Ava1154's Comments (66)

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Below are comments about Ava1154's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful job!!! Looks like our house! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on June 30, 2012
The disco ball is my favorite honey!!! love the colors
Love , Momma
- on June 30, 2012
This is great too my love!!!you are doing sooooo awesome in art!!! i love it!! Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Looks like you had fun drawing the jelly bean!!!! I know how you love jelly beans!!! Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Tat is soo neat how you draw and switch love!!! Love Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Love the colors you used Ava!!! GREAT job!!! Love Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Absolutely beautiful doll!! love, Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Very nice love!!! i take it you learned to draw yourself huh?! Love, Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Awesome job of drawing your school mascot, a Bengal!!! Keep up the good work!! Love you Momma
-- maragret
- on June 30, 2012
Wow.....Neat looking fish Ava!!! I wonder if we have one of those? Love, Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Ava, I love how u named your snail Ella!!! She is a very pretty snail! Good job Bug!!! Love you, Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Ava, I really like this fish, looks like one of ours! Love you Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Ava, Momma absolutely loves this bee!!! Very colorful Bug!! Love u, Momma
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Cool dragonfly bug! I love it!!! Love you Momma!
-- margaret
- on June 30, 2012
Ava, This is one of my favorites! I love your color choices!
-- Kathy (art teacher)
- on June 30, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “Imagination is the highest kite you can fly” ~ Lauren Bacall Have a happy summer and imagine.
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
From Ms. Jadud “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s word is one hundred percent.” Horton Hears a Who - Dr. Seuss
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s word is one hundred percent.” Horton Hears a Who ~ Dr. Suess
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
from Ms. Jadud: "If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." ~Mark Twain
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
I like how you painted carefully in the shapes and the lines. Nice job making the colors too. Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
I love all the colors you made Ava, I especially love the big face in the corner. I want to know the story in this picture. Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on June 30, 2012
Ava i love your gumball machine! I LOVE the different kinds of gumballs. They look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy! I can't wait to blow bubbles with the gumballs!
-- Isabella
- on June 30, 2012
Ava, what an amazing job of coloring neatly!!!! I love all the pretty colors!!! Good job Bug! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 23, 2011
Ava, this is absolutely beautiful!!! Your coloring gets better n better with all of your artwork! I remember when sissy did the exact same artwork in 1st grade!!!! Love you, Momma!
-- Margaret
- on September 23, 2011
Ava, This is a way cool insect!!! It looks like a lady bug & butterfly! I like how you made a cute little smiley on her face :) Great job "Bug!" Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 22, 2011
Wow! I bet this was soooo much fun to paint! Especially singing the songs. Your rainbow is magical and your birds look soooo real! :) All my Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 8, 2011
Oh Ava, this is one of Momma's favorites!!!! I really love how you thought of your family & Abby while you were drawing this! We all love you sooooo very very much!!! Keep up your beautiful artwork!!!! Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 8, 2011
Ava, Awesome picture of yourself! I love it!!!!! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 8, 2011
Ava, Oh my goodness! This lion looks sooooo scary! You did such a great job! I'm very proud of you :) Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on September 8, 2011
Great Bengal drawing. Have a happy Bengal summer! from Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on September 7, 2011
Ava, what a wonderful job you did on your self portrait!!!! It looks sooo much like you! You are amazing love!!! MWAH!!!! Love, Momma :)
-- Margaret
- on April 25, 2011
Wow Ava, this is soooooo cool! I love the curved lines and the beautiful colors you used. great job!!! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on April 25, 2011
Ava, I just absolutely love your artwork honey!!! Keep up the great work!! Love U, Momma
-- Margaret
- on April 25, 2011
OH MY AVA!!! I love your ladybug :) you did a great job!!! Keep up the good work XOXO
-- Gina
- on April 25, 2011
My sweet Lil Ava Ava, Your heart girl is sooooo pretty!!! Great job honey!!!! Keep up the great work!
