Jonathan6816's Comments (230)

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Below are comments about Jonathan6816's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Best work ever!! Big Mama flower looking down over baby flower!! Love all the detaill you put into your work!! Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on October 30, 2014
Hi JonAthan, this must be a vest with two eyes and a nose. Very creative. Nice bold colors. Will you be wearing this for X-mas? Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on October 30, 2014
Hi Jonathan, I cannot wait to see these owls in person. They are delightful. They almost look like Christmas owls with the red and green. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 27, 2014
Hi Jonathan, OH! What a beautiful sunflower! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 27, 2014
Hi Jonathan, This is a neat art work with the letter "J". Cool kitty! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 27, 2014
Hi J-baby, I like your owl, he is colorful like a parrot which is a nice change. Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 27, 2014
Hi Jonathon, Your flowers are beautiful. It looks like the sunflower is reaching up to the sky. The blue is so pretty. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 14, 2014
Hi Jonathan, Beautiful sunflower and beautiful colors! It is so tall! I am looking forward to seeing all of your 3rd grade artwork this year! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on October 6, 2014
Hi J-baby, I like the blue sky in your sunflowers artwork. The sunflowers are very life like. I like sunflowers and try to grow them in my yard. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on October 2, 2014
From Ms. Jadud: "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese".
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on June 26, 2014
This is pretty!! Sun flowers way up tall. This is a pretty patch of picture perfect party flowers Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on June 23, 2014
Sun, clouds, animal, tiger maybe? and a big letter J with a small j on top. What do we make of this? Very interesting, makes you think, but I have no answers for this. Very nice Jonathan, the tiger has black mouth, needs to see a dentist. As always your work is great. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on June 23, 2014
Hi J-baby, Your flowers are so colorful, just in time for summer. Why didn't you color all of them? Is this a master piece in the making? Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on June 5, 2014
This is complicated, BIG MOUSE walking away from little cat. Angry cat. Looks like bottom half of mouse's chin was cut off. oh well. Cat is a baby looks like he is going to cry. Good ;work Jonathan Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on May 31, 2014
I love your "J" for Jonathan and the scary looking jaguar! You had awesome projects this year! Can't wait to see what you make in 3rd grade :) Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on May 27, 2014
Hi Jonathan, This artwork is unique! Love the colors, letters and stars! How did you chose the letters? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 21, 2014
Hi Jonathan, This is one big mouse compared to the cat! Who is afraid of who? Thank you for sharing all your fantastic artwork. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 21, 2014
Hi Jonathon, This is another neat bird. He looks like he is soaring up to the rainbow in the clouds. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 21, 2014
Hi Jonathan! This picture is awesome! The animals have great details, just like the real ones! We should go find these guys at the zoo :) Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on May 11, 2014
Hi Jonathan, your little birdie is caught in a rainboe. Part of your rainbow is blocked behind a cloud which was very clever of you. You are a genius. Looking forward to seeing you at your First Holy Communion. Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on May 6, 2014
Hi Jonathan, Guess the winter birds are here to stay. Yours are beautiful. I am starting to see robins, finches and chick-a-dees outside our window. Love the snowy background! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on April 17, 2014
Hi Jonathan, Looks like your guy is doing Jumping Jacks. Those are fun and really good for your heart. The birds remind me that spring is on its way. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on April 17, 2014
Hi Jonathan! Great artwork! I love all of the colors and your bird looks so happy! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on March 20, 2014
From Ms. Jadud: “Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true” Lyman Frank Baum May all your dreams come true.
