Lillian1002's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Lillian1002's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it!
-- Dad
- on March 11, 2018
Very creative!
-- Dad
- on March 11, 2018
Lillian I love your new artwork. It is beautiful.
-- Lynn
- on March 6, 2018
Very creative! Dad
-- Mark
- on January 30, 2018
gorgeous! cannot wait to see in person. xo, mom
-- mom
- on January 30, 2018
Love it!
-- Lynn
- on May 31, 2017
Awesome job, Lillian!! Love it!!!
-- Auntie Trish
- on May 31, 2017
Great. Bobble head Lillian!
-- Lyle
- on May 20, 2017
That is great. Almost as good as my singing! xo, Dad
-- Mark
- on October 5, 2016
Lillian, I love your new artwork. Great colors! Grandma Lynn
- on June 6, 2016
Amazing! I love it! Great job!
-- Lynn
- on January 12, 2016
-- Dad
- on January 11, 2016
Once again a great piece of art Lillian. You do a great job
-- Lyle
- on December 1, 2015
Colors are amazing, Monkey! Lots of soul in this one!
-- Banana
- on December 1, 2015
Awesome job Lillian!!!
-- Trish
- on November 9, 2015
- on October 6, 2015
Love the mood of this piece, Lillian! :)
-- Mom
- on October 6, 2015
Great job Lillian!! Love it!! :)
-- Trish
- on March 16, 2015
Really a FULL Moon. As always, I love your great work!!
-- Lyle
- on March 16, 2015
Llillian, in my opinion, this is your best work to date. I absolutely love it. Keep up the great work!!
-- Lyle
- on March 4, 2015
Lillian, as always, your art work is outstanding! Love that big mug of Hot Chocolate with the whip cream.
-- Lyle
- on February 11, 2015
I love your new artwork. Beautiful colors and it looks so yummy!
-- Lynn
- on February 4, 2015
I just love what you were able to create in the sky, Monkey!
-- Lisa
- on October 8, 2014
Lillian, I love your new picture. Beautiful colors and great detail.

Grandma Lynn
- on May 13, 2014
Lillilan, your name turned into a bug!!!!! Oh My! Great work!! Grandpa Lyle
-- Lyle
- on March 5, 2014
Very Cool!
-- Dad
- on February 26, 2014
-- Dad
- on January 22, 2014
Lillian, your latest art work is outstanding! It reminds me of winter at your cottage. Great job! Grandpa Lyle
-- Lyle
- on January 22, 2014
Lillian, I love your latest abstract painting. It reminds me of many different things . You are a very good artist.
-- Grandpa Lyle
- on December 18, 2013
Congratulations Lillian!
-- Dad
- on October 28, 2013
hi everyone!i have gotten the popular artist award thanks to u!
-- lillian
- on October 24, 2013
Miss Lillian, love your monster drawing, I really enjoy the colors you used. I think I recognized some of the monsters... Uncle John, Uncle crazy Mike, maybe even daddy. What do you think? XOXO JoAnn
-- JoAnn
- on October 7, 2013
thanks everyone for all the great comments!Here is my newest artwork . hope you like it!
-- lillian
- on September 25, 2013
Lillian your South African Animal Portrait, the elephant, is outstanding. I especially like the colors. You did a fantastic job. Grandpa Lyle
- on May 23, 2013
Lillian, your winter scene is so beautiful. I can tell you put a lot of love and thought into it. You should be very proud of yourself.
-- JoAnn
- on December 15, 2012
I love your snowman Ms. Lillian! I especially like the heart shaped buttons!
-- Sue
- on December 12, 2011
Lillian, I love your snowman, especially the colors and all the snow falling. Great job!
-- Lyle
- on December 7, 2011
My sister is very creative. Her artwork is very good. I know her next piece of art will be very good too!
-- Miles
- on November 24, 2011
Very nice artwork Ms. Lillian! You used awesome colors. I love the detail that you added to your picture! Keep up the great artwork!
-- Sue
- on November 9, 2011
Lillian, I just love your artwork and especially your choice of colors. Outstanding!
-- Lyle
- on November 8, 2011