Abby3396's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Abby3396's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Calvin talking to Hobbes, “When a kid grows up, he has to be something. He can’t just stay the way he is. But a tiger grows up and stays a tiger why is that?” Hobbes replies, “No room for improvement.” ? ~ Calvin and Hobbes
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on July 3, 2013
I have selected this piece of your art to represent Big Creek Elementary at the Berea Arts Fest on September 8, 2013. There will be 70 pieces from Big Creek to join others from other Berea schools in the BCSD Art Display. The display will be by the pavilion on Coe Lake, behind the Berea Library. This is a free ARTS event with great food, music, and many artists selling their wares. Hope to see you there! Congratulations, Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on July 3, 2013
I have selected this piece of your art to represent Big Creek Elementary at the Berea Arts Fest on September 8, 2013. There will be 70 pieces from Big Creek to join others from other Berea schools in the BCSD Art Display. The display will be by the pavilion on Coe Lake, behind the Berea Library. This is a free ARTS event with great food, music, and many artists selling their wares. Hope to see you there! Congratulations, Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on July 3, 2013
I am pleased to announce that I added your artwork to the bulletin board display for the Board of Education that will be for the month of September 2013. You and your family can view the display on the BCSD website, or see it in person in Staff Room #1 at that time. Congratulations, Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on July 3, 2013
I LOVE this little guy! I cannot wait until he flies home! I have to perfect spot for him! He is just so darn cute! Just like you!
-- Kitty
- on April 8, 2013
from Ms. Jadud: What the hen said when she saw the scrambled eggs….."my children are all mixed up!"
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on April 8, 2013
This is so cute! This is exactly how the new birdies that came back a couple of weeks ago look every morning I bet! I love the smile I get looking at your work! I love you! Mom
-- Kathryn
- on March 9, 2013
from Ms. Jadud: "The woods would be quiet if no bird sang but the one that sang best." ~ Henry van Dyke
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on March 8, 2013
This is even prettier in person! It makes our dining room wall so much more colorful! :) I love you! Mom
-- Kathryn
- on March 8, 2013
from Ms. Jadud: "Some people care too much, I think it's called love." ~ Winnie the Pooh
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on March 6, 2013
I love the hearts ! How perfect for Valentine's Day ! Your artwork is always beautiful Abby just like you. Love you .Aunt Kelly
-- Kelly
- on February 11, 2013
Your birds are so pretty.
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on January 15, 2013
from Ms. Jadud: “Where does the white go when the snow melts?” ~ anonymous
-- Kathy - art teacher
- on January 15, 2013
We can hear the birds singing just looking at this! How lovely and happy of a picture!
-- Kathryn
- on January 15, 2013
Hi Miss Abby, I love your Poppy Field.... You are just amazing to me, keep up the good work.!!!!! love you lots and lots
-- kelly
- on October 22, 2012
Hi Abby, Congratulations! I selected your picture to be in Berea City Schools Art Display at the Berea Arts Fest Sunday, September 9, 2012. I hope you and your family have the time to go and see this wonderful picture representing the Big Creek art program.
-- Kathy (art teacher)
- on July 28, 2012
Abby, you always amaze me with the way you use colors and lines. The designs are so detailed. This has to be the most complicated owl ever! What an artist you are!
-- Kathy (art teacher)
- on July 28, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “Imagination is the highest kite you can fly” ~ Lauren Bacall Have a happy summer and imagine.
-- Kathy
- on July 28, 2012
I loved this so much you helped me to make it at home! How much fun this was to learn! Very creative!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
I have to say that this one is most definitely one of my favorites! How pretty and cute!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
What a smile on my face for the this one! Your depth perception is really taking off!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
What a great view of yourself honey! You are really beginning to capture the essence of a person in your portraits! Keep up the great work!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
What a cutie!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
I love the effect you used for the flower and the ladybugs are so cute! This makes me feel happy!
