Gianni108's Comments (81)

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Below are comments about Gianni108's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Little Miss "G" Your art work has always been amazing but this years it is even more amazing!!!! "Awesome" Wonderful, beautiful just like you. Me and Pop Pop are so proud of your work. Love you Nona & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on May 7, 2013
Wait till PopPopo sees this one....swimming in the Coral Reef is one of his favorite things to do! You made this so lifelike I could hardly see the fishies swimming in and out of the coral! Have you gone scuba diving and i dont know about it? Love the jellyfish too. Take me next time....awesome. Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on April 30, 2013
I think this should be part of GIANNIS OWN DESIGNS style palette for your store. This one is so cool, it looks like 3D or even better, it sooo good it looks fake almost! The shadows and the shading, as always, Geecasso, fantabulous! Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on April 30, 2013
What a GORGEOUS piece to start your New Year off! And ARTIST OF THE WEEK (Again!!!) Congratulations Geecasso, we are so very proud of you. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Zachary, Julia, Zenzi & Teddy
-- Mommy
- on January 18, 2013
G-casso O.M.G. , you are so talented, KEEP UP the great work, you are truly growing as a artist!!!!! I am very proud of you as always LOVE DADDY
-- daddy
- on November 26, 2012
When you grow up and become a famous designer, this sneaker will make you a gazillionaire! You pay great attention to detail and you know what girls will love to wear. These are so very cool. Can I place an order please?? Love, Mommy
-- Mom
- on November 21, 2012
Gianni Gianni Gianni, I think I know what you were thinking when you created this masterpiece! Are you watching Teddy run around out back standing at your window?? This is fantabulous (fantastic & fabulous at the same time)!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your creativity and you know I love love love you!! Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on November 21, 2012
***Geecasso is your new name*** DADDY just loves your work!!! Keep up the great work and keep your dreams and art alive, Beautiful LOVE ALWAYS DADDY!!!!!!
- on November 7, 2012
Wow Gianni This is soooo gooood!!!! Amazing work for such a young lady Love Nonna & Pop pop
-- Peggy
- on November 7, 2012
Daddy just loves all of your art, Great work GG Daddy
-- dad
- on September 30, 2012
Love your new art work -I think you might have a future in the arts ahead of you... Do good in school - LOVE - Pop-Popo ( your cool granddad)
-- Jack
- on September 29, 2012
I know this wasnt one of your favorites, but is one of mine! Even if you dont like the prject, Daddy and I and Zachary and julia and Zenzi and Teddy just love seeing what you will come up with next. This year in second grade I just know you will have the best time, especially in art class! Love You, Love Mommy, Daddy, Zachary, Julia, Zenzi & Teddy
-- Mommy
- on August 16, 2012
This one is gorgeous young lady! I love seeing you express yourself through your art! You have such passion in your work and it shows!
-- Mom
- on August 16, 2012
G...if I didnt know you created this I would really think I was looking right through a stained glass window!! Your detail is amazing for someone your age, so young but you are almost 7!!
-- Mommy
- on August 16, 2012
It just brightens my day to see your beautiful art work!!! We love this one too. We give you so much credit for the beautiful work and all the effort you put into it but tell your art teacher she is a wonderful teacher as well. Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on August 15, 2012
Wow Gianni, There were 4 new piece's of your art work that I had not seen until today and I have to tell you they are your BEST yet. Your talent is amazing for your age. I am sure all of your fans feels the same way me & pop pop feel. It is wonderful that your school offers this opportunity for us all to share in such beautiful talent. Keep up the good work and enjoy every minute of it because we enjoy seeing your talent put into such beautiful pictures. We love you and are very proud of you. Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on May 22, 2012
WOW WOW WOW "G" Your Best YET!!! This is just Beautiful!!!! Love it Love it!!! Love you too!!! Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on March 20, 2012
Wow, Little Miss!!! This is by far my favorite!!! It is just beautiful and lovely just like you. Me and Pop Pop love you and all of your amazing art work!!! We hope you keep you passion for it. Love Nonna and Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on February 20, 2012
I dont even know what to say Gianni Latham. This is just absolutely positively fabulous dahling!! Keep on creating!! Love, Mommy
-- Mom
- on February 15, 2012
Gianni, This is a MASTERPIECE! Keep it up, keep it going and keep growing. You have massive TALENT. Everyone in our Family is very proud of you. I will see you this weekend and much love, Uncle John
-- John
- on January 5, 2012
Hi Gianni Me & Pop Pop were just looking at all of your new art work and just enjoyed them all. We can see so much talent and expression in each one of them. We hope you continue to enjoy art. Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on December 10, 2011
This was what you were showing me outside on the sidewalk wasnt it?? Awesome job kiddo, your color scheme is so fall like too. Great work! Love, Mommy
-- Mom
- on December 2, 2011
Gianni that is really cool, every time you suprise me with your skills as an artist, you are very creative, keep up the great art work!!! Love Daddy
-- Daddy
- on December 2, 2011
You painted 2 of my favorite creatures-a cat and a fish-are you available to come to my "Meet the Artist " class ?? you would definitely be the youngest one ever-keep on painting-love -pop-pop
-- jack
- on December 2, 2011
I can see why you are sooo very excited every week on Art day!! We look forward to seeing what new creations you will come up with! This one just makes me speechless young lady. You are so very talented. Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on October 26, 2011
- on October 26, 2011
- on October 26, 2011
I like this one. Keep up the good work
-- Jason
- on October 24, 2011
Hi Gianni, Me & Pop Pop just love ALL of your new art work. We know how much you love art and making and painting picture's and it really shows in your work. Keep enjoying Art and expressing yourself Your way!! We love you Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on October 24, 2011
Pop-pop is taking a "Meet the Artist " course-maybe someday I will be coming to your studio-keep up the beautiful work-Love Pop-pop
-- jack
- on October 18, 2011
Gianni Once again you are keeping up great work on your art! As always, we are so proud of you!! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Julia, Zachary, Zenzi & Teddy
-- Mommy
- on October 18, 2011
I love your Picasso, Gianni!