-- margaret
- on March 4, 2011
Great job Ava! Love your HEART person! X0X0 Teta Gina
-- Gina
- on March 4, 2011
Ava, Love your art work!!! The shapes and the colors LOVE IT!!! Auntie Deek Deek
-- Rodica
- on March 4, 2011
Ava, What a great job you're doing in art class! You know how to use your colors & shapes so nicely! Maybe one day you'll be a professional artist, wouldn't that be great! Love you lots, Teta Gina XOXO
-- Gina
- on February 3, 2011
Ava, oh my goodness, GREAT JOB in connecting your shapes!!! You are getting better and better everytime I see your artwork!!! KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL JOB YOU ARE DOING!!!! LOVE YOU, MOMMA :))
-- margaret
- on February 1, 2011
Awesome job with the blocks! Your coloring is getting so much better!!! Keep it up baby! Love you, Momma
-- margaret
- on February 1, 2011
Oh Ava, your shapes are so cool, great job honey!!! Is that a picture of you? I really like it!!! Love, Momma
-- margaret
- on February 1, 2011
Oh Ava this is really neat...is it really fuzzy? :) Love you, Momma
-- margaret
- on February 1, 2011
Great job with your patterns Ava, keep it up!!! I love the colors you chose! Love, Momma
-- margaret
- on February 1, 2011
Ava, Momma really loves how you drew your snowmen!!! I also like the snow falling, and teh neat colors you used! Great job using your imagination baby!!!! LOVE YOU, MOMMA :))
-- Margaret
- on January 2, 2011
Ava, I really like how you mixed red and blue to make purple! Your grapes look so delicious! You're doing such a great job! LOVE U, Momma :)
-- margaret
- on January 2, 2011
I LOVE your flowers. Such pretty colors you used! Good job using your imagination! Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on November 28, 2010
Wow honey, you did an amazing job on these apples! Great coloring inside the circles!!! Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on November 28, 2010
Momma loves your wooley bear!!!! His face is soooo cute baby. You're doing a great job! Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on November 28, 2010
Oh Ava, these apples look so yummy!!!! Great job Honey!!!! Love you, Momma
-- Margaret
- on December 1, 2010
Ava, Your gumball machine is so colorful. Can Momma have a piece? Great job! LOVE YOU, Momma
-- Margaret
- on November 22, 2010
Ava, wow are you doing a wonderful job honey!!!! I relly love how you did all different shapes here with the triangle stamp! Also, how you made people out of your triangles :))) Love you, Momma :)
-- Margaret
- on November 22, 2010
Ava, Ava...what a great job drawing your lines in all different directions! Love how you used all the pretty colors in different ways! Love, Momma! :)))
-- Margaret
- on October 26, 2010
Oh Ava, I LOVE YOUR 1st drawing!!!! Is that me & Daddy? LOVE YOU, MOMMA :))))
-- Margaret
- on October 25, 2010
Ava, good job on your lines! You are doing such a good job!!! Keep it up sweetie!! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on October 24, 2010
AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to see it colored in honey!!! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on October 24, 2010
Ava, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE all the different shapes you made!!!! I also love how you colored the artwork!! Keep it up my lil girl!!! :) LOVE YOU, MOMMA
-- Margaret
- on October 24, 2010
beautiful keep up the good work
-- anthony
- on October 24, 2010
nice lines very pretty
-- anthony
- on October 24, 2010
nice stamp work
-- anthony
- on October 24, 2010
very colorful
-- anthony
- on October 24, 2010
very pretty ava
-- anthony pesce
- on October 24, 2010
Oh my gosh Ava! What a beautiful job you did of drawing Momma & Daddy! :) LOVE IT! Your 1st drawing, and IT IS THE BEST :)))) MWAH!
-- Margaret
- on October 25, 2010
Wow Ava, look at those lines! I love how you used all those bright beautiful colors! Love, Momma
-- Margaret
- on October 22, 2010
LOVE all your cool circles & zigzags!!! Keep up the good work honey!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
-- Margaret
- on October 22, 2010
My Sweet Little Ava, I LOVE your flower and the two pictures of the girl's. You did an AMAZING job!!!! Keep up the great work!!! Mama can not wait to see more!!! :))))
-- Margaret
- on October 22, 2010