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on March 17, 2014
Lots of birdies flying around these days, or maybe that is an airplane. No, it is a red bird with 2 wings and one leg Hmmmm! Something is up here. That is one fat little leg too. Nice work Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on March 17, 2014
Hi Jonathan, This bird looks like he is soaring up the highest mountain top. Maybe he has a nest up there with little babies? Does he have a name? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 13, 2014
Hi Jonathan, These beads are beautiful! Love the color! Is this going to be a necklace or simply an art design? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 12, 2014
Hi J-baby, I like your bird, it reminds me of a cardinal in the snow that I see outside my windows at home. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on February 28, 2014
From Ms. Jadud: "Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." ~ Henry Van Dyke
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on February 18, 2014
Some thing different this time! Two birdies flying in the snow trying to get at the red berries in the tree. Long sentence. Your birds are very colorfull and the huge round snow flakes are fascinating, I have never seen a round snow flake before. Your work is great, just like you Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on February 13, 2014
Hmmm. Another person(maybe you) doing jumping jacks outside. No Dusty (your cat) looking on and no tree. Why are we doing the same picture again and again? Let me know. Very nice, again!!!! Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on February 13, 2014
This fella is doing jumping jacks. I think he is outside , there is a tree and clouds in the backround. I think I see Dusty looking at him also. Nice work. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on February 13, 2014
J-baby, Your winter birds are so life like and colorful at a time when we need something to brighten our day. Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on February 13, 2014
Hi Jonathan, Your cardinal is beautiful He looks like he wants to fly out of the nest. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on January 29, 2014
J-baby, Like your marshmallow man doing jumping jacks. I wish I could be this happy working out. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on January 29, 2014
Hi Jonathan, I love this picture! It looks like your little person and his cat are made out of candy! Great job! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on January 25, 2014
Hi J-baby, Your bead person and animal are really cool looking. Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on January 14, 2014
Not sure what I'm looking at, a necklace or part of a rosary or part of a fence or something else that does not have a name. Very pretty piece of artwork. Keeps your viewers guessing. When I see you you can tell me what it is. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on January 12, 2014
Tweet tweet tweet!!! I think I see a cardinal, our state bird. Don't know if you drew this bird or made it out of something. Either way it looks real. Nice work Jonathan. Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on January 12, 2014
Hi Jonathan, Your evergreen trees are beautiful. The little snowman is so cute. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on January 6, 2014
Hi J-baby, Love your evergreens picture because it is such a happy picture of winter. The snowflakes are colorful, the snowman are happy, the birds seem to be enjoying themselves and even the sun is present. Thanks for reminding everyone that winter is a great time of the year. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on January 6, 2014
From Ms. Jadud: “The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity” ~ George Carlin
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on January 6, 2014
J-baby, Your bead artwork is totally awesome. It looks like it was done by a professional artist. Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on December 18, 2013
J-baby, I really like your bird, he is so life like. You work really well in clay. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on December 14, 2013
Whooooo is this owl? This picture looks very mystical and spooky. He must be stuck on the branch because he doesn't have any wings left. Nice work Jonathan colors are nice with the white backround. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on December 8, 2013
Hi Jonathan, We love this owl picture. It's kind of eerie but really cool! The balance in color and design is extraordinary. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on December 5, 2013
J-baby, Your owl is so cool. It looks like a professional artist did this one. Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on December 3, 2013
A family of birds walking together with umbrellas so they don't get their feathers wet. Good thinking They also have on little booties to keep their feet dry, very smart birdies. Your work is outstanding. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on November 19, 2013
Unbelievable, this is the perfect X-mas tree ornament. It has everything, little springs little springs and more little springs hanging off of it. This could also be earrings for your Mom or you Grandmama! This is a collector's piece. Love Aunt Barbie Doll Amaxing!