-- gail
- on October 15, 2011
Wow Gianni, I think this is one of my favorites!!! I hope you always love art because you are so very good at it. We are all very proud of you.. Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on October 15, 2011
I love your picture of the beach at nite-i hope that i can visit soon and go the real beach with you-maybe we will see real crabs-love pop-pop
-- jack
- on June 10, 2011
Gianni, i love your crabby!
-- Aunt Gail
- on June 10, 2011
Wonderful wonderful wonderful !!!! Me & pop pop love all of your art work!!!!
-- Peggy
- on June 10, 2011
Gianni, this looks just like the horseshoe crabs we find all over the beach! This one looks much friendlier though. I love the night sky in the background and how you gave crabby stuff to eat. FANTABULOUS WORK!!!
-- Mommy
- on June 10, 2011
That bridge is pretty amazing lil miss!! All of you art work is amazimg...Keep up the good work...We love you Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on June 7, 2011
Wonderful job sweetie...We love the colors you made your butterfly with....We love you Nonna & Pop pop
-- Peggy
- on June 7, 2011
O M double G GG!! I dont think this bridge will ever fall down!! You really made it strong!! I love your colors. You are absolutely amazing. Daddy and me are so PROUD OF YOU!!! Love, Mommy
-- Mom
- on April 29, 2011
what a beautiful picture-your artistic skills are surpassed only by your beauty !! love and kisses. pop-pop,peggy,murphy and casey
-- jack
- on May 11, 2011
Hi, Gianni! All your artwork is wonderful! I especially love your Easter Eggies and your Snowman with the beautiful snowflakes! I'm keeping them on my computer so I can look at them all the time,, Love, Aunt Gail
-- Gail
- on April 22, 2011
Hi Gianni. Me & Pop pop were just looking at all of you art work again. We just enjoy your talents so much. Your snake is amazing and we loved looking for all of the Easter eggs in this picture. We know how much you love painting and it shows in your pictures. Great job once again sweetie!!! We love you..Gabby can't wait to see you
-- Peggy
- on April 21, 2011
Very Nice Gianni, I love the colors, keep up the great work.... Love Mommy & Daddy
-- daddy
- on April 14, 2011
So Kool G, Love Daddy
-- Daddy
- on April 14, 2011
Great Job G G, I really love your artwork, keep up the great work and continue to use your imagination, I cant wait to see what you do next.... Love Daddy and Mommy
-- Daddy
- on April 14, 2011
Hey hey G.G! The time and effort you put into all your artwork is AMAZING!!! This Dragon is the coolest!! Love, Mommy
-- Mom
- on April 4, 2011
G-G I love the dragon you made, Keep up the Great work!!! Love Daddy
-- Daddy
- on April 4, 2011
Gianni, Wonderful - the Dragon is awesome! Your art is almost as pretty as you are. See you soon. Love, Uncle John
-- John
- on April 3, 2011
Once again, A wonderful piece of art that you have created. I think someday you may be famous for your talent, actually you already are to me & your pop pop. We love the colors, and we love you too. We are all so very proud of your talents and of you. Keep up the good work sweetie, see you soon.. Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on April 3, 2011
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! We love it sweetie...Love Nonna & Pop pop
-- Peggy
- on March 12, 2011
Wow oh wow G G, I can see how much effort you put into making this eclipse! I am so proud of you, you took your time and it sure turned out BEAUTIFUL!! This reminds me of the red moon eclipse we saw in the middle of the night! MAGNIFICENT WORK Young Lady! Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on March 6, 2011
Gianni I love your artwork, you are very creative just like me!
