the swirls.
-- Alice
- on October 11, 2016
The colors meld well and Nan would like the abstarct side of this art.
-- Stephanie
- on October 11, 2016
Way, way cool, Rohan! I LOVE everything that's going on in this artwork. On one level, a Native American could really appreciate your concept here, I think!
-- Karen
- on May 20, 2016
Rohan, we are SO impressed with this piece! It is so you, one of the kindest young men we know! We are proud of you, and proud of how you created this concept in an art piece. Your MN grandparents
-- Karen
- on May 20, 2016
One of my favorite past times as a child was weaving potholders. Your art project reminded me of the fun I had making them. Thank you for a nice trip down Memory Lane!
-- Alice
- on May 20, 2016
Love it, Rohan! Wonderfully imaginative & colorful!
-- Karen
- on May 6, 2016
What a welcome picture for spring! I love the creativity, especially the wings.
-- Alice
- on May 6, 2016
Rohan, I love your new artwork - so vivid, and the bird is delightful. Great work. Nan
-- Lois
- on May 6, 2016
Rohan—This is really a beautifully executed painting. You are certainly in total control of your materials and the way the odd red-and-orange sky surrounds the machine bird (recharging his or her batteries with lightening?) tells me you've been studying bird anatomy carefully. Really nice.
-- Les
- on May 6, 2016
Wow, Rohan, I really love this concept and the way you've executed it. Excellent job shading out the colors and getting the letters sized right. Bradley
-- Bradley
- on March 23, 2016
BASEBALL, the great American pass time. Are these the school colors? I am impressed with your drawing!
-- Alice
- on February 20, 2016
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service thanks you for your participation in the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program
- Colleen (teacher at Rivermont Collegiate) on April 27, 2015
Rohan, What a good drawing...Grandpa Rob and I are happy that you are continuing with your art work along with everything else you do. Much love, Nan
-- Lois
- on March 15, 2015
Your picture could be a scene from where Bill and I live. Such a peaceful and restful scene. Alice
-- Alice
- on December 24, 2014
Another creative project! Reminds me that I saw a male and female cardinal yesterday.
-- Alice
- on January 7, 2015
Rohan I find your bird charming for a number of reasons. 1. It's the color of a frog. 2. It's got that wonderful slightly dished-in, flat tail. 3. It's got VERY BIG, VERY SHINY EYES! (maybe it should get some more sleep). 4. The glaze is gorgeously Chinese. All of these references make it, for a fairly simple form, a complex one to experience. Can you make 123 more that I could use on a special Christmas tree? Keep up the good work. I love it.
-- Leslie
- on December 9, 2014
Each of your drawings amaze me! This is because I am NOT artistic like you. Contiue to enjoy art.
-- Alice
- on December 3, 2014
You have created a great picture. Your perception and depth is remarkable!
-- Alice
- on November 5, 2014
Rohan—are there any rooms to rent in that building? I like the fact that there's no gravity so I wouldn't need to weigh myself any more. Nice job following the vanishing points and coming up with a dreamy visual.
-- Leslie
- on November 5, 2014
You chose a book that has been popular since 1903. Watch one of the film versions and see how it compares to the book.
-- Alice
- on September 10, 2014
Rohan—I noted the things you said you liked about your work. Let me add that my favorite parts are the inventively stylized clouds (they look like some fast food thingy that comes in a noisy bag) and the moon, lurking amongst them. I know I read THE CALL OF THE WILD but it's been too long ago for me to remember. Thanks for reminding me of some of its aspects with your drawing.
-- Leslie
- on September 10, 2014
I really, really like this one, Rohan. It's a great book cover! Makes me want to read The Call of the Wild again. . .
-- KarenHerseth
- on September 10, 2014
I am not surprised by the Lego box! You are so creative with those. Such a great art project to let you express yourself.
-- Alice
- on June 11, 2014
What interesting art and such fascinating subjects you have studied. Know you will miss school this summer!