-- Barbara
- on November 16, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This picture reminds me of the time that Shane, Austin and Jonathan had umbrellas and went for a walk with Grandma in the rain. We need to do that again. Guess we'll have to wait until spring because there is snow on the ground now. Love, Grandma
-- Cheryl
- on November 13, 2013
J-baby, Your birds are so cute, they look like colorful turkeys, just in time for the holiday. I really enjoy getting your artwork along with the artwork Austin and Shane create. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on November 13, 2013
Hi Jonathan, These are cool, cool caterpillars. Looks like they are storing up food for a long, long winter. That is a pretty red leaf they are munching on. Hope you enjoy the winter! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on November 5, 2013
Hi Jonathan, You are a Prince! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 29, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This little boy really looks like you. Where would you fly? He sure looks ready to go any time, any place, any where! Can we go too? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 29, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This owl sure does look magical. Wonder what magic he can do? Bet he was fun to create! Thank you for sharing him with us. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 29, 2013
J-baby, Your catapillars are so colorful and look happy. Are they getting ready for winter? Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 29, 2013
This little guy is very happy! He has very short shorts on and little sticks coming off of his arms. Your backround pinwheels and stars make me feel like dancing. He is doing his jumping jacks to stay in shape. Nice work. Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on October 16, 2013
Hi J-baby, Like your picture with the colorful feathers. You did a good job capturing your likeness in your drawing. Keep the great artwork coming. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 2, 2013
Hi Jonathan, this is a great little piece of art. I think it is a paper bag cut out. I t reminds me of a finger puppet with your face on it. Very cute. Not much of a forehead and little x's for ears. No legs, who needs those. Love Auntie Barbie Doll!!
-- Barbara
- on September 16, 2013
Hi Jonathan, You have a happy face on your art work. Bet you are happy to be back at school! We enjoy seeing your new creations. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on September 3, 2013
Hi Jonathan! I'm so happy to see your first artwork in 2nd grade! Great job making it symmetrical and cute! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on August 28, 2013
Hi J-baby, Welcome back to school. Hope you have a great year. Like your artwork, it looks like a robot. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on August 28, 2013
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” ~ Carl Sagan
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on June 26, 2013
“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” ~ Jane Austen
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on June 26, 2013
“A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in.” ~ Frederick The Great of Prussia
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on June 26, 2013
Hi Jonathan! This wanna bee is very unique! Your first grade artwork has been amazing and I can't wait to see the projects you make in 2nd grade!! I'm so proud of you!! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on June 7, 2013
same bird with new colors? Not sure.
-- Barbara
- on June 3, 2013
Is this a bird, or an airplane, or both? Looks like he has 2 wheels for ears,maybe he rolls around on his ears instead of his paws. One black eye must have been in a bird accident. This is art. Great work Jonathan. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on June 4, 2013
J-baby, your wanna bee looks like a superhero with the emblem on his chest and the stars all around him. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on May 25, 2013
Hi Jonathan! Wow! I have never seen a magical owl, but he looks really cool! I wonder what special tricks he can do! Very cute :) Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on May 25, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This owl definitely looks magical. Bet you had fun using your imagination to draw him. Love the stars too! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 25, 2013
Hi Jonathan, That house sure looks heavy for the crab. How far does he carry it? You did a fine job in building the house and drawing the crab. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 25, 2013
Jonathan that bug is walking away with your house!!!! I like the details, nice windows, solid door, and beautiful roof, just lose the bug!
-- Julie
- on May 14, 2013
Great, this bug is walkling off with someone's house, hope they are not at home. Pretty strong bug, also like your blue and red and yellow lawn. Nice work Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on May 12, 2013
Looks like King Jonathan to me.!! Love your jeweled crown, that would look good on me, may I borrow it? You must be King of the Adam's family. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on May 12, 2013
J-baby, You are silly with your house for a hermit crab. That house looks awful heavy.