-- Mom
- on June 25, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
-- Kathy
- on June 7, 2012
From Ms. Jadud “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s word is one hundred percent.” Horton Hears a Who - Dr. Seuss
-- Kathy
- on June 7, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s word is one hundred percent.” Horton Hears a Who ~ Dr. Suess
-- Kathy
- on June 7, 2012
Hi Abby.... I was just peaking at all your recent art work. Your just an amazing little artist ! I love the Heart for Valentines Day too. I love you, Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!
-- kelly
- on June 7, 2012
from Ms. Jadud: "If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." ~Mark Twain
-- Kathy
- on June 7, 2012
Abby, I am constantly blown away at your creative and fantastic imagination and your ability to put that in your drawings and writings. I love being your Mom and having the privledge of being in your life. You are such a fun and energetic person! I love you and am very proud of all of these pieces of art! Your future is truly exciting to watch unfold everyday! If you can continue to express your emotions in your art, I think you may have already figured out the secret to a happy life and you are only 7! ;)
-- Mommy
- on December 28, 2011
you are a really good artist i love the slay in the backround i thought that was very cool. I like your art you are very creative!
-- abby
- on December 20, 2011
that's adorable Abby! it's a kitty-cat isn't it?
-- Viki
- on October 26, 2011
she's cuuuuute!
-- Viki
- on October 26, 2011
Great Job Abby !
-- kelly
- on September 23, 2011
Great Job on ur Fish ! He looks terrific . Keep up the good work. I love you
-- Kelly
- on May 14, 2011
Hi Abby.....this is one of my favorites ! How cute...great bumblebees . Your quite the artist my dear niece. I love you
-- kelly
- on May 7, 2011
I'm so glad you drew that picture Abby, now I know what I was bitten by last week!!!! It was a buggy that looked just like that one. :)
-- Viki
- on April 27, 2011
Abby, I'm so proud of you! Your artwork and letters are outstanding. Keep up the good work. Love u
-- kelly
- on April 7, 2011
Your lion scares and delights us. He's wonderful! Love,PaPa and GG
-- PaPa and GG
- on March 21, 2011
Adorable....that there heart looks like she's from Texas!!! I think I've seen her walking around down here...yee haw lil lady!!! luv ya!
-- Viki
- on February 23, 2011
Hi Abby ! this is my favorite... how cute !! Great job..I love you
-- kelly
- on February 23, 2011
Abby,Your latest artwork looks like a beautiful stained glass window! We love it!
-- PaPa and G.G.
- on February 2, 2011
I love all your drawings and art work... the snowman drawing is absolutely wonderful !
-- Aunt Kelly
- on January 12, 2011 cute Abby!
-- Viki
- on January 13, 2011
-- Viki
- on December 14, 2010
oh my goodness Abby-dabby-doo, you are such an artist, I love your drawings and I love you too!
-- Aunt Viki
- on December 13, 2010
absolutely. Beautiful! The daisy is gorgeous, that's my favorite flower. Great job Abby. Love,Aunt Kelly
-- kelly
- on December 13, 2010
Your art work is very good using geometric shapes,good job!
-- PaPa and G.G.
- on October 17, 2010
I love your pictures Abby-Dabby-Doo!!!! big love, -Aunt Viki-
-- Aunt Viki
- on October 13, 2010
Abby.... love all the circles and great bright colors ! Your you
-- kelly
- on October 2, 2010
Abby..... Wow ! You did an awesome job on that art project . Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Kelly
-- kelly
- on September 28, 2010
I love your picture Abby!!!! Love -Aunt Viki-
-- Viki
- on September 26, 2010
How beautiful,colorful and interesting your artwork is, honey!
-- G.G.and PaPa
- on September 17, 2010
Wonderful, a masterpiece !
-- Tom
- on September 16, 2010
Abby, your artwork is wonderful ! Great Job !!! I can't wait to see your next project. Love, Aunt Kelly
-- kelly
- on September 16, 2010