-- Alice
- on May 22, 2014
Rohan I must compliment the photographer as well as you for this charming little subterranean miracle. I like the way you manipulated the background in a largely abstract way. May I suggest you Google Jane Gilmor, an artist from Cedar Rapids who uses this copper foil to make whole shows of art. Again, congratulations for a thoughtful work of art.
-- Leslie
- on May 21, 2014
Interesting art! The colors are so vibrant. Uncle Bill thinks the middle is a fish Hook!
-- Alice
- on April 30, 2014
Rohan—your newest work feels very contemporary. It's about as minimal as you can get but still requires a lot of thought to appreciate fully. I'm not sure what the "art card" concept is but your little mystery image certainly qualifies as art—raising a few careful lines to the level of authority. Sometime in the future, I could see you doing similar work, large, with glossy silkscreened lines on enameled metal or even as sculpture. Nice.
-- Leslie
- on April 30, 2014
Interesting Google art. I like the sun shining to keep everything bright and full of energy.
-- Alice
- on April 9, 2014
Sunshine on things you love, what could be more better?!
-- KarenHerseth
- on April 9, 2014
A very good replica of Norway's flags. An interesting project would be to draw flags from other countries.
-- Alice
- on February 12, 2014
Really good one, Rohan. NICELY DONE!
-- KarenHerseth
- on February 11, 2014
Rowan I think we can officially classify you as a surrealist. It would be a better place (or at least cooler looking) "if you ran the world. Les
-- Leslie
- on January 13, 2014
Now THAT'S original. . . who ever heard of candy cane as rooftop chimney, Santa's sure to love that. Good going, Rohan.
-- KarenHerseth
- on January 13, 2014
What a creative balancing act you've achieved here, Rohan. Love the idea of balancing eggs and ham on a plate while standing up on a locomotive!! Hard to do that even inside a train sometimes, when eating in the club car.
-- karenHerseth
- on December 3, 2013
Rohan, What a fun, happy drawing. I love your choice of colors! It was always so much fun when we read Green Eggs and Ham when you were very little, and then to have you insert the words as you learned to read. Happy, happy Thanksgiving. Nan and Grandpa Rob
-- Lois
- on December 3, 2013
Bad weather everywhere and you delight us with the birds and the sun. Thanks for the cheerful art work!
-- Alice
- on December 3, 2013
-- tichstd
- on November 14, 2013
Awesome, Rohan! It's snowing tonight for the first time in Alma. Can't wait to make some snow folks here. Love, Daddy
-- Daddy
- on November 12, 2013
Bold colors! Bold brush strokes! Wonderful defining of the pumpkin's lines! You're g o o d, Rohan!
-- KarenHerseth
- on November 11, 2013
Just in time for the season! I love the contrast of the bright pumpkin and the background.
-- Alice
- on November 11, 2013
Kind of Picasso-like! Wasn't it fun to see a real Picasso art work at the Figge Museum last Saturday? Your self-portrait is strong in color, like Picasso's art.
-- KarenHerseth
- on November 5, 2013
Rohan—If this picture says anything about you, it's that you are of independent mind. and FIERCE! Such a well-proportioned head and shoulders. Does Rudolph (reindeer) know of the competition?
-- Leslie
- on October 31, 2013
Great Work Rohan!!! Hope school is going well. Hope you guys can Skype me soon! I know that your Birthday is coming up keep check of the mail!!! Love, Granddad
-- Granddad
- on October 31, 2013
Have not seen you in some time so glad to view your portrait.
-- Alice
- on October 31, 2013
Dear Rohan Your artwork is very exciting! I just looked at all of it and I am very impressed! Maybe you should come visit the Art Department at Augustana sometime!
-- Rowen
- on October 31, 2013
What an emotional drawing! Let's think a positive thought that all ends well! Alice
-- Alice
- on October 22, 2013
This art work says so much, Rohan! Brave person on a rope, half-way down the tower, help very near. The strong vivid colors you chose enhance the escape, and show off the person's bravery.