-- Carol
- on May 12, 2013
Hello King Jonathan! Can I borrow your beautiful crown? The jewels are gorgeous! Nice job!! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on April 30, 2013
This is a flower/man surrounded by bees and bugs. He has a very cute face and does not seem too be scared by all these insects crawling and flying around him. Very brave. You are awesome artist!! Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on April 24, 2013
I love it Jonathan!! I like the little bugs crawling and flying around! BEA utiful! Love, Julie
-- Julie
- on April 23, 2013
Hi Jonathan, I love the little bugs you have added to your art work. They look so happy. They're probably getting ready for the spring. Are you getting ready for your birthday? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on April 16, 2013
J-baby, I like that you added the cheerful bugs to your owl picture. Your flying insects are especially cute. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on April 3, 2013
Hi Jonathan, Love this big green owl! Hope he doesn't hoot, hoot off the page! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 26, 2013
Hi Jonathan, this guy is awesome! Everything is lined up in squares up and down left to right. I like his short stubby legs! Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on March 23, 2013
Hi Jonathan, umm this is a very pretty green bird with a whole in the side of his head. What happened to him? Your black outlining makes your picture stand out very nicely. Great work Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on March 23, 2013
J-baby, You have created a very interesting owl but I like the patterns. Looks good enough to hang on a wall in a museum. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on March 23, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This bird looks lonely. But, he is adorable! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 19, 2013
Hi Jonathan, I see three numbers 2, 4, and 6. Are there more? This is a neat design of color and creativity. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 19, 2013
Hi Jonathan, I love your pinch pot It looks like the one your Mom made when she was in Kindergarten. Now I know where you get your talents from. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 19, 2013
Hi Jonathan, This is remarkable. It would be so beautiful in a picture frame. Thank you for sharing your masterpieces. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 8, 2013
J-baby, Your pigeon is cute but he looks like he needs a friend because he is all alone. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on March 8, 2013
Dizzy, this work of art is making me dizzy, all the beautiful colors and circles are amazing. How did you make all of those? It must have taken you a very long time. Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on March 2, 2013
Hi J-baby, Your numbers are really awesome. That is work that can be framed and put on a wall. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on March 2, 2013
Hmm...I don't see any fish Jonathan! The snowman is very nice though! I bet that you and your brothers could build one just like it! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on February 21, 2013
Wow! It must have taken you a long time to make these blobs!! I love it! The colors are fabulous and you completely colored inside the lines. Awesome work! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on February 21, 2013
Hi Jonathan, your flowers are beautiful. Your colors and shapes make them also look like more lolliupoops in a can. Which is it? Great work!! Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on February 21, 2013
J-baby, Your blobs are so pretty, they look like a bouquet of flowers. Very impressive. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on February 14, 2013
Is this a snowman trapped in an ice cube? Unbelievable!! This is awesome and should be on a Christmas card. Great work, Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on February 12, 2013
Hi Jonathan, I see Greg, Kelly, Shane and Austin. Where are You? Love your clouds and snow flakes falling down. Great work Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on February 12, 2013
J-baby, Love your snowman. He looks so happy and proud to be a snowman. You need to get out and make some real snowmen. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on February 12, 2013
Hi Jonathan, Oh, here is the missing snowman! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on February 12, 2013
Hi Jonathan, We love your snowman family. If it is the Adams family someone is missing. Isn't this a beautiful winter? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on February 12, 2013
Hi J-baby, Your snowmen look so happy. Hopefully you will be able to get out and build some real snowmen in the next couple of days. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on February 1, 2013
This is a masterpiece Jonathan. You should be very proud of yourself. Beautiful!
