Connor5572's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Connor5572's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Connor, Wax resist can be fun, can't it? Hope your Snow Bear stays cool this winter! Nice job, Ms. Melody.
-- melody
- on July 4, 2012
Connor, How beautiful the trees look in the moonlight! Great job! Ms. Melody.
-- melody
- on July 4, 2012
Connor, very rad reindeer, I love your creative view of Santas favorite transportation. Ho Ho Ho Ms. Melody.
-- melody
- on July 4, 2012
Connor, nice job on your first fired clay project, I especially like the shape and colors you chose. Ms. Melody.
-- melody
- on July 4, 2012
Connor, artist Andy Warhol would be proud with the way you completed your artwork and so should you. Good job. Ms. Melody
-- melody
- on November 24, 2011