-- KarenHerseth
- on October 16, 2013
Rowan I admire the calm, dark field of black with only the bugs, moon and stars as points of light. It's also a very handsome abstraction as the moonlight hits parts of the ground but not others. Keep championing bugs and stars and darkness! Les
-- Leslie
- on October 8, 2013
Hey Rohan, We love your fire fly picture...and remember the fun night in June with Snaffy and Uncle Dude when you and Maren were catching them. Much love, Nan and Grandpa Rob.
-- Lois. (Or Nan)
- on October 8, 2013
Your work is terrific. The colors especially are very expressive! Thank you for sharing with me!
-- Rowen
- on October 1, 2013
Wow, Rohan, I am so impressed by the way you pull this one off. Great concept, and the comet at the top is a fine touch!
-- Bradley
- on September 24, 2013
My oh my this is GREAT work. I am so proud of you and I am happy that I can see your talent I love you. -- Granddad
- on September 12, 2013
So glad you are continuing your art work. Love those expressions!
-- Alice
- on September 2, 2013
Whew! Quite the contrast! Hard to believe a tiger would be more talkative than an imp!
-- karenHerseth
- on August 30, 2013
Love it! Love how the fireflies look like stars in your night sky. . .
-- Karen
- on June 6, 2013
As a child one of my favorite summer activities was catching fireflies and then letting them go. Do you and Maren enjoy doing that?
-- Alice
- on June 6, 2013
Rohan, I have just sent your Virginia magnet to Luke in his card as a sweet brother for Noah's birthday, and am framing your print I ordered for your new cousin who will arrive in August. There are some art supplies awaiting your arrival at the farm. -- Nan
- on June 6, 2013
Love this, Rohan! Let's work on your artist's statements for all these great pieces next week. Muh, muh, muh.
-- Daddy
- on June 6, 2013
Looks like a blue dog democrat to me, wise, but precarious on a skateboard!
-- KarenHerseth
- on June 2, 2013
So glad you are continuing your art work. You will have more time to create during summer vacation. Alice
-- Alice
- on June 2, 2013
Now THERE'S an electric guitar I'd like to own!
-- karenHerseth
- on May 18, 2013
You amaze me with your creativity! Looking forward to your next work of art. Alice
-- Alice
- on May 18, 2013
My sister, your great aunt Connie, used to collect owls because she thought them so wonderful. I know that she'd think this owl absolutely beautiful, Rohan. Good job!
-- KarenHerseth
- on May 15, 2013
What a wise looking owl made by a wise, smart boy! Alice
-- Alice
- on May 11, 2013
Love it, Rohan. I saved one of your Uncle Jonathan's from long ago, that looks a little like that! Brave guy to ride that shark. . .
-- Grandma Karen
- on April 2, 2013
What a creative mind you have! Love the colors in your picture!
-- Alice
- on March 30, 2013
Rohan, The fish is great, it looks like he is smiling. I love using the notecards you gave me for Christmas. Love, Nan and Grandpa Rob
-- Lois
- on March 5, 2013
Uncle John will love this as he is a fisherman. Hope you had a good day and had lots to do!
-- Stephanie
- on March 3, 2013
Something's very fishy here, Rohan! It was fun talking with you and Granddad today about how you made this piece. -- Daddy
- on March 3, 2013
We liked your print! You are becoming quite the artist. Did you know your great-great grandmother liked to paint?
-- Alice
- on March 2, 2013
He's terrific, Rohan, there's a real Japanese "feel" to this painting! The abstractness--what isn't there, as strong as what is. Love it! your G'mother Karen
-- Karenherseth
- on March 2, 2013
The mask shows up so well on the vibrant background.
-- Alice
- on February 19, 2013
How creative. Love the way the mask shows up against the vibrant background. --Alice
- on February 27, 2013
An ET arriving, from out of a red sky? Pretty cool. . .