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on January 21, 2013
Oh boy, what could this be? A cupcake with a hole in the middle, a pencil holder, a vase, an apple. This is art. Maybe this isn't art work, but pottery. Good work at keeping your viewers guessing. It is something nice, kkep up the great work Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on January 9, 2013
Hi Jonathan, lollipops in a cup are the best ever. Send some my way. Your art work is getting better with ever picture. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on January 9, 2013
"You are a guest of nature, Behave!" ~ Hundertwasser from Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on January 5, 2013
Jonathan, this is a beautiful pot of blobs! I love how you used a different set of colors for each one! The pot is also gorgeous with all of the different colors. I can tell that you put a lot of work into this!!! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on January 5, 2013
Hi Jonathan! Is this a picture of you? I think that your ears are a little bigger in real life! You did a very nice job! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on January 5, 2013
Jonathan, I enjoy your art work each morning. I've a star in the family. Your going to give your brothers a real challenge in the art field. love grandma
-- lois
- on December 28, 2012
Jonathan, this little person is super cute:) All of the different shapes that you used are great! Can he jump on over to my house for a big kiss!!??? Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on December 11, 2012
this must be a person with no arms, just 2 legs and 2 very big ears and something on top of his head, looks like a propeller, does he fly? he could flap his ears and take off. very nice. love Aunt barbie doll
-- barbara
- on December 1, 2012
Hi Jonathan, We love your bean. Those red cheeks are cool! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on December 1, 2012
Hi Jonathan, this is a very cute mouse! It looks like he is having a fun time playing and dancing around! Maybe you can teach Jasper how to dance like that! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on November 25, 2012
Oh boy what is going on here? Looks like a small army of people with stick legs and paper bags for heads. One head is about to fall off. These are very happy bag people Some of your army look like hot dogs on a stick. Nice work Jonathan. Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on November 10, 2012
Hi Jonathan, These painted shapes are so cute! I like how each one has a different face! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on November 4, 2012
Hi Jonathan, You have great drawing skills! I could never draw a cat this well! Keep up the good work! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on November 4, 2012
J-baby, This is really really good, it looks like it was done by a professional. Is the guy getting tossed in the air the "little brother"? Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on November 4, 2012
Now this is a scardie cat. scary cat, big rat. He looks hungry and is eating a green triangle. Never saw a cat with only 2 paws but that's all they need . Keep the artwork coming. See you later. Love Aunt Barbie Doll!
-- Barbara
- on October 30, 2012
Hi Jonathan, time is ticking away for this pumpkin. Is that a green lollipop next to the pumpkin? Or it could be a magnifying glass. Sometimes not sure what I am seeing. Whatever it is you do nice art work Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on October 30, 2012
J-baby, I like this picture even better in color...good work. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on October 25, 2012
J-baby, Is your drawing saying its time to go trick-or-treating? I like trick-or-treating too. You'll have to let me know when it is at your house. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 19, 2012
J-baby, Your scardy cat is so cool and just in time for Halloween. Keep up the good work, you are becoming quite the artist. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 15, 2012
Hi Jonathan, That is one scary kitty! He could frighten any mouse away. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 13, 2012
"Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend." ~ Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes from: Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on October 11, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Is this Jonathan? You have a very serious face. Wonder what you are thinking about. Is that one of your favorite shirts? The hair is cool! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 5, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This looks like a masterpiece! You had to have fun filling in the many spaces. And, I love all the colors. It reminds me of a Picasso! He was a very famous artist. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 5, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Such perfect circles! Did you try mixing colors? Red & yellow to make orange. Blue & yellow to make green. Red & blue to make purple. Painting is a neat art media. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 5, 2012
Hi Jonathan, He is one happy mouse! He is having so much fun with his green, red and blues balls. I hope you had fun too while making the mouse. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 5, 2012