-- Daddy
- on March 6, 2011
What a beautiful Valentine!! I might have to give it to Murphy and Casey and tell them you made it just for them -I had fun last week at the pool with you and Julia and Mommy-you are such a good swimmer -love and kisses Pop-pop
-- Jack
- on February 12, 2011
Wow Sweetie this is awesome....Great job, once again!!! Love Nonna & Pop Pop
-- Peggy
- on February 7, 2011
Gianni is this why you wanted to know all about dragons the other day? You did a great job. Im glad you are my little sister. Love, Jul
-- Julia
- on February 4, 2011
Once again Gianni you have done a wonderful job!!! I bet this looked so cool with your red outfit for Chinese New Year!! I am so proud of your hard work. Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on February 4, 2011
This picture reminds of the sea creatures I see when I go scuba diving-maybe when you get older,we can do it together-beautiful painting-Love Pop-Pop
-- Jack
- on January 22, 2011
Gianni I love this painting! You have great talent. Keep on painting and drawing! Love, Uncle John
-- John
- on January 22, 2011
Gianni, This sea creature is beautiful!! I can tell you took your time with your colors and really used your imagination. Once again, great job and keep up the fantastic work!! Is this fish giving us a kiss??? Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on January 22, 2011
I think we are seeing a future Picasso !! Great work-keep it up, Love, PopPop
-- jack
- on January 15, 2011
Hi Gianni! I just had to tell you how beautiful your artwork is! I absolutely love the colors you used! I am so proud of you and all your hard work! You are such a sweet, pretty little girl with so much talent to offer! I am honored to know you! I just can't wait to see what you make next! Keep up the awesome work!
-- Lisa and Dominic xoxo
- on January 14, 2011
JonJon My oh my!!! I love the polka dot and heart curtains and it looks like its around sunset looking in our backyard when it turns purplish!! Keep up the great work kiddo!! Love,Mommy
-- Mommy
- on January 13, 2011
Oh My Gianni what wonderful art work you have made. Pop Pop and I are looking at all of your pictures togehter and we are so amazed at how well you draw and express yourself for being only 5 yrs old. They are terrific. We are so proud of you and your art and your award. We love you Love Nonna & Pop pop
-- Peggy
- on December 17, 2010
Oh My Gianni what wonderful art work. You are so talented for only being 5 yrs old. and Nauna is sooo proud of you and your award...Pop Pop looked at it with me and he said he can't believe how well you express your self... He too is so proud of you..We love you
-- Peggy
- on December 17, 2010
Absolutely awesome!!! Gianni your creativity is way beyond your years. I see a natural born artist in you, not only do I like the snowman, every piece of art is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, mom-mom Carol
-- Carol
- on December 15, 2010
ARTIST OF THE WEEK AT YOUR SCHOOL!!!! Wow G we couldnt be prouder! Seeing this picture in the big frame with the ribbons right in the center of your school gave me goosebumps! I can tell you really take your time when you create art. Keep it up kiddo. Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on December 14, 2010
Gianni, This is truly a beautiful painting. In the house your Mom and I grew up in, this was the view out of the living room window. I love it! Keep on creating beautiful art. Love, John
-- John
- on December 13, 2010
Gianni, This scene is well done, you even have a shaddow from the trees, Keep up the great art work!!! Love Daddy & Mommy

-- dad
- on December 12, 2010
Great job Gianni, this snowman is really cool, Brr Brrrrrrrrr LOVE DADDY
-- daddy
- on December 12, 2010
Gianni I love this scene, it looks so peaceful, your artwork just gets better, the shaddowing at the bottom of the trees are a well done touch.... Great Job Love Daddy
-- Dad
- on December 13, 2010
Great work , Gianni. I think your trees are very pretty. Love Mom Mom
-- Joanne
- on December 12, 2010
The pumpkins, the pumpkins, the pumpkins! These are way cool GG. You did a really good job with your different shapes. I am glad we worked on those hexagons! Cool hair too. Love, Jul
-- Julia
- on December 12, 2010
Gianni this looks like the caterpillars we caught out by the bay! You did a great job and I love seeing your creations! Love, Mom Mom at the Beach
-- Joanne
- on December 12, 2010
Gianni I love this and I love seeing it when i am working on our loud corvette! VROOOM VVVRRRROOOOMMMM Thank you for giving it to me. Love, Daddy
-- Curt
- on December 12, 2010
Gianni you are so creative. Every time I see your art, I know you try your best because it shows! Keep it up Jon Jon! I cant decide which is my favorite, but this is one of them!!
-- Mommy
- on December 12, 2010
Your trees are great. Good job.
-- Jason
- on December 12, 2010
Gianni We are so IMPRESSED with all of your work!! The detail on this one is absolutely AMAZING young lady!! Each new piece of art just seems to get better! Keep up the GREAT WORK, Jon Jon!! Love, Mommy, Daddy & Julia
-- Mommy
- on December 11, 2010
Hi Gianni - this is soooo neat! Love the tree you looks great!
-- TT
- on December 2, 2010
Gianni I love this tree!! You made the best tree and I can tell you really took your time. Is this the tree in our front yard or the one on the side by the driveway?? Keep on doing a great job JonJon, I am so proud of you!! I love you, Love Mommy
-- Kelly
- on November 30, 2010
Gianni I am so IMPRESSED!! You are turning into quite the artist young lady!! We are so proud of you! Love, Mommy
-- Kelly
- on November 16, 2010