-- Karenherseth
- on February 11, 2013
What a wonderful picture and I am so glad you made it for Virginia!
-- Alice
- on February 6, 2013
Wow Rohan, The Virginia Stamp is awesome, the train reminds me of The Thomas trains you have. Great work. Much love, Nan and Grandpa Rob
-- Lois
- on February 6, 2013
Rohan, this has such special meaning and Grandpa Rob will especially like the weather system!!!! I like the train as that is what we hear at the farm when we are there. See you soon.
-- Stephanie
- on February 6, 2013
Way cool, Rohan, I'd LOVE to use that stamp on a letter! Looks like you've included about everything, even the weather. . .
-- Karenherseth
- on February 6, 2013
Proud of you, Rohan! This looks great. Can't wait for the Academic Fair. --Daddy
- on February 6, 2013
Oh, wow. Wonderful "guy," Rohan. He looks like the driver of rover Curiosity on Mars, who just fell off and the vehicle left him behind. He needs a drink of water--hope he finds it--he'll be famous! lovingly, your grandmother Karen
-- Karen h
- on January 27, 2013
Oh, wow, Rohan--another keeper! Looks like the Edmund Fitzgerald ore boat on Lake Superior before the big storm blew in. . .
-- Karenherseth
- on December 26, 2012
Wow, Rohan! You are a wonderful artist with colors and shapes. We look forward to seeing your work up close. Keep it up!
-- David
- on November 13, 2012
That bowl is fantastic, Rohan. Is it really made of glass? I'd love to know how you did it. I'll find out when we come to visit you this next weekend. . . on your 9th birthday. Can't wait! Grandmother Karen
-- Karenherseth
- on November 12, 2012
Rohan, This new artwork is beautiful - you did such a good job. I love the way the colors flow together. Congratulations. Nan and Rob
-- Lois
- on November 12, 2012
Rohan, this is fantastic. Granddad and I hope to see the Chihuly exhibit in Richmond soon. Love you!
-- Stephanie
- on November 12, 2012
Oh, cool, Rohan! It's a perfect kaleidoscope image! I can just see them shape-shifting in a kaleidoscope tube. You could probably invent the kind of images a kaleidoscope inventor would use. Or BE the kaleidoscope inventor, yourself! lovingly, your grandmother Karen
-- KarenHerseth
- on October 7, 2012
What a grand adventure your pirate captain is undertaking! Good thing he has a friend with a telescope up-top the mast to look out for danger. . . and fish below on which to dine. -your Grandmother Karen
-- Karen
- on September 20, 2012
Sweetie, I LOVE this one. The colors are so rich and it makes me think of the Indian name my grandpa gave me -- Yellow Bird -- the summer I swam the channel, like you and Linnea did this summer. Maybe the next bird you make will be a Soaring Eagle?!
-- Mama
- on September 1, 2012
Love your recent painting, Rohan, great goldfinch! And its launchpad leaf is truly inspired. . .
-- Karenherseth
- on September 1, 2012
Rohan, Your new painting looks like a day perhaps you will visit his garden, Givroney outside of Paris. Nan
-- Lois
- on September 1, 2012
Oh, wow, Rohan, that big cat is looking right at me! It's eyes are pools and reflect the sky. . .
-- Karenherseth
- on September 1, 2012
This tree seems to be waving at passersby with all its might!
-- Karenherseth
- on September 1, 2012
So cool, Rohan--colorful, such energetic persons in these drawings!
-- Karen, David
- on September 1, 2012
Rohan, I love your new artwork, and continue to enjoy the notecards you gave me for Christmas. Good job, Nan and Rob
-- Lois
- on September 1, 2012
Cool 3D sculpture. I love sculptures.
-- Doug
- on November 22, 2011
-- Granddad
- on November 14, 2011
GREAT JOB ROHAN!! Space is so cool. Keep up the good work.
-- Doug
- on November 11, 2011