Jonathan, looks like this guy is playing soccer, kind of looks like you. The soccer balls are very bright and colorful it would be hard not to see that ball coming down the field. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on September 24, 2012
Hi J-baby, Is that mouse you drew one of Aunt Carol's pet mice? It sure looks like them. You need to draw a picture of Scooter next. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on September 21, 2012
Jonathan these are very colorful dots. nice work They are all the same size and remind me of balloons also. You are a good artist. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on September 19, 2012
Hi Jonathan, what have we here? I think these are shopping bags with eyes on them which is a great idea so they don't run into each other at the store. Or maybe tents with eyeballs. They are very eye catching Great work Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on September 17, 2012
J-baby, Those circles look like a Twister Game. Have fun in your art. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on September 14, 2012
Hi J-baby, I like your doodle music, it is very colorful. When I first looked at it I thought it was a bunch of presents. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on September 5, 2012
Hi Jonathan! This is the perfect fish! I would love to have a real one just like it! Maybe you will have one too someday! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on July 28, 2012
Hi Jonathan! This is the cutest snail ever and the colors are beautiful!! Great job! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on July 28, 2012
J-baby, Why did you make such an unhappy face, you are always a happy boy. I don't like the thought of you being sad. Love Aunt Carol
-- carol
- on July 28, 2012
“No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise” Lewis Carroll Have a fun filled summer; maybe go fishing! Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on June 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan, great job of drawing yourself! Maybe you can draw me someday! It looks just like you and I really like the blue and green border! Can't wait to see your first grade artwork soon! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on June 24, 2012
Jonathan that is a nice picture of you. Blond hair, blue eyes skinny neck and cute little ears. That is just exactly what you look like. Great work! Love Aunt Barb
-- barbara
- on June 24, 2012
Jonathan, how much do your gum balls cost? The colors/flavors you drew are the best ones. Keep sending more art work, Love Aunt Barbie Doll
- on June 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan! This is a mystery picture. I think it is someone or something with its feet on backwards and it has a lump on its shoulder. The square head and 4 pieces of hair are very attractive looking. Good work! Love Aunt Barbara
- on June 24, 2012
Jonathan, lots of fish in your art work. They must be blue gill because they are blue. I would like to catch one of these and be able to put them in an aquarium. Nice work. Love Aunt Barbara
- on June 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan, nice variety of little fishys. Your work is very good. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on June 24, 2012
J-baby, I knew the minute I looked at your artwork that I was looking at a picture of cute. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on June 24, 2012
J-baby, I like your gumball machine, it is very cute. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on June 11, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Your bot is extremely robotic. Bet you wish he could do jobs for you! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on June 11, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Your cat is so, so cool. I love the sway. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on June 11, 2012
J-baby, instead of BC Bots I think you should call your guy Lego man because he looks like he is made from legos. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on June 11, 2012
J-baby, your fish are so colorful and look so real. Keep up the good work, I enjoy getting your artwork. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on June 6, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Those are interesting fish. I think I see an eel also. We should go the aquarium to see the fish up close. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on June 6, 2012
J-baby, cute fishes. Love Aunt Carol
-- carol
- on June 6, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This is one neat fossil It looks so prehistoric. I think I see a baby dinosaur. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This fish looks familiar but this time it has color. Cool! Cool! Cool! I would not mind swimming with this cool fish. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan, What wonderful detail you have in your fish. You are a fine artist. We look forward to all your new artwork. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 24, 2012
Nice fat fishy. Great backround water He looks very happy and ready to be eaten. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on May 24, 2012
Hi Austin, that looks like one very delicious looking cup cake. It has a picture of someone in the middle of it. Great work. It is making me hungry. Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on May 24, 2012
J-baby, This is a very interesting piece of art. I like the color blue that you used, it is very striking piece of art work. Keep up the good work.
-- Carol
- on May 24, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Your fish is swimming in such pretty blue water. Wish I could swim with him! But, I am not a good swimmer. Hope you get to do a lot of swimming this summer! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on May 24, 2012
J-baby, You did a good job on your rainbow trout, he is one handsome fish....any fisherman would be proud to catch him. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on May 16, 2012
Hi Jonathan, very colorful snail. Looks like a rainbow snail. We have those in our backyard. Good work. ZLove Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on May 7, 2012
Hi Jonathan! What a nice fish you drew! I like all of the detail you put into it. It looks like my old goldfish! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on April 30, 2012
J-baby, That's a big fat fish I would like to catch and take my picture with him. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on April 25, 2012
J-baby, Your snail is so cute and colorful. I love the spring colors you used. I enjoy getting your artwork, it makes my day. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on April 25, 2012
Hi Jonathan, I can just hear the bees a buzzing. They all seem so eager to get inside their hive. I bet you had fun making this picture. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on April 25, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Your little black ant is neat. Does he have a smile? You are such a good artist. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on April 25, 2012
Jonathan that is one bunch of bees with alll different expression on their faces. Happy, sad smiling, the one on top of the hive must be the boss. Nice work and detail Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on April 25, 2012
"That buzzing noise means something. Now, the only reason for making a buzzing noise that I know of is because you are... a bee! And the only reason for being a bee is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it." ~ Winnie The Pooh from Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on April 25, 2012
Now these are some cute bees that I would not be afraid if! Awesome work Jonathan! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on April 25, 2012
J-baby, Your behive and bees are so cute and cheery. I like the bright yellow you used. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on April 25, 2012
Hi Jonathan, such a pretty little black aunt. Looks like he is sitting up begging for food. Nice work. Didn't know they had 4 wings, 6 legs and 2 antenna sticking out of their heads, very detailed. Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on April 25, 2012
J-baby, I like your bug because he doesn't have a stinger or sharp, nasty teeth. Your bug seems like a friendly bug. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on April 25, 2012
Jonathan, I think I saw this lion at the zoo! Do they know you took him? He's very cute! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on April 25, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This portrait really looks like you. Neat hair! Cool shirt! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 15, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This lion looks fierce. But, he also looks friendly. March has come in like a lamb. But, it may go out like a lion. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 15, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Your picture looks like your backyard. It has the slide and big tree. Did you have fun drawing it? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 15, 2012
Hi Jonathan, looks like colored strips of bacon. I knowit's snot, but that's what it reminds me of. Very nice groups of colos. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on March 15, 2012
Jonathan, this is a very handsome lion. Great teeth, eyebrows and ears. Your work is very detailed. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
- on March 15, 2012
Hi Jonathan, I like your different shaped candles. Maybe something else in there also. A ladder perhaps. Great work. Call me sometime Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on March 15, 2012
J-baby, Aunt Carol just loves your March Lion, he looks a little mean but at the same time very cute.
-- Carol
- on March 9, 2012
J-baby, Like your house, tree and is that a bridge? Great Job. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on March 8, 2012
Jonathan, great looking young man with yellow hair. Nice chickens on his shirt I like his small mouth and ears. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on March 8, 2012
Hi Jonathan, This is another great masterpiece. I am amazed at how straight you made the stripes. Have fun! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on March 8, 2012
J-baby, Is that sleepy head you or your mother? Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on March 8, 2012
Hi Jonathan! This artwork is very pretty! You will have to tell me what a Kente Cloth is when I see you! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on March 4, 2012
J-baby, Your artwork is so colorful and lively, makes me want to dance. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on February 21, 2012
Oh a "J" for Jonathan and Julie, I like it! Nice job Jonathan!!!
-- Julie
- on February 21, 2012
Hi big J hmmmmmmm don't now what else to say about this masterpiece It's great. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on February 17, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Cool J! Just like you! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on February 17, 2012
J-Baby, It's Valentine's day and this is the best Valentine's gift I have ever received. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on February 14, 2012
Jonathan, A valetine with legs and arms that is dancing Love it. I think he is blinking at me. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on February 7, 2012
Perfect hearts just in time for Valentine's Day! I hope that I get one:)
-- Jennifer
- on February 7, 2012
Hi Jonathan, What a happy Valentine! He looks like he's doing a little jig. Hope you make many more hearts for Valentine's Day! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on February 7, 2012
J-baby, Your heart looks like he is happy and dancing. Happy Valentine's day. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on February 7, 2012
Hi Jonathan! Your rainbow is so bright and beautiful! I love your blue birds flying over it...hope they made it to the other side!! Love you, Jennifet
-- Jennifer
- on January 30, 2012
Hi Jo;nathan, Rainbow and little birdies are very nice. You do great art work Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on January 30, 2012
Hi Jonathan, houses look great. I will be moving in soon. Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on January 30, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Rainbows are cool! Your birds are so cheery! I bet you had fun using all the colors. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on January 23, 2012
J-baby, I think your happy blue birds are very cute. I also like the bright colors in your rainbow. Love Aunt Carol.
-- Carol
- on January 19, 2012
Hi Jonathan, We love your houses. I wonder who lives in them. The sky is such a pretty blue. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on January 19, 2012
Hi Jonathan! Beautiful shapes and patterns! I like how colorful it is too! Can you paint my house? Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on January 19, 2012
Wow J-baby, I love all the bright colors you used, it is a very bold picture. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on January 19, 2012
Hello Jonathan, I am speechless at this work of art. I see 2 boxes and a pair of sunglasses. Nice work and bright colors Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on January 19, 2012
J-baby, I always enjoy viewing your artwork. Keep them coming. Love Aunt Carol.
-- carol
- on January 19, 2012
I'll take the yellow house! Very cute! You are doing a very nice job with your shapes! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on January 19, 2012
J-baby, I like your cute little houses, they are very colorful. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on January 19, 2012
Hi Jonathan, Cool trees! The cardinals are beautiful. Hope we see sunny days this winter! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on January 19, 2012
J-baby, Love your evergreens because they are so cheerful at this time of the year. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on December 16, 2011
What beautiful evergreens! It looks like a Christmas tree farm! Very nice work! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on December 14, 2011
Hello Jonathan, those are scrumptious lookin lolli poops on a stik Lemon is one of my fav;rites Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on December 12, 2011
Hi Jonathan! This is the cutest wooley bear I have ever seen! Great job drawing your circles! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on December 7, 2011
Hi Jonathan, That is one neat caterpillar. He has so many feet. Guess they are good for getting around to different places. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on December 5, 2011
J-baby, Your wooley bear is so cute. Is he happy because he thinks a lot of snow is coming? Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on December 5, 2011
Jonathan, I like your bunch of white grapes. Great work. Love Aunt Barbie Doll
-- Barbara
- on November 29, 2011
Hi Jonathan, Love your grapes! Grapes are Grandpa's favorite fruit. Yours look yummy! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on November 29, 2011
Hi Austin, Yummy grapes! This fruit is one of Grandpa's favorite. It is a neat bunch! Love, grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on November 22, 2011
Hi Jonathan! Your bundle of grapes looks delicious! Very nice job making your circles! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on November 19, 2011
J-Baby, I like your grapes, they look really tasty. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on November 19, 2011
Hellooooooooooo Jonnathan, Your green,yellow and red apples are making me hungry. Good work. They remind me of x-mas decorations Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on November 12, 2011
Jonathan, your apples look delicious, especially the red apples...yum!!! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on November 12, 2011
J-baby, Aunt Carol loves your green apple drawing and knows Uncle Eric will love it too. Aunt Carol will purchase something with your green apples drawing on it to give to Uncle Eric for Christmas...but it's a secret so don't tell Uncle Eric. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on November 12, 2011
I love your apples Jonathan, they look yummy:) Keep up the great work!
-- Sarah
- on November 12, 2011
Hi Jonathan, Wow! You had added color to your picture! Cool! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 30, 2011
Hi Jonathan! I am so excited to see your artwork! Your mice are super cute just like you! Great job! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on October 30, 2011
Hi Jonathan, We love your mice, the house, flowers and sun. Isn't it fun to draw? Your mice are so happy. Is there cheese near by? Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 30, 2011
J-baby, Did you draw Aunt Carol's mice?....I am very impressed. Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 30, 2011
Hi Jonathan, We love your first art work. It looks like a fun train to ride. Looking forward to more of your art! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Cheryl
- on October 24, 2011
J-Baby, I like your train. Is his name Thomas? Love Aunt Carol
-- Carol
- on October 24, 2011
Hi Jonathan looks like a house on wheels. Great coloring Love Aunt Barb
-- Barbara
- on October 24, 2011
Hi Jonathan! It's so nice to see your kindergarten artwork! You need a great job painting in the lines and your shapes look like they form a train! I like all of the colors you used. Great job! Love, Jennifer
-- Jennifer
- on October 